Riyadh must be pressed to end its war in Yemen
undefined ✔ The kingdom’s de facto leader had already proved ruthless in his treatment of critics and rivals ✔ The kingdom’s stability and role in countering Iran are seen as vital ✔ The immediate priority is to halt the fighting and ensure access for aid deliveries to prevent millions from starving
The hidden toll of American drones in Yemen: Civilian deaths
Investigation by the Associated Press finds that more than 30 killed in drone attacks in 2018 were not al-Qaeda members. ✔ The group withdrew from areas it controlled in the south but was allowed to keep weapons and money under secret deals it struck with the United Arab Emirates, a coalition member ✔ The first was in 2009 in the southern village of al-Majalah ✔ Mistakes happen from bad intel or misjudging behaviour, he said ✔ WATCH: What can a UN investigation achieve in Yemen
What game is Russia playing in Afghanistan?
Russia is seeking to re-assert itself as a major player in Afghanistan. ✔ Russia sought to re-establish contacts with the Taliban were only in the mid-2010s, after the sharp deterioration of Russian-US relations, the start of the Russian military operation in Syria and the movement of militants from Syria to Afghanistan ✔ ABOUT THE AUTHOR Arkady Dubnov Arkady Dubnov is an independent Russian expert on Central Asia and Afghanistan
Saudis, UAE Reconcile Themselves to Defeat in Syria, Prepare to Work With Assad
The reported plan by the United Arab Emirates to reopen its embassy in Damascus shortly leads to a startlingly new alignment on the map of the Middle East. At the most obvious level, it signals the realization among the Gulf States that the brutal war to overthrow the Syrian government has ended. But the pragmatism is stunning. There isn’t even going to be any ‘cooling-off’ period! ✔ However, the ‘red line’ was crossed when the two Gulf oligarchies lent support to the failed coup in 2016 in Turkey to assassinate President Recep Erdogan ✔ With the US midterm elections over, President Trump may come under pressure to ‘do something’ on the Khashoggi affair
Pence tells Suu Kyi persecution of Rohingya ‘without excuse’
SINGAPORE--U.S. Vice President Mike Pence criticised Myanmar's military for the persecution of Rohin ✔ Amnesty International this week withdrew its most prestigious human rights prize from Suu Kyi, accusing her of perpetuating human rights abuses by not speaking out about violence against the Rohingya ✔ Reuters published its investigation into the massacre on Feb. 8
What 8am looks like in different parts of the world
In a bid to find out how peoples' early morning routines vary around the world, Belgian photographer Pascal Mannaerts ventured to Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. ✔ Having a cup of coffee, hitting the snooze button multiple times or plunging into the local lake for a swim ✔ In a bid to find out how peoples' routines vary around the world, Belgian photographer Pascal Mannaerts ventured to Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East snapping photos as the sun rose ✔ Scroll down to catch a glimpse of bleary-eyed citizens of the world, all going about their lives in different ways..
Pence issues sharp rebuke to Myanmar's Suu Kyi over 'persecution'...
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence expressed the Trump administration's stronge... ✔ ARREST OF JOURNALISTS Amnesty International this week withdrew its most prestigious human rights prize from Suu Kyi, accusing her of perpetuating human rights abuses by not speaking out about violence against the Rohingya ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
The First Thanksgiving
Recently arrived refugees in the United States prepare to cook the most American of feasts. ✔ For Congolese and Rwandan arrivals, volunteers have made chicken moambe, a braise with tomato, onion, peanut butter and rich red palm oil, a basic ingredient in those countries and for many, the taste of home ✔ Get regular updates from NYT Cooking, with recipe suggestions, cooking tips and shopping advice
Peace talks
undefined ✔ Maryann Cusimano Love from the Catholic University of America talked about having just causes such as the dignity of human life and common goodness, good intentions, participation, recovery, right relations, reconciliation and the possibility of continuing just causes with the help of religious institutes to realize a just peace on the peninsula and Northeast Asia regardless of the transfer of leadership
Power Up: McCarthy caught between #MAGA and GOP
"My Kevin" is expected to win the contest for majority leader today. ✔ Good morning & welcome back! Keep the tips, recipes and ideas coming (and sign up) ✔ Promotions were denied then finally granted after months of requests, the official said ✔ Some people close to the president believe Kelly’s handling of the East Wing at times is a significant threat to him maintaining his job ✔ Read Anne Gearan and Dan Lamothe's report on Abizaid here
The world must sanction Iran's government and support Iranians
The objective of the renewed U.S. sanctions on Tehran is to force the Iranian government to choose normalization, and the welfare of its people, over terrorism and proxy warfare. ✔ It is not the people’s choice to write Israel must be wiped out and Death to America, Death to Israel on Iran’s expanding arsenal of ballistic missiles ✔ Enter the Fray: First takes on the news of the minute from L.A ✔ Like Israelis, Iranians deserve to live a life of freedom
Travel warning: UK upgrades terror threat level for Sweden - is it safe?
TRAVEL warning: The terrorist threat level in Sweden has been increased by the UK government and travellers are now being advised an attack is "very likely" to take place. ✔ Travel warning: The threat level has been raised over a year after the terrorist attack in Stockholm (Image: Getty) According to TheLocal.se, the increase was made based on updated information and advice on the threat from terrorism in Sweden, reflecting an increased threat
Turkish court throws out case against former WSJ journalist
A Turkish court has thrown out the conviction of a former Wall Street Journal re... ✔ Ms. Albayrak’s lawyers argued there was no evidence to support the charge ✔ After the 2015 collapse of a ceasefire, intense conflict erupted between the Turkish military and the PKK, designated a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and EU ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
장려상 Min Sung-jun (essay contest)
undefined ✔ This heavy reliance of two countries could be critical especially with the ongoing China-U.S trade dispute ✔ Excessive economic dependence on China giving them power to rule the roast should gradually be reduced ✔ To bequeath a strong, sustainable economy for our future generations, economic reformation is not a choice but a must
Best PS4 games | Our guide to the top PlayStation titles you can play right now
As the Playstation 4 is set to celebrate its 5th birthday this month, it seems the perfect time to reflect on the best PS4 games that have arrived on Sony’s impressive console. ✔ While it shares some of Ico and Shadow’s DNA, I have not played anything quite like The Last Guardian ✔ It is sharper and smoother than the PS3/360 version and the first-person perspective is an unexpected revelation ✔ But while these things mean it might not be for everyone, they only contribute to its excellence
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