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War Countries - SERIES 155 {30 articles}

Gavin Williamson commits extra British troops in Ukraine to stop Russia 'reversing Cold War outcome'

9/20/2018, 9:11:30 PM
Only a month ago, a Ukrainian soldier was killed by sniper fire at the spot where Gavin Williamson, the Defence Secretary, is now standing. ✔ Cyber attacks are common with Ukrainian military personnel regularly harassed on their personal mobile phones ✔ It was time to get back in the heavily armoured vehicles and head West, to the relative safety of Kiev ✔ As long as the danger lasts we will continue to stand by your side

Trump Releases Names of Two Service Members Returned From North Korea

9/20/2018, 11:50:15 PM
President Trump on Thursday announced the names of the first two service members identified from the war remains which North Korea returned to the U.S. after a June summit meeting in Singapore. ✔ Dr. Jennie Jin of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency showed some of the objects that accompanied the human remains handed over by North Korea, including a wallet, buttons and canteens, at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii on Sept ✔ McDaniel’s sons plan to speak Friday at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Honolulu to commemorate National POW/MIA Recognition Day, officials said

What will it take for North Korea to denuclearise?

9/20/2018, 9:36:44 PM
Reports say US is insisting on unilateral and complete denuclearisation, but North Korea demands 'simultaneous' action. ✔ Pyongyang's desires Is North Korea's timeline denuclearise for real ✔ Nevertheless, Kim has already made the Trump administration back off from military exercises and from the Libyan model of rapid denuclearisation, observers say ✔ Fault Lines Fire and Fury: Trump's North Korea Crisis

Next round of US-North Korea diplomacy moves to New York

9/20/2018, 11:11:39 PM
Trump and Pompeo to headline events at UN, but gaps with Pyongyang remain ✔ Moon also said he intended to negotiate toward declaring an end to the Korean War, a goal the North has sought ✔ Pompeo later congratulated Moon and Kim for the successful outcome of their summit in a statement and said the U.S. is prepared to engage immediately in negotiations with the North ✔ Try 3 months for $9 Offer ends September 30th

US pulls North Korea to home turf to lock in diplomatic gains

9/20/2018, 11:45:37 PM
Trump and Pompeo will use UN events to narrow gaps on denuclearization ✔ Moon also said he intended to negotiate toward declaring an end to the Korean War, a goal the North has sought ✔ Pompeo later congratulated Moon and Kim for the successful outcome of their summit in a statement and said the U.S. is prepared to engage immediately in negotiations with the North ✔ Try 3 months for $9 Offer ends September 30th

A ‘massive’ spike in oil smuggling has eased the economic pressure on North Korea

9/20/2018, 11:14:55 PM
As sanctions enforcement eases, Kim Jong Un may secure enough breathing room to avoid moving on denuclearization. ✔ On June 29, the vessel pulled alongside a small, unidentified foreign tanker in the South China Sea to take on a load of petroleum before heading back to its home port ✔ Then this game becomes rather complex and difficult to solve ✔ Min Joo Kim in Seoul and Ellen Nakashima in Washington contributed to this report

UAE-backed separatist leader vows to continue Hodeidah offensive

9/20/2018, 8:51:08 PM
Yemen commander Aidarous al-Zubaidi says Hodeidah offensive launched by UAE-Saudi coalition will not stop again. ✔ But we are looking beyond the liberation of Hodeidah, which will be in the interests of the city's population ✔ The war has taken a huge toll on the Arab world's most impoverished country millions of Yemenis at risk of famine amid a massive cholera outbreak

Globally, losing the fight against cancer and other chronic diseases

9/20/2018, 11:34:52 PM
More than half of all UN countries will fail to meet a goal of a one-third cut in premature deaths stemming from four noncommunicable diseases by 2030. ✔ All told, noncommunicable diseases account for 7 of every 10 deaths worldwide, Ezzati said, noting that this largest cause of premature death in the world is not being sufficiently addressed relative to the amount of ill health that it causes, especially for the worst off

