Myanmar garment workers demand sacked colleagues get jobs back
Dozens of striking workers from a Chinese-owned garment factory in Myanmar march... ✔ Police blamed the workers for the violence, saying in a statement a fight had broken out after protesters urged employees still working to join them ✔ Myanmar’s textile industry is its top export earner after oil and gas, employing more than 450,000 people and generating more than $2 billion in exports last year ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
Mail bomb suspect made numerous references on Facebook to Russian associates and echoed pro-Kremlin views
The now deleted Facebook account belonging to Cesar Sayoc, the man charged with sending pipe bombs to prominent Democrats this week, discussed his “Russian brothers” and posted video links aligned with Russian views on the Syrian war. Sayoc’s Russian-themed discussions began abruptly in 2015. But the meaning and motive of the posts, many of them rambling and hard to understand, are not clear. The Washington Post obtained the posts from a researcher who collected them before Facebook deleted the account. ✔ These references to Russian associates on Facebook are repetitive, rambling and hard to understand ✔ We can’t afford to put Americans in harms way , as her Obama has done ✔ There has never been so many terrorist attack on American soil than Obama , Clinton administration
Paris and Berlin Break the US Boycott of Syria
undefined ✔ Turkey, Syria, Iran and Russia want to drive the US out of North Syria and end its alliance with the YPG ✔ Swift, safe and unhindered flow of humanitarian aid will provide much-needed relief to the sufferings of the Syrian people ✔ All Syrians, including those who had to flee the country, must be able to participate
‘Tropical Trump’ Bolsonaro threatens to upend Brazil’s foreign policy
Jair Bolsonaro, the winner of Sunday’s Brazilian presidential election run-off, endorses an array of foreign policy positions akin to those of US President Donald Trump, on issues from the Israel-Palestine conflict to trade with China. ✔ Bolsonaro could try to get out of BRICS with a Trumpian attitude, Oliver Stuenkel, professor of international relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo, told Reuters ✔ Brazil has a chance to recover its Western soul, embrace Trump's brand of nationalism and pursue its national interests instead of being tied to blocs of nations, he wrote
America’s Nuclear Death Wish – Europe Must Rebel
The Trump administration’s declared scrapping of a crucial arms control treaty is putting the world on notice of a nuclear war, sooner or later. Any such war is not winnable. It is mutually assured destruction. Yet the arrogant American rulers – some of them at least – seem to be deluded in thinking they can win such a war. ✔ The EU is calling on the US to adhere to the treaty and to negotiate with Russia over purported complaints ✔ Thirdly, they need to tell Washington that Russia is a partner, not a pariah to be abused for the benefit of American militarism and hegemonic ambitions
Why globalism is good for you
undefined ✔ It should not need stating, but it is absurd to suggest that globalists have caused the violence in Syria or Honduras from which migrants are fleeing ✔ He thinks it highly likely that today’s de-globalisation will also culminate in war ✔ But at least their instinct is to see foreigners as customers, rather than enemies
'He SAVED lives' Hero special forces dog wins 'Animal Victoria Cross'
A courageous dog awarded the “Animals’ Victoria Cross” has been lauded for his life-saving gallantry by an SAS hero decorated with the highest military honour. ✔ Corporal Donaldson VC, who received the Commonwealth’s highest military decoration for valour during the Battle of Khas Uruzgan in 2008, said: Kuga’s actions that day in Afghanistan were heroic ✔ PDSA Trustee Mary Reilly made the formal presentation of Kuga’s Medal to Corporal Donaldson VC and retired military working dog Odin at the Canberra ceremony attended by members of Australia’s SASR, which shares the same motto as the UK SAS
Coal union boosts giving to Democrats as hopes dim for industry...
