Bosnia and Herzegovina is Andalusia in the making
The land swap between Kosovo and Serbia will inevitably lead to another disaster in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ✔ Over the years, he has spent millions of dollars on lobbying in Washington with the aim of breaking the consensus within the US political elite on the inviolability of Bosnian borders ✔ ABOUT THE AUTHOR Emir Suljagic Emir Suljagic is ex-deputy defence minister of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fukushima mulls action against Netflix over Dark Tourist video of 3/11 hot zone
The Fukushima Prefectural Government is concerned the video will generate unfounded rumors about the recovering areas around the nuclear plant. ✔ The video of the Fukushima tour attracted attention initially online and has been covered by overseas media ✔ In its Dark Tourist series, the New Zealand journalist travels to places associated with negative historical events around the world, including a former nuclear test site in Kazakhstan
Med & board voyage was heaven Sant
SUNNY Santorini has a flavour all of its own. ✔ These famous berries also feature in another speciality made of creamy goat’s cheese on a bed of breadcrumbs and thyme with a smear of wonderful red purée on top ✔ Next up was Crete and its port and main city, Heraklion ✔ To book, visit or call 03453 555 111
British troops sleep under tarpaulin sheets and endure plague of rats
The squalid conditions exist at Tidworth Garrison in Wiltshire and St David’s Barracks in Oxfordshire. At Tidworth, conditions have been likened to ‘a disaster zone in a Third World country’. ✔ The Ministry of Defence confirmed that troops at Tidworth Garrison, which will eventually be home to about a third of the Army, were sleeping beneath tarpaulin, but said they had been offered alternative accommodation ✔ Meals are being provided at another site as a safety precaution.’
The future of #MeToo: 'The movement is bigger than Asia Argento'
Sexual misconduct claims against Argento, which caused a rift between her and fellow campaigner Rose McGowan, won’t stall the movement, say activists ✔ Others hope it will spark a more nuanced discussion ✔ Rose McGowan distanced herself from fellow #MeToo campaigner Asia Argento when allegations of sexual assault were brought against Argento ✔ I know where many of the skeletons are buried, to use the cliché
Former prime ministers mourn Korean victims of 1923 quake
Two former prime ministers sent their condolences to the Korean victims of the 1923 Great Kanto Eart ✔ The message of Yukio Hatoyama, who served as prime minister from 2009 to 2010, said, We should squarely face the facts of history in order to create a peaceful society ✔ A Buddhist memorial ceremony was held the same day within the same park organized by an association affiliated with the Tokyo metropolitan government ✔ However, there was nothing in the message about the Korean victims
Ed Balls slams Jeremy Corbyn over remarks about Jews and says Labour leader must show he understands anti-semitism outrage
ED Balls has said Jeremy Corbyn “crossed the line” with remarks he has made about Jews and must show he understands why the Jewish community is “upset and worried”. The form… ✔ Reuters 8 Frank Field has vowed to overturn his Labour Party suspension She told the Sunday Mirror: It is my party as much as anyone else’s But moderate Jewish activists or councillors are being made to feel there’s no place in the party for us anymore
Brush fire burns 100 acres in beleaguered Santa Barbara County
The Ogilvy fire broke out about 4 p.m. Saturday near Ogilvy Ranch in the Los Padres National Forest, growing to 100 acres in an area weary of blazes. ✔ Madsen said the fire started at about 50 acres just after 4:30 p.m. Saturday and three hours later had doubled in size ✔ View from top of Gibraltor rd justin christensen (@christensen_jmc) September 1, 2018 Justin Christensen, a Carpinteria resident, was glad to hear it ✔ You wonder when it’ll stop and if we can get six months through the year without something else happening
Mass shooting fears after huge weapons arsenal found at Sydney home
Police have found a massive arsenal of semi-automatic rifles, crossbows, hundreds of knives and swords and ballistics vests at a home in Sydney's west. ✔ More than 100 knives and swords were found ✔ For an individual with this level of focus and this level of training, [this is] one of the most significant seizure, we're talking about adding capability to obviously a very disturbed [individual], Mr Smith said ✔ We are conscious of what is happening around the world and NSW police are here to mitigate the risk
Locked in a small room called North Korea
undefined ✔ It is really hard to move up levels, but very easy to move down ✔ Casey Lartigue Jr., co-founder of the Teach North Korean Refugees Global Education Center, is the 2017 winner of the Social Contribution Prize from the Hansarang Rural Cultural Foundation and the 2017 winner of the Global Award from Challenge Korea
One little Syrian refugee didn't stop drawing. She gave me this message to show you | Ben Quilty
When Ben Quilty and Richard Flanagan saw a picture by six-year-old Heba, they knew they had to share it with the world ✔ In 2016, with my friend Richard Flanagan, I stopped at a transit station halfway across Serbia ✔ Three dirty black buses rolled into the makeshift rest stop and 200 Syrian people climbed down off the big final bus step in need of food and a toilet break ✔ The picture Heba drew of the dreams she had of bombs falling in Syria
Trump called Texas Sen. Cruz 'Lyin' Ted.' Now he's going to stump for his reelection
President Trump says he'll ride to the rescue of onetime bitter rival Sen. Ted Cruz this fall, the strongest indication yet that the Texas conservative firebrand is getting nervous about his challenger, a liberal darling with a growing national profile. ✔ President Trump says he'll ride to the rescue of onetime bitter rival Sen ✔ A super PAC aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Friday it was prepared to help if necessary ✔ We're team players, said Chris Pack of the McConnell-backed Senate Leadership Fund
My mission to hunt down the vile sex predators targeting children on the web
Each morning, before she has breakfast with her family, Lucy logs on to her laptop to check the messages waiting for her. Many are from men posting naked photos of themselves, others ask for explicit images. ✔ I feel like I’ve found something I can do that makes a difference, she says resolutely ✔ Of the forces that responded, almost half (47 per cent) of the cases in 2017 – of the crime of meeting a child following sexual grooming – used evidence from groups
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