Moon: North, South aim for declaration this year to end Korean War

9/20/2018, 11:54:35 PM
SEOUL--North Korea's Kim Jong Un wants a second summit with U.S. President Donald Trump soon to hast ✔ While Pyongyang has stopped nuclear and missile tests this year, it failed to keep its pledge to allow international inspections of its dismantling of the Punggye-ri site in May, stirring criticism that the move could be reversed ✔ We have that shared understanding with the countries ✔ That was one of the things discussed, according to my understanding of it, over the past few days ✔ relations, after the North achieves complete denuclearization

To protect arms sales, Pompeo favors sole voice backing renewed support of Saudis in Yemen – report

9/20/2018, 8:24:21 PM
Mike Pompeo certified that Saudi Arabia was reducing civilian casualties in Yemen, against the majority opinion in the State Department, siding with a minority report which warned US arms sales would be in jeopardy if he didn’t. ✔ The opposing voices included the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, and the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration as well as legal advisers tasked with taking part in the policy review

Oil Bulls Should Worry About a Trade War

9/20/2018, 8:24:35 PM
Sanctions on Iran and Venezuela’s woes will reduce supplies of oil, but U.S. tariffs on China, the No. 1 energy consumer, could shrink demand. ✔ Iran’s crude and condensate exports averaged 1.92 million barrels a day in August, down from 2.32 million in July, according to estimates from S&P Global Platts ✔ The bigger factor through the rest of the year is likely demand rather than supply, says Brian Youngberg, senior energy analyst at Edward Jones, and the real threat to oil demand comes from the broader economic downturn in emerging markets as a whole, not just China

Fulfilling a dream, S Korea's Moon visits sacred N Korean mountain with Kim

9/20/2018, 10:40:56 PM
South Korean President Moon Jae-in cleared a top item off his bucket list on Thursday: Climbing Mt Paektu in North Korea with its leader Kim Jong Un. After the two leaders pledged new steps aimed at salvaging nuclear talks on Wednesday, Moon and Kim decided to use the final day… ✔ Moon is known for his love of mountain climbing and has trekked in the Himalayas at least twice ✔ There is our old saying that we greet the sun at Paektu, and greet the unification at Halla, Kim's wife, Ri Sol Ju, said ✔ Moon's parents fled the North during the 1950-53 Korean War, shortly before Moon was born in South Korea in 1953

Abe seeks to cement legacy but hurdles await in his final term

9/20/2018, 9:05:10 PM
Japanese leader's grip hinges on next year's upper house election ✔ Japan's entire baby boom generation will be at least 75 years old in 2025, and the cost of their care is expected to swell further ✔ Spending wisely, rather than simply throwing money at the problem, will be key ✔ Try 3 months for $9 Offer ends September 30th

South Korea says Pyongyang willing to open up nuclear-weapons test site

9/20/2018, 9:52:45 PM
Outside inspectors would verify North Korea's claims of destroying Punggye-ri site ✔ In an apparent attempt to assuage U.S. concerns, Mr. Moon said that the peace declaration would be a purely political statement that wouldn't be legally binding ✔ Get unique insights on Asia, the most dynamic market in the world ✔ Try 3 months for $9 Offer ends September 30th

Idlib catastrophe can be prevented

9/20/2018, 8:01:44 PM
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon writes that the Russia-Turkey deal to stave off the Idlib offensive shows what might be possible when US public and private diplomacy is at work. ✔ MUST WATCH Idlib families preparing for the worst 01:48 Gayle Tzemach Lemmon is an adjunct senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations ✔ The opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author; view more opinion articles on CNN ✔ But it is not impossible -- if political will and diplomatic determination exist

AP Analysis: Trump heads to UN as US retreats from world

9/20/2018, 9:52:05 PM
WASHINGTON (AP) — America first? Try America first, second and third. As President Donald Trump prepares for his second U.N. General Assembly, the Olympics of intern ✔ When former Secretary of State John Kerry left the State Department for the last time on January 19, 2017, he told diplomats that the United States was more engaged in more places in this world with greater positive impact than at any time in American history

North Korea's Kim wants another Trump summit to speed...

