Flood alerts as Britain to be hit by heavy rain and 60mph winds today
BRITAIN will today be battered with heavy rain and gusts of up to 60mph – before we welcome glorious sunshine and 22C temperatures in the week. A “danger to life” warning was put … ✔ London News Pictures 4 The cold weather did not put this man off, however GEOFF ROBINSON ✔ 4 People under umbrellas in the rain whilst out punting on the River Cam in Cambridge on the last day of summer yesterday afternoon Temperatures will remain in the low teens, but conditions are expected to settle before rising to 22C by Thursday next week ✔ Email us at tips@the-sun.co.uk or call 0207 782 4368
Typhoon Trami tracker: Trami STRENGTHENS as barreling storm heads for Taiwan
TYPHOON Trami is tracking through the Pacific Ocean as the storm strengthened to typhoon strength on Sunday morning, but is it likely to make landfall and what impact will it have? ✔ A gale warning could also be issued for the seaboards of Northern Luzon as Trami approaches ✔ Typhoon Trami is 1,260 kilometres east of Tuguegarao City, Cagayan, PAGASA said in an advisory at 5pm on Sunday ✔ But flash floods and landslides are possible if the thunderstorms bring heavy rain
What's the weather forecast in the UK today and where are weather warnings?
BRITAIN will today be battered with heavy rain and gusts of up to 60mph – before we welcome glorious sunshine and 22C temperatures in the week. It followed off the back of the remnants of Hur… ✔ The windy weather is expected to move further south with 65mph gusts expected to bring disruption on Thursday and Friday ✔ Sloy Main Adit in Scotland experienced 238mm on January 17, 1974 ✔ The record for Northern Ireland was in 1968 at Tollymore Forest, County Down, which saw 159mm
Anak Krakatau volcano eruption: FIREBALLS as big as TRUCKS explode in dramatic video
WATCH the dramatic moment massive fireballs explode from Mount Anak Krakatau this weekend as the Indonesian volcano erupted 44 times. ✔ Anak Krakatau volcano: The mountain erupted with huge firebals (Image: 6ABC) Anak Krakatau volcano: The volcano erupted 44 times (Image: REUTERS) However, airports in the area have not been closed yet and tourism remains normal ✔ The island is still active, with its most recent eruptive episode having begun in 1994
'Highly hazardous' volcano is ready to erupt and would dwarf 2010 ash cloud
Katla's explosion could produce an ash cloud three times the size of the one which brought air traffic to a standstill in 2010. ✔ A flag flies over Vik, a village sitting at the base of the Myrdalsjokull glacier, which is part of the ice cap sealing Katla (Image: AFP) Thousands of passengers were left stranded when Eyjafjallajokull's plume grounded flights across Europe ✔ He argued Katla could be an exhaust vent for gases underneath Iceland's southern volcanic belt
Icelandic volcano is 'about to erupt' on devastating scale
Scientists have warned that Katla, a neighbour to Eyjafjallajokull that erupted in 2010, is showing clear signs it's going to blow for the first time since 1918 and its not a matter of if, but when. ✔ Barsotti said the impact of the eruption on air travel 'depends on the intensity of the eruption and the direction of the winds at the time' ✔ She isn't just doing nothing, and these findings confirm that there is something going on.' Ilyinskaya and her team said that more studies were needed to confirm whether the amount of magma was increasing over time
Fast-skating Avs center MacKinnon speeds toward success
DENVER (AP) — Mention a topic, just about any topic, and sharp-shooting Colorado Avalanche center Nathan MacKinnon takes his elusiveness to a whole new level. Not ap ✔ DENVER (AP) Mention a topic, just about any topic, and sharp-shooting Colorado Avalanche center Nathan MacKinnon takes his elusiveness to a whole new level ✔ So it just feels normal, said MacKinnon, who signed a seven-year, $44.1 million deal in July 2016
Indian summer to follow washout as Met Office predicts long spell of 'sunny, settled' weather
This weekend's torrential rain may make the summer heatwave seem long ago, but forecasters have predicted a return of the sun. ✔ This weekend's torrential rain may make the summer heatwave seem long ago, but forecasters have predicted a return of the sun ✔ The Met Office said: A north/south split developing through the middle of the week ✔ Becoming cloudier and windy with some rain in the north
London drivers struggle through flash floods on first day of autumn
Londoners were pictured driving through the rain slowly on flooded roads on the first day of autumn, while elsewhere in the south of England people huddle under umbrellas. ✔ 'In the south the temperatures will be about average for the time of year, maybe a bit higher, but there will be quite widespread frosts overnight ✔ 'Further north it will start off fine and gradually get colder during the week.' The Met Office said more settled weather is predicted during the week with temperatures rising to almost 70F, but chilly nights are expected with widespread frosts The rainy windy weather this weekend comes after blustery winds and heavy rain caused severe disruption for commuters after Storm Bronagh blew in with gusts of up to 76mph ✔ The reason for this is it makes it easier to compare seasons and monthly statistics
Millions of dollars work to paid for by residents to remove cladding
Dangerous flammable cladding linked to the Grenfell Tower disaster will be removed from buildings across Australia - and residents could be forced to foot the bill. ✔ Strata Community Association NSW branch president Chris Duggan said that strata residents who moved into buildings unaware of the financial cost associated with the cladding would have to pay for the work ✔ The newly constructed Royal Adelaide Hospital is one of the buildings that has been identified for work to remove dangerous cladding
