Escapes: Miracles and surprises? They're the secret sauce of travel - Los Angeles Times
We think we know a place and we don’t. We think we’ve seen a place, and we haven’t. And that’s the wonder of travel. It makes our eyes and our brains open wider. Join us on a look at some of our new favorite destinations ✔ So long to those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer when a beach picnic beats the socks off an expensive brunch, when the sounds of kids playing is the best song of summer (sorry, Drake) and there is all the baseball you could possibly want ✔ We still can have a beach feast, it’s warm enough for our young’uns to play outside, and the Dodgers made it to the postseason, further proof that the nice thing about miracles is that they sometimes do happen
Hot destinations for 2019 and beyond
From Iceland to the Galapagos, find out why these places should be on your cruise itinerary for 2019 ✔ Sailing out of Southampton, Celebrity Silhouette will travel to the land of fire and ice, mooring both at the buzzing and popular capital Reykjavik, the jumping-off point for the famous Golden Circle sights, and at lesser-known Akureyri, the whale-watching capital of Europe, where encounters with huge humpbacks are almost guaranteed
The Middle-class gigolo for upper-crust women!
Writing to his friend Lady Diana Cooper in the spring of 1953, the celebrated travel writer and raconteur Patrick Leigh Fermor tells her: ‘Being alone with you is what I like best, a delight of which I can never tire.’ ✔ But she had been Leigh Fermor’s first love and retained a special place in his heart ✔ V quiet, charming manner and style, but curiously a bit eerie ✔ To order a copy for £24 (offer valid to 19/10/18; p&p free), visit or call 0844 571 0640
Avengers 4 leaked image reveals NEW Avenger and new costumes: It's NOT Captain Marvel
AVENGERS 4 leaks just revealed incredible new costumes and a brand new member of the Avengers – and it isn't Captain Marvel. ✔ The last officially annointed member of the Avengers was Spider-Man ✔ It was just one more reason why Spidey's death was so heartbreaking ✔ No costume has been seen like this before and fans are immediately speculating it hints at time travel or quantum realm exploration
Plan A Vacation In 6 Steps And We'll Tell You Whether You Should Get An iPhone Or a Samsung
Xs or S9? ✔ Here's a handy guide to help you start posting today! Looking for even more travel in your life ✔ Then you should join our Bring Me Community Facebook group to talk about it to your heart’s content! This post was created by a member of BuzzFeed Community, where anyone can post awesome lists and creations
This Adorable Baby Could Become The Youngest Person Ever To Visit All 50 States
Baby's first world record. ✔ Cindy Lim @cindytjlim Checked off state no. 46 as a family today ✔ Top trending videos Watch more BuzzFeed Video Top trending videos Watch more BuzzFeed Video Watch more BuzzFeed Video Top trending videos Watch more BuzzFeed Video The best things at three price points The best things at three price points More BuzzFeed Reviews More BuzzFeed Reviews
We spoke to the actual designer behind Kanye West’s iPlane pitch to the president
An interview with the real designer behind the ‘iPlane 1’ ✔ Hirshberg does note that his work is more aspirational than realistic, drawing on more advanced propulsion systems and better building materials than what’s currently possible with our technology, which explains some of the more fanciful elements, like the giant glass dome
John Kelly Called Elizabeth Warren An "Impolite Arrogant Woman" In An Email
“blah blah blah,” Kelly, then serving as the secretary of homeland security, wrote. ✔ WASHINGTON White House chief of staff John Kelly called Sen ✔ She immediately began insulting our people accusing them of not following the court order, insulting and abusive behavior towards those covered by the pause, blah blah blah ✔ A spokesperson for Warren declined to comment on Kelly’s characterizations of the senator ✔ CORRECTION Oct. 11, 2018, at 22:36 PM Sen
Wine and food event featuring Martha Stewart heads to Chicago
The next stop for the Martha Stewart Wine & Food Experience presented by USA TODAY is Nov. 17 at Soldier Field in Chicago. ✔ The USA TODAY NETWORK presents 12-city series of wine and food events featuring top chefs, wine tastings and great bites from America's best restaurants ✔ Tickets for the event are currently available for purchase online with those that include alcohol tastings starting at $65 for the presale