9/20/2018, 9:47:52 PM
North Korea's Kim Jong Un wants a second summit with U.S. President Donald ... ✔ REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Moon said he and Kim spent most of a three-day summit discussing how to break an impasse and restart nuclear talks between Pyongyang and Washington, which are at odds over which should come first, denuclearization or ending the war ✔ We have that shared understanding with the countries ✔ Asked why this detail was not in the document signed by Moon and Kim, Nauert replied: We have had conversations .. ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Kim wants 2nd Trump summit as denuclearizing N.Korea is on the horizon

9/20/2018, 8:10:39 PM
The president said that the remains were returned 'as a result of my Summit with Chairman Kim' as he again cast his meeting with the North Korean dictator in June as a success. ✔ One of the bodies belonged to Army Master Sgt ✔ The official spoke to on condition of anonymity to acknowledge sensitive discussions behind the scenes, and said locations for a potential follow-up summit have been discussed inside the National Security Council

As Bodyguard reaches its climax, we round up the suspects for Julia's death

9/20/2018, 11:37:11 PM
AFTER weeks of bewildering plot twists, only one thing is certain – Bodyguard’s ending is bound to be a big surprise. Given the nest of vipers in the BBC1  drama, anyone could be behind the terror … ✔ AFTER weeks of bewildering plot twists, only one thing is certain – Bodyguard’s ending is bound to be a big surprise ✔ Meanwhile, MI5 head Hunter-Dunn (Stuart Bowman), above, is now starting to show just how sinister he is ✔ Travis is also very close to Anne Sampson as they both try to curtail the influence of the secret service

Moon to carry private message from Kim Jong Un to Trump

9/20/2018, 11:53:48 PM
SEOUL--A beaming South Korean President Moon Jae-in, freshly returned home Thursday from a whirlwind ✔ Experts say the destruction of the missile engine test site and launch pad wouldn't represent a material step in the denuclearization of North Korea, which declared its nuclear force complete last year and has designed its most powerful missiles to be fired from vehicles

EBOLA CRISIS: Victims ‘HIDE SYMPTOMS’ due to shock conspiracy fears

9/20/2018, 9:36:46 PM
THE EBOLA virus has sparked a wide range of bizarre and outlandish conspiracy theories which has led to victims hiding their symptoms in fear of their lives. ✔ Many people do not understand why scores of foreigners flew in for Ebola, while other problems got little attention, according to Ombretta Baggio, senior advisor for community engagement at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

U.S. oil sanctions on Iran threaten global supplies, but a demand slowdown poses a real risk

9/20/2018, 10:37:12 PM
There are still several weeks before U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil actually kick in, but expectations of tight crude inventories already have contributed to much of this year’s gain in global prices. The rise has come despite concerns over potentially lower energy demand and plans by two of the world’s biggest producers to boost output. ✔ In June, OPEC and allied producers said they would rein in production curbs implemented in January 2017 ✔ Subscribe to MarketWatch's free Need to Know newsletter ✔ Saefong Myra Saefong is a MarketWatch reporter based in San Francisco ✔ We Want to Hear from You Join the conversation Comment

Abe's third term: A chance for constitutional change?

