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War Countries - SERIES 63 {25 articles}

Trump must not let the North Korea denuclearization talks stall

9/4/2018, 9:49:35 AM
Trade war or not, cooperation with China is crucial to spur change in Pyongyang ✔ South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who is scheduled to visit the North in September, also has an important role to play ✔ We hope the South Korean leader's primary focus at the coming summit is urging the Kim regime to take steady strides toward denuclearization ✔ Get unique insights on Asia, the most dynamic market in the world ✔ Try 3 months for $9 Offer ends September 30th

Russian warplanes 'bomb Syria's Idlib'

9/4/2018, 11:46:29 AM
Reports of renewed action come amid expectations of a major assault on the last rebel-held province. ✔ If confirmed, they would be the first such air strikes there in three weeks ✔ Earlier, US President Donald Trump warned Syria's Bashar al-Assad against launching a reckless attack on Idlib ✔ But Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov rejected the warning and said the Syrian army was getting ready to clear a nest of terrorists there

Jalaluddin Haqqani, American Ally in Afghanistan Turned Terrorist Network Founder, Dies

9/4/2018, 10:30:24 AM
The know-how, ferocity and brutality of the Haqqani network casts a long and enduring shadow over a country that has been at war for most of the past four decades. Its founder died after an illness. ✔ The successful campaign ignited activistand militantambitions of young Muslims world-wide ✔ In 2008, CIA drone strikes destroyed a home in North Waziristan belonging to the one-time CIA asset ✔ We will retreat to the mountains and begin a long guerrilla war to claim our pure land from infidels and free our country like we did against the Soviets

China's parliament chief to visit North Korea to mark its 70th...

9/4/2018, 11:42:36 AM
China's parliament chief will visit North Korea this weekend as President Xi Jinping's special representative for celebrations marking 70 years since the founding of the country, state news agency Xinhua said. ✔ In a separate reports, the North’s KCNA news agency said Li would visit from Sept ✔ Kim met U.S. President Donald Trump in June and agreed to work toward the complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, but negotiations since then appear to have stalled with both sides increasingly criticising the other for a lack of progress ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Russia dismisses Trump's warning over expected Syria offensive

9/4/2018, 10:58:03 AM
President says it would be "grave humanitarian mistake" for Russia and Iran to take part in "potential human tragedy" in Idlib ✔ Background to the Idlib standoff Since early 2017, Iran, fellow regime ally Russia and rebel backer Turkey have sponsored the negotiations track based in the Kazakh capital to tamp down hostilities in Syria ✔ While he quickly backed away from talk of an immediate withdrawal, his underlying determination to leave Syria's seven-year war as soon as possible seems unchanged

Trump drew a red line on Syria — but Russia looks set for massive retaliation this time

9/4/2018, 10:24:06 AM
Even with Russia's ships in the Mediterranean, the US, with its impressive air power in the region, could likely land a few clean shots on some non-critical targets and again embarrass Syria and Russia with a flashy display of missiles streaking across the sky, should Assad cross Trump's line. ✔ Russia's President Vladimir Putin inspects warships in St Petersburg in July 2018 ✔ By 2015, Russia and Iran had stepped in to back up Assad while killing off a significant share the remaining moderate rebels ✔ Today's Syrian conflict takes place mostly between Russian, Syrian, and Iranian forces and jihadist groups with some connection to Al Qaeda

Syria's War: Warplanes hit Idlib targets as fears of battle mount

9/4/2018, 11:28:26 AM
Activists say at least two killed in raids on rebel-controlled Idlib, amid expectations of a wider government offensive. ✔ But Turkey, whose army has a string of observation posts around the edge of the rebel area, has warned against such an offensive ✔ US President Donald Trump has also warned Syria against recklessly attacking Idlib province ✔ WATCH: As Syria's Final Battles Looms, What Comes Next

Former U.S. ally turned implacable foe dies in Afghanistan, Taliban announces

9/4/2018, 9:45:32 AM
Jalaluddin Haqqani’s network was one of the fiercest enemies of the U.S. and the Afghan government. ✔ By Sayed Salahuddin September 4 at 4:18 AM KABUL A top leader of the Taliban, who was once an ally of the United States and later became of its fiercest opponents in Afghanistan, has died, the Taliban announced on Tuesday ✔ Now run by one of his sons, Sirajuddin Haqqani, it also has been behind a number of abductions of foreign nationals in Afghanistan