The US city that taught children to laugh
In the 1950s, many believed children’s books were boring. Then along came Dr Seuss – and his stories changed everything. ✔ The writer and illustrator behind the most absurd books in the library, whose wordplay and neatly illustrated doodles are forever alive in the imagination of children ✔ He created a whole new world and had an eye for merchandising ✔ It was a place to sit, daydream, grow, learn and change
Woman kicked off flight over emotional support squirrel speaks out: 'You will not take my baby from me'
Cindy Torok, the woman who was escorted off a Frontier Airlines flight with her emotional support squirrel, says she is seeking an attorney. ✔ Frontier Airlines says a passenger wanted to take a squirrel on board with her because it was her emotional support animal ✔ Ben Mutzabaugh, USA TODAY Fullscreen Frontier-themed cake and cupcakes awaited Frontier's first Dulles passengers on Aug. 19, 2014
20 Calorie Bombs the Japanese Eat and Still Stay Slim
It wasn’t until the 16th century that the Japanese people learned about sugar. Before the Portuguese sailors introduced this wonderful substance to Japan, the meaning of sweets (“kashi”) was fruit and nuts. As soon as sugar found its way to Japanese hearts and stomachs, bakers and confectioners went all in. Nowadays, the number of desserts in The Land of the Rising Sun knows no limits, yet they manage to stay slim no matter what! ✔ As soon as sugar found its way to Japanese hearts and stomachs, bakers and confectioners went all in ✔ They originally come from China and come in different shapes ✔ The crunchy crust at the top complements the sweetness and softness inside this bun ✔ Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!
Mum suspects her husband is having an affair with the au pair due to THIS clue
A MUM has sought advice over suspicions her husband is cheating – with the au pair. The woman took to Mumsnet after she noticed subtle changes in her partner’s behaviour that suggested he was stray… ✔ But it was one incident in particular which made her think something was amiss ✔ She explained: One evening we were upstairs and he went down to kitchen to make tea ✔ Plus parents’ biggest stress triggers have been revealed – and the weekly shop and bedtime are NOT popular
A Fake Online Review Claimed Refugees "Slaughtered Goats" In A Hotel. This Newspaper Helped It Go Viral
"Radisson Hotel Toronto East can confirm that the claims of goats being slaughtered in the public bathrooms are completely false statements," the hotel told BuzzFeed News. ✔ In late September, three far-right YouTubers, including white nationalist Ronny Cameron, visited the hotel ✔ The company requires that reviews describe a first-hand experience by travelers ✔ With more than 15 years’ experience tracking reviews, we can spot what is normal reviewer behavior and what is not
Opinion | Trump could be the most honest president in modern history
He may stretch the truth, but he gets things done. ✔ Thiessen Columnist focusing on foreign and domestic policy Bio Follow Columnist October 11 at 4:40 PM Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history ✔ On trade, he kept his promise to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and impose tariffs on steel and aluminum
Trump’s Latest Group Of Judicial Nominees Is A Jab At Dianne Feinstein And Kamala Harris
The White House rebuffed recommendations from the California Democrats for nominees for the Ninth Circuit. ✔ No agreement As previously reported by BuzzFeed News, the White House in July 2017 sent Feinstein and Harris a list of five candidates for what was at the time just one vacant California seat on the Ninth Circuit ✔ about diversity at all, said Kang, who worked on judicial nominations in the Obama administration
Microsoft Bing delivers racist search results
Searching for the term 'Jews' through the search engine results in pictures of Adolf Hitler ✔ It was the first time Rouhani had been summoned by parliament in his five years in power, with MPs demanding answers on unemployment, rising prices and the collapsing value of the rial, which has lost more than half its value since April AFP/Getty 46/50 27 August 2018 A police officer walks by the front of a Chicago Pizza and GLHF Game Bar at the scene of fatal shooting at The Jacksonville Landing
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