9/20/2018, 10:16:56 PM
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was re-elected Thursday to a third term as leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, paving the way for him to serve as prime minister for up to three more years. Key things to know about Abe and his policies: NEARLY 6 YEARS IN OFFICE Abe,… ✔ Critics say the effects are gradually wearing off and benefits have not trickled down to consumers ✔ He has pushed for a greater international role for Japan's military by reinterpreting the war-renouncing constitution to allow troops to defend allies under foreign attack ✔ This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Bodyguard creator admits he's LIED about the outcome of the season's finale

9/20/2018, 10:15:33 PM
WITH all the twists and turns of gripping thriller Bodyguard it’s hard to work out who is telling the truth – not even the drama’s creator Jed Mercurio can be trusted. Ahead of Sunday’s unmissable … ✔ And the question remains: Was the Afghanistan veteran really as besotted with Julia as he seemed to be ✔ Then there’s DCI Deepak Sharma (Ash Tandon) who  dislikes Budd, and DS Louise Rayburn (Nina Toussaint-White) who appears to be his ally –  although last week Budd thought she’d betrayed him by passing on information that got him suspended as a cop

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: MI5 is conspiring against Jeremy Corbyn? I hope so

9/20/2018, 11:26:20 PM
One of Jeremy Corbyn’s closest advisers, Andrew Murray, claims there is a ‘deep state’ conspiracy to prevent the Labour leader becoming Prime Minister and believes he is being targeted to harm Corbyn. ✔ He says he has no links to Moscow, but backed Putin over the shooting down of that Malaysian airliner and the annexation of Crimea, and has appeared on the Russian-bankrolled RT television channel ✔ Instead of crawling back to Brussels in the vain hope that some kind of shoddy compromise can be cobbled together, she should simply tell them we’re leaving in March on WTO terms and they won’t be getting a penny of the £39 billion divorce payment she foolishly offered upfront

Here’s when traders began to fall in line with the Fed’s projected hiking path

9/20/2018, 8:18:33 PM
With the Federal Reserve’s next two hikes mostly a foregone conclusion, investors turn their attention toward the prospects for next year’s increases. ✔ × The near-term catalyst appears to have been the strong average hourly earnings data, said Jon Hill, an interest-rates strategist at BMO Capital Markets ✔ Sunny Oh Sunny Oh is a MarketWatch fixed-income reporter based in New York ✔ We Want to Hear from You Join the conversation Comment

EU leaders to seek 'in-depth cooperation' with Egypt on migration

9/20/2018, 9:30:06 PM
Plans to deepen EU ties with Cairo over migration crisis would turn 'a blind eye' to human rights abuses, critics say. ✔ 'Embryonic' proposal Al Jazeera's Laurence Lee, reporting from Salzburg, said the plan for cooperation with Egypt was at an embryonic stage, with neither Kurz or Tusk providing significant detail on Thursday about the specific shape of any future arrangement

Murder by the Numbers

9/20/2018, 9:32:06 PM
The U.N.’s efforts to track global violence is hampered by incomplete data, but the trends are clear. ✔ Mexican soldiers and police deploy after finding a severed head on the streets of Acapulco ✔ It compares to 1.7 for Canada, 1.2 for the UK and Germany, and 0.7 for Italy ✔ The only country in Asia that seems to have a violence problem is the Philippines, a former Spanish colony

Rob Delaney on the pain of losing his two-year-old son: 'Our family’s story has a different ending than I’d hoped for'

9/20/2018, 9:11:29 PM
I’m on the bus to go see my son Henry at the hospital. ✔ For a five-hundred-dollar deposit, they did an ultrasound on his kidneys to see if they were infected ✔ The fee for this article will be donated to the Rainbow Trust: https://rainbowtrust ✔ name and Noah’s Ark Hospice: https://www

Comedian Rob Delaney reveals heartbreak of tragic son's cancer death

9/20/2018, 11:37:17 PM
COMEDIAN and TV star Rob Delaney’s world fell apart when his baby son Henry was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2016. Doctors managed to remove the cancerous growth and the dad-of-three was able t… ✔ I wanted to point at the vomit on the floor and say, See a**hole ✔ She was a colonel in the British Territorial Army and served in Iraq and Afghanistan ✔ The fee for this article has been donated to charities The Rainbow Trust and Noah’s Ark Hospice at Rob Delaney’s request

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