U.N. sees 'moment of truth' for Syria political process

9/4/2018, 11:33:11 AM
Talks between major powers this month on setting up a committee to lead constitutional reform in Syria will be a "moment of truth" for a credible political process, U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura told reporters on Tuesday. ✔ REUTERS/Denis Balibouse De Mistura will hold separate sets of talks next week, one involving Russia, Turkey and Iran, and the other including the United States and Saudi Arabia, to discuss the makeup of the committee ✔ He said it must not be allowed to become a long, winding process about the process but could be the entry point into Syrian government reforms leading to elections after the war ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Heartbreaking pics of starving girl, 4, reveal suffering of 17 million starving in Yemen’s 'forgotten war'

9/4/2018, 8:43:20 AM
THIS dangerously emaciated girl struggling to hold up her own bloated body is one of millions suffering in Yemen’s forgotten war. The four-year-old’s arms are spindly and every rib pron… ✔ It blamed the Yemeni troops, the coalition supporting them and the rebel Houthi movement of doing nothing to minimise civilian casualties ✔ The UN Human Rights Council, which opens a three-week session on September 10, is due to hold a debate on extending the mandate of its investigators on Yemen

IRAN ON BRINK: Europe ‘NOT HELPING’ to save nuclear deal despite EU’s £16M aid pledge

9/4/2018, 11:56:04 AM
EUROPE’S attempts of desperately savaging the nuclear deal with Iran are backfiring as the continent’s leaders are “not following an appropriate path”, a powerful Iranian cleric warned. ✔ Last month, the European Union sent Iran £16.3million ($21m) in aid to offset the impact of the sanctions reimposed by the US in August ✔ The other parties to the accord - China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany- are now looking for a way to keep the agreement alive

Lion clambers over tourists weeks after woman was mauled at same park

9/4/2018, 9:20:22 AM
Filya the lion got into the open buggy at the safari in Ukraine and climbed over tourists as they filmed on their phones. Owner and 'lion whisperer', Oleg Zubkov, refuses to stop his get-close-to-lions policy. ✔ 'When it happened, right at the moment of the incident, I actually said goodbye to my life ✔ I'm glad to say days after the incident Olga was feeling well ✔ In June another video showed Zubkov broke up a fight between two lions at his park using just a slipper

Time for breakthrough

9/4/2018, 8:12:32 AM
undefined ✔ Following the June 12 summit between Trump and Kim in Singapore, North Korea has been slow to take concrete steps to halt its missile and nuclear weapons development, even after the U.S. suspended joint military exercises with South Korea ✔ Only then can the two leaders' next summit be a fruitful one that establishes a positive mood for a declaration to end the war within the year, the 65th anniversary of the signing of the armistice, as stated in the Panmunjeom Declaration

Bemba disqualification expected: DRC opposition must unite – Katumbi

9/4/2018, 11:34:07 AM
Moise Katumbi, a key opposition figure, was reacting to the the disqualification of popular ex-veep Jean Pierre Bemba from the polls. ✔ The court acquitted of war crimes allowing him to return to the country ✔ Congo has fallen very low! the secretary-general of Bemba’s MLC party wrote on Twitter after the judgment ✔ Kabila’s camp denies that it is improperly trying to influence the election

A transatlantic alliance is crucial in an era of cyberwarfare

9/4/2018, 10:55:02 AM
undefined ✔ The fact is that we are at or very near war in cyber space today ✔ While most attacks in Europe and the US are fairly low-level, with relatively few rising to dangerous proportions, we are in a sustained state of conflict ✔ The threat is simply too significant and the consequences of inaction too stark

Number of Germans killed by foreigners highest in years – police

9/4/2018, 8:56:45 AM
Number of murders by foreigners is on the rise in Germany, new police figures of closed murder cases reveal amid anti-immigrant protests and counter-rallies in Chemnitz. ✔ As thousands of people gathered for an anti-racism concert in Chemnitz on Monday, Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to speak out against hate ✔ Authorities have been warning that the terrorist threat remains high and will likely remain so in the foreseeable future

Why's Kim long gone? Jong-un is not seen for a fortnight

9/4/2018, 11:27:04 AM
The North Korean dictator was seen visiting 30 economic sites between June and August as he ordered officials to boost the country's output and improve infrastructure. ✔ At the summit the pair reached a vague agreement to work towards the 'complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula', but there has been little movement since ✔ Seoul would continue to push for a joint declaration of an end to the 1950-53 Korean War within this year with the United States, Chung told reporters