‘Indian summer’ starts TOMORROW in 24C sizzle – BUT Brits face north-south divide
BRITAIN’S stormy weather will give way to an Indian summer tomorrow as temperatures soar to a balmy 24C. ✔ Becoming cloudier and windy with some rain in the north ✔ but remaining settled, dry and mostly sunny in the south ✔ WXCHARTS/GETTY SPLIT: A north-south divide will see bad weather persist in the north but the south warming up (Pic: WXCHARTS/GETTY) WXCHARTS NORTH-SOUTH DIVIDE: The south will see temperatures rise to the mid-20s next week (Pic: WXCHARTS) They added: Through the rest of September the weather should stay largely settled with long spells of sunshine and generally light winds ✔ Recent heavy rains and winds have weakened structures and trees, and the wet ground may result in trees toppling more easily
Morrison government giving Catholic schools 10 times what they need: analysis
Just $3-4 million a year could maintain "affordable choice" for families at Catholic schools, the Grattan Institute said. ✔ He said the Morrison government's argument that extra money was necessary to ensure affordable choice for parents was misleading ✔ What's affordable to a family on $300,000 is very different to what a family on $60,000 can afford ✔ But I'm sure we'll be able to work all that through ✔ The National Catholic Education Commission was asked for comment
Big Brother's Tomasz Wania given OXYGEN MACHINE to cure severe snoring problem
BIG Brother has given Tomasz Wania an oxygen machine to help with his snoring problem. In a clip from tonight’s show, Tomasz is seen trying on an oxygen mask that has been left out for him on his b… ✔ Fans as well as housemates Brooke and Zoe were reduced to tears when Tomasz recalled the moment he was assaulted by his fellow servicemen in Poland for being gay ✔ Sun Online Showbiz previously revealed that BB's Anamelia Silva was stunned to see the other housemates slag her off after she was evicted
Frydenberg must awaken the slumbering Treasury on cost cutting
There are many new ways to tackle spending but the government is not showing much interest. ✔ Opinion Business The economy Federal budget Frydenberg must awaken the slumbering Treasury on cost cutting By Ross Gittins24 September 2018 12:00am Normal text sizeLarger text sizeVery large text size I read that our new Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, has already understood the chief requirement of his office: the ability to say no to ministerial colleagues wanting to spend more on 101 worthy projects ✔ And, of course, the huge saving in public administrative spending assumes that after more than a decade of annual cuts to staffing costs, the efficiency dividend can roll for another four years without any noticeable loss of efficiency
Haruki Murakami's 'Underground' still holds chilling lessons about Japan
Haruki Murakami's sole foray into journalism, "Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche," celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. What lessons does it hold today about where Japan has gone as a society? ✔ Subterranean settings are staples in the fiction of Haruki Murakami most notably in The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World ✔ Unlike Murakami, most survivors yearn to put the events behind them ✔ The members interviewed here may become of us, but they are minor players, removed from the cult’s heinous crimes
15 Things Everyone Should Do Alone At Least Once
Honestly, we should never go to the movies with other people. ✔ A recent Life Pro Tip on Reddit said, Learn to do and enjoy things by yourself ✔ Learn a new sport or activity: Took up archery for a while ✔ Go for a hike: I waited for years for someone to go hiking with me ✔ It can ultimately lead to life-changing decisions, but in the long run for a good thing personally
As hearing on Kavanaugh assault allegations loom, senators seem unwilling to budge
Few Republicans or Democrats look inclined to change their votes based on what the Supreme Court nominee or his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, say. ✔ The fate of Kavanaugh’s nomination is likely to still comes down to a handful of moderate Democrats and Republicans whose votes are uncertain ✔ How the Senate handles this, and the Senate Republicans handle this, will be a test of this time, in 2018, in the ‘Me Too’ movement can we do better ✔ And I feel we are failing that if we don’t do it correctly
Film Review: Mile 22, The Little Stranger and A Simple Favour
SINCE they teamed up for Afghan war flick Lone Survivor, Mark Wahlberg and director Peter Berg have established a reliable brand as purveyors of gritty, ripped-from-the-headlines action films. ✔ For a while, the Oscar-nominated Irishman seems to be setting up one of those heritage upstairs-downstairs dramas that play to American fantasies of quaint, classridden, Olde England ✔ Feig weaves together the mystery and comedy, before it all falls apart in the final 10 minutes
Stop Brexit? UK's Labour party mulls backing new referendum
LIVERPOOL, England (AP) — Britain's Labour Party may hold the fate of Brexit in its hands — if only it can decide what to do. With the U.K. and the European Un ✔ This is as big a crisis as I can remember in my lifetime, Adonis said ✔ (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth) Labour member of the House of Lords, Andrew Adonis speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in London, Friday, Sept ✔ Adonis supports holding a second referendum on the Brexit issue, and says Labour can't sit on the sidelines while the country staggers toward political and financial chaos
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