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Disasters - SERIES 421 {14 articles}

Woking fairground DISASTER latest: Organisers claim ‘ride wasn’t being properly run’

11/4/2018, 2:55:18 AM
A TOTAL of 12,000 people were scheduled to attend a charity fireworks event in Surrey on Saturday night - but the event was tragically cut short due to the collapse of an inflatable slide and subsequent “serious injury” of eight children. ✔ When asked if the event is getting harder to control due to an increase in the numbers attending, he said: I don’t think that’s true, the numbers have been pretty stable for the past several years and we’ve always felt we’ve been able to control the crowds

Labour plans to take away hard-working Brits' 'right to buy council homes'

11/4/2018, 12:39:16 AM
Corb pal has his eyes on your pad A CORBYNISTA MP has lifted the lid on what a Labour Government may well unleash on hard-working Britons — an onslaught on their right to own their homes. If voters… ✔ Where there is home ownership, there are people creating communities ✔ It’s a cherished value that Jezza’s jesters should not be allowed to put in peril ✔ New UN figures show that in the first six months of 2018 we were second only to booming China in attracting investment

Woking funfair latest: FURIOUS BACKLASH as people DEMAND refunds after fireworks cancelled

11/4/2018, 1:37:14 AM
A TOTAL of eight children suffered “potentially serious” injuries after an inflatable fairground slide collapsed during a Surrey fireworks event on Saturday, sparking outrage from disgruntled punters who attended the event. ✔ The display, which attracted roughly 12,000 individuals, was a fundraising initiative for local charities ✔ But it had to be called off last minute when news of the horrifying collapse emerged ✔ If you’ll excuse us, we’ll turn our attention to dealing with ticketing issues etc when we can ✔ It didn’t look like it could hold that many people

The most beautiful places in Britain during autumn

11/4/2018, 7:10:32 AM
undefined ✔ Some are hundreds of years old and have been pollarded, which has helped them live longer ✔ For more information and further suggestions for wildlife walks, go to Interviews/research: Boudicca Fox-Leonard, Tom Ough and Andrew Baker

‘Mutti Merkel has been our life, but the time is right for her to go’

11/4/2018, 7:16:41 AM
Young CDU members are excited by a fresh start in Germany once the only leader they have known stands down ✔ It started as just another humdrum Monday morning for Endrik Schulze ✔ Merkel’s departure sparks hope of a fresh start, free of her controversial migration policy, says Nowakowski ✔ And despite 38-year-old health minister Jens Spahn’s best efforts to sell himself as fresh and exciting, the feeling among younger members is that he’s too inexperienced and divisive a figure

David Attenborough: too much alarmism on environment a turn-off

11/4/2018, 6:12:52 AM
Veteran broadcaster says Dynasties, his new BBC wildlife series, will be gripping, truthful and entertaining but not overtly campaigning ✔ Every time the bell rings, every time that image [of a threatened animal] comes up, do you say ‘remember, they are in danger’ ✔ Attenborough said his aim is not to be overtly campaigning ✔ It’s not an escape because it is reality and has implications for our lives, but it’s a great change, a great relief from the political landscape which otherwise dominates our thoughts

The Observer view on the ‘cessation of hostilities’ in Yemen | Observer editorial

11/4/2018, 6:27:39 AM
Donald Trump’s intervention in the Yemen war would be welcome if it didn’t seem so cynical and ill-judged ✔ But Trump is under growing bipartisan pressure in Congress over the humanitarian disaster in Yemen, for which the Saudis are primarily blamed ✔ We must hope, in the first instance, that the Saudis desist from a new offensive on the besieged port of Hodeidah in the 30 days before the cessation supposedly begins

China's boulevard to nowhere: The battle for influence in APEC's...

11/4/2018, 1:39:04 AM
Workers are putting the finishing touches on a Beijing-funded boulevard designed... ✔ China also rebuilt city’s main highway, which according to Moresby-based think tank the Institute of National Affairs, didn’t really need an upgrade ✔ It’s not really a road that goes from anywhere to anywhere ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Let’s cut to the chase about hunting and how it brazenly flouts the law | Barbara Ellen

11/4/2018, 6:27:16 AM
Tradition be damned. The simple fact about this callous pastime is that it is illegal ✔ Why are foxhunters still allowed to blatantly flout the law in a way that simply wouldn’t be countenanced if someone dressed up in another kind of costume (Batman ✔ However, the most salient point of all is simply that foxhunting is illegal ✔ The legal system should not be a rural pick and mix

Scenes from the trail: California's candidates for governor stump in Southern California with 3 days until the election

11/4/2018, 2:36:44 AM
✔ Luis works for Porter & Nathan for Gavin Newsom ✔ Two years ago, Luis did press for Loretta Sanchez & Nathan for Kamala Harris in the 2016 Senate race ✔ Proposition 10: An expansion of cities’ and counties’ ability to implement rent control ✔ Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) October 28, 2018

21 Of The Best Winter Boots And Snows Boots You Can Get On Amazon

11/4/2018, 2:08:13 AM
Until someone invents heaters you can strap to your feet, these are your best bets! ✔ We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page ✔ Great for the cold, severely muddy pastures , before the ground freezes for the winter, as well as walking around through the deep, deep snow, while trying to feed horses

Antonio Pappano: Why the maestro isn’t bowing out yet

11/4/2018, 7:22:40 AM
Covent Garden’s charismatic conductor talks about another term as music director of the Royal Opera House, and the challenge of Brexit ✔ Nor is it simply a case of employing more British singers ✔ They appreciate the UK’s high standards and professionalism ✔ But theatre is about the audience, about sharing a visceral experience ✔ 2012 Is made a Cavaliere di Gran Croce dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana

A tale of blood, betrayal and family bonds. How El Chapo came to trial

11/4/2018, 6:27:28 AM
Why was the world’s biggest druglord extradited to the US after decades of protection at every level of power in Mexico? ✔ He became a police officer and joined the Sinaloa state prosecutor’s office, later the federal prison service, specialising in high-risk, high-security jails including Puente Grande , Big Bridge, wherein El Chapo was held – and held sway – until his famous escape in 2001

The X Factor: Ayda Field flashes her toned legs in feathered gown

11/4/2018, 3:33:01 AM
The X Factor turned into a real life fright night on Saturday after a technical malfunction distorted the sound of the artists and judges ✔ Sporting eerie contacts and a spray painted head of white hair, Dalton sang Fright Night favourite Creep by Radiohead ✔ Sporting a face full of creepy make up and a top hat, Geo rocked the arena with Guns N' Roses' Live And Let Die ✔ Rock star: Last but not least was Geo Godley, who 'came from the West End and needs to be kept here until the very end'

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