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War Countries - SERIES 222 {14 articles}

As Syria urges refugees' return, UN takes more cautious tone

10/4/2018, 9:00:47 PM
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — While Syria's government is encouraging refugees to return to their war-wracked country, the United Nations' top official there said Thursday that the millio ✔ UNITED NATIONS (AP) While Syria's government is encouraging refugees to return to their war-wracked country, the United Nations' top official there said Thursday that the millions who fled need to evaluate for themselves whether it's safe and feasible to go home ✔ Still, by the U.N.'s count, more than 5 million Syrian refugees remain in other countries, and about 6.2 million displaced Syrians are living within the country but away from their homes

Erik Prince, in Kabul, pushes privatization of the Afghan war

10/4/2018, 11:59:07 PM
Some Afghans believe he has the ear of President Trump despite opposition to the proposal at the Pentagon. ✔ Since severing his ties to Blackwater the company he founded that was accused of heavy-handed practices, including the killing of civilians, while under U.S. contract in Iraq Prince has cycled through several iterations of the same business and now runs a Hong Kong-based company called Frontier Services

White House Releases Counterterrorism Strategy

10/4/2018, 10:58:36 PM
The White House on Thursday released a new U.S. counterterrorism strategy, outlining an “America First” approach that emphasizes strengthening border controls and combating violent ideology rather than undertaking major new military actions. ✔ Much of Mr. Trump’s new strategy appears to be a continuation of Mr. Obama’s approach, including a focus on disrupting terrorists’ financing streams and preventing them from gaining access to chemical, biological, nuclear or radiological weapons ✔ Mr. Trump’s strategy is blunter: We are a nation at warand it is a war that the United States will win, it says

'Mosquito-pocalypse' MONSTER blood-sucking insects invade North Carolina

10/4/2018, 8:49:56 PM
MONSTER mosquito's three times the normal size have invaded the US state following Hurricane Florence. ✔ They often lay their eggs in low-lying areas with damp soil and grassy overgrowth ✔ In an attempt to combat the pesky critters, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper dedicated $4 million (£3.1million) in relief funds ✔ Although they are an annoyance, health officials say they do not pose any immediate health risk to humans

Islamic State Warns of Hostage Executions to Slow Assad Offensive

10/4/2018, 8:45:06 PM
Islamic State has threatened to execute more than two dozen women and children it kidnapped in southwest Syria, if the Assad government doesn’t halt a monthslong offensive against its fighters in the area by Friday. ✔ Its fighters maintain an insurgency in eastern and southern Syria, and broke through a government siege in late September to enter the eastern part of Sweida province ✔ In 2015, residents even tore up posters of Mr. Assad and destroyed a statue of his father Hafez without retribution, locals said

South Korean foreign minister on nuclear talks: ‘We want to take a different approach’

10/4/2018, 9:05:50 PM
South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha’s interview with The Washington Post. ✔ By John Hudson John Hudson National security reporter focusing on the State Department and diplomacy ✔ We can go that route, but it will take a lot longer and meanwhile the program continues, so it’s important that we stop the program, and dismantling Yongbyon will certainly be that

We are sleepwalking into an era of unprecedented danger

10/4/2018, 8:52:12 PM
Few Australians remember the last existential threat to our sovereignty. But its preconditions exist again today. And we are totally unprepared. ✔ To be fair, Scott Morrison’s response was appropriate and swift ✔ Next time the Greens hoist a Morning Star flag, ask yourself how a patriotic Indonesian may feel about affluent white Australians parading their morality over that issue ✔ The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must

US-China rivalry moves into emerging-country infrastructure

10/4/2018, 8:21:58 PM
Washington doubles overseas financing to counter Belt and Road ✔ He criticized Beijing for excessive lending to such countries as Sri Lanka and El Salvador in what he called an attempt to meddle in their internal affairs ✔ In the case of Congo, some see Beijing looking to get a jump on the Paris Club by launching its own negotiations first with an eye toward limiting its own losses ✔ The tug of war over infrastructure looks set to drag on as well

For women in Greek migrant camps, even showers are unsafe: Amnesty

10/4/2018, 11:33:53 PM
Women in Greek migrant camps are too scared to leave their tents at night or use... ✔ REUTERS/Giorgos Moutafis More than half of refugees and migrants arriving in Greece are women and children, according to the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR ✔ Pregnant asylum-seekers told Amnesty they had to sleep on the floor and had little, if any, access to antenatal care ✔ Other women spent their limited cash on sanitary pads ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

EgyptAir stands by bizarre Drew Barrymore interview

10/4/2018, 11:08:07 PM
The article, riddled with misspellings and grammatical errors, led with a description of Barrymore as "being unstable in her relationships". ✔ Women exert tremendous efforts that men are incapable of exerting due to their numerous commitments and obligations, the article quoted her as saying ✔ and is now featured in the Netflix horror-comedy series Santa Clarita Diet ✔ Our new podcast series from the team behind Phoebe's Fall View episodes

West accuses Russian spy agency of scores of cyberattacks

10/4/2018, 10:43:50 PM
The West unleashed an onslaught of new evidence and indictments Thursday accusing Russian military spies of hacking so widespread that it seemed to target anyone, anywhere who investigates Moscow's involvement in an array of criminal activities — including doping, poisoning and the downing of a plane. Russia defiantly denied the… ✔ What Dutch authorities found seemed to be the work of an amateur ✔ A taxi receipt in the pocket of one of the agents showed he had hired a cab to take him from a street next to GRU headquarters to Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport ✔ This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

‘Iran is WORLD BANK for terrorists!’ US security chief PILES PRESSURE on Tehran

10/4/2018, 9:18:29 PM
IRAN has been “the world’s central banker for terrorism since 1979”, Donald Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton has said during a fiery press conference today. ✔ You can look at the possibility of reductions leading to zero, it doesn't have to happen immediately perhaps ✔ For his part, Mr Rouhani has been angered not just by the US’s decision to pulling out of the JPCOA agreement, which will result in tough economic sanctions against Iran, but also comments by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo which were widely interpreted as seeking to encourage anti-Government demonstrations within his country

The five key steps to catching the hapless, beer-guzzling GRU spies

10/4/2018, 10:16:30 PM
Evidence shows how Moscow's team of spies from the GRU military intelligence service attempted to gain access to the organisation's IT systems. ✔ But the Dutch investigators opened the boot of the car to discover the unit's mobile hacking kit ✔ The unit is home to the Russian military's best mathematical minds and is believed to have run the hacking campaign that sought to influence the 2016 US presidential election

‘Just like Trump’: Bolsonaro leads Brazil’s presidential race with right-wing populist pitch

10/4/2018, 9:36:25 PM
A tough-talking political maverick appeals to voters fed up with corruption and crime. ✔ Now Bolsonaro, like Trump, has become a larger-than-life figure ✔ Many here argue that Bolsonaro’s incendiary rhetoric is emboldening others to use hate speech, bringing racism and homophobia into mainstream dialogue ✔ I’m here so that one day I can tell my children, I tried

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