The top U.S. coal miners union has put a larger share of its campaign donations ... ✔ That is a roughly 20-point jump from 2016, when Trump courted coal miners with promises of an industry comeback ✔ Now the things that people are concerned about are health care and pensions .. ✔ these are the overwhelming issues that dominate their lives, he said ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
ShamiWitness: How Bellingcat and Neocons Collaborated With the Most Influential ISIS Propagandist on Twitter
Who remembers @ShamiWitness? At the peak of ISIS’s power, @ShamiWitness stood out as the genocidal militia group’s “most influential Twitter account” according to a Channel 4 exposé and a Kings College report. ✔ You need to believe you’re some kind of evil genius, pulling a fast one on all the honest rubes, to get off on this kind of work ✔ Weiss also struck up all sorts of sleazy relationships with Syrian jihadis, and even posed for selfies in a jihadi-controlled section of Aleppo in 2012: As Max Blumenthal reported, the jihadi on Weiss’s left was believed to be Syrian rebel commander Yousef Ajjan Al-Hadid, who was killed shortly after Weiss’s selfie ✔ Mark Ames is the co-host of the Radio War Nerd podcast
Khashoggi's fiancée rejects invitation to come to the White House
The statements Trump made in the first days around his invite and the statements he made afterward opposed each other. They were simply statements to gain public sympathy. ✔ He promised 'certain recommendations' that have been limited so far to a plea to honor the defense contracts ✔ She initially said that she would be interested in taking him up on the offer - if the U.S. 'makes a genuine contribution to the efforts to reveal what happened inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul that day, I will consider accepting his invitation.'
Lily Lines: She was the oldest of the 11 Pittsburgh victims. Her name was Rose. - The Lily
Plus, the TV remake to watch on Halloween ✔ Some of those women said they joined the group because they found safety in numbers the route can be especially dangerous for them, where looting, kidnapping and violence are common ✔ Listen to everything we’ve recommended here ✔ Nneka McGuire October 25 October 25
This Is How We Radicalized The World
On Sunday, far-right evangelical Jair Bolsonaro was elected president of Brazil. The era of being surprised at this kind of politics is over. Now we have to live with what we've done. ✔ Supporters of Brazilian right-wing presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro take part in a rally along Paulista Avenue, in São Paulo, Brazil, on Sept ✔ Poland's National Independence Day in Warsaw on Nov. 11, 2017 ✔ The town laid in ruins until 2017, when a nearby municipality decided to try and transform it into a functioning town
One year on, Syrians in Raqqa exhume their dead for reburial
Sajed Salameh has spent days waiting at a mass grave in the Syrian city of Raqqa... ✔ REUTERS/Aboud Hamam They were killed along with his father and two other relatives by an airstrike during the U.S.-backed offensive against Islamic State (IS) and their bodies were buried by the jihadists without his knowledge, he said ✔ A forensic team stands by to determine the sex, age and cause of death ✔ Those not claimed by relatives are driven away for burial at the city cemetery ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
There Goes the Neighborhood—Raqqa’s Pigeons Make a Comeback
The birds fly in unison over the Syrian city, some bedecked in bells and jewels. But residents often scorned the pigeon-keeping tradition even before Islamic State banned it, and some bemoan its return. ✔ RAQQA, SyriaA tattered black flag hangs atop one of Raqqa’s oldest mosques ✔ Rather than a remnant of Islamic State’s notorious black banners, it heralds the return of a tradition the militants had banishedpigeon-keeping ✔ The love has returned, he said, and life as it once was has returned
Analysis | The Daily 202: Democrats tiptoe around Trump in House races that will decide majority
Tim Kaine says they’re learning the right lesson from his loss in 2016. ✔ Again Saturday, he looked death in the face not in his native Hungary, where nationalism is resurgent, but in the country where he found sanctuary after the Second World War ✔ POP BOTTLES!!! 🍾#DAMAGEDONE Boston Red Sox (@RedSox) October 29, 2018
Hero doctor died rushing into gunfire at synagogue to help the wounded
The doctor is one of 11 killed in what's being considered the deadliest attacks against Jews in US history ✔ She also dug a cave under her home AFP/Getty 49/50 11 September 2018 People waving pro-independence Catalan flags 'Esteladas' while holding letters reading independence during a pro-independence demonstration in Barcelona to mark the National Day of Catalonia, the Diada
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