Airstrikes hit last bastion of Syrian rebels as final showdown looms

9/4/2018, 11:36:46 AM
A monitoring group said Russian warplanes struck a rebel-held city in northern Idlib province. ✔ In photographs from the area, plumes of dust and smoke could be seen rising from the edge of a residential district ✔ Just to speak out with some warnings, without taking into account the very dangerous, negative potential for the whole situation in Syria, is probably not a full, comprehensive approach, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, apparently in reference to Trump’s comment

Donald Trump warns Assad, Iran and Russia against 'grave humanitarian mistake' of attacking Idlib

9/4/2018, 9:24:45 AM
US President Donald Trump on Monday warned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his allies Iran and Russia not to "recklessly attack" Syria's rebel-held Idlib province, warning that hundreds of thousands of people could be killed. ✔ Trump speaks at a campaign fundraising lunch on August 31Credit:YURI GRIPAS/REUTERS US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday said Washington views any government assault on Idlib as an escalation of Syria's war, and the State Department warned that Washington would respond to any chemical attack by Damascus

Uganda’s Political Standoff Between Old and Young Echoes Across Africa

9/4/2018, 9:43:16 AM
Lacking jobs and opportunities, many young people in Uganda and elsewhere in Africa are feeling little allegiance to governments led by men who helped shed colonialism several decades ago. ✔ In August, Ugandan security forces arrested the 36-year-old, whose legal name is Robert Ssentamu Kyagulanyi ✔ Last year, Mr. Museveni removed term limits from the constitution and in July imposed a tax on social-media use, which he blames for spreading fake news ✔ Those in power are scared of him because he speaks for the ordinary people like us

A swine fever outbreak is the latest threat to China's economy

9/4/2018, 11:36:58 AM
The outbreak of a virus at Chinese farms is the latest problem for the country's slowing economy. ✔ Will Trump's aid package be enough for soybean farmers ✔ The sharp rise in pork prices could stoke inflation and prompt China's central bank to tighten monetary policy even as the economy is slowing down ✔ Pigs are seen in a hog pen in a village in Linquan county in central China's Anhui province Friday, Aug. 31, 2018

Kazakhstan seeks sweet spot in US-China-Russia power game

9/4/2018, 8:08:47 AM
'Friends with everyone' diplomacy tested as heavyweights compete over Caspian Sea ✔ On Aug. 11, the eve of the Caspian Summit, Nazarbayev attended the opening of a multimodal transport hub at the port of Kuryk ✔ This is important not just for our country but for all of Eurasia, especially for our brotherly neighboring countries, he said ✔ Try 3 months for $9 Offer ends September 30th

Kosovo-Serbia land swap could send whole region into turmoil

9/4/2018, 11:51:28 AM
A land swap between Kosovo and Serbia could trigger a chain reaction in the Balkans, spelling the end for a number of former Yugoslav countries – and give a new reason for the US to keep troops in Europe, analysts have told RT. ✔ READ MORE: Western strikes on Syria ‘painful reminder’ of NATO’s Yugoslavia bombing – Serbian president In reality, however, Russia, has already clearly stated that its position on the Kosovo issue remains unchanged and that it would accept any solution supported by the people of Serbia

#MeTwo: As nationalist anger rises, stories of everyday racism

9/4/2018, 9:02:42 AM
As far-right groups protest in Germany, people of colour are speaking up about the daily casual racism they experience. ✔ Although it is already a very diverse nation, its own history and legacy with other cultures and nations outside of Europe is not well taught and is not in the historical memory ✔ I hope that what's happened in the last few months leads to more of an understanding among white Germans that some of us non-white citizens have entirely different daily experiences with racism and safety, and that denying this won't make the racism go away

Analysis | The Cybersecurity 202: Privacy advocates are back in court fighting NSA surveillance. It's an uphill battle.

9/4/2018, 11:36:44 AM
The government has prevailed in every other case so far. ✔ But Alex Stamos, former chief information security officer at Facebook and now a fellow at Stanford University, told Motherboard that Google ought to disclose more information ✔ EASTER EGGS Myanmar judge sentences Reuters reporters to prison: Massive fire engulfs 200-year-old museum in Brazil: British Army plays Respect as Aretha Franklin tribute:

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