Holiday scam: Couple ‘ripped off’ by travel company after paying £600 for £30 visas
HOLIDAY SCAM: It is hard to know if you are paying above the odds for your travel expenses, as one couple found out the hard way. The pair paid £600 for visas now believed to be worth £30. ✔ The Great Rail Journeys website says: The visa agent we suggest you use is established and experienced and will save you time and worry ✔ By going to the end of the booking process you'll know exactly what’s included the total price (food, drinks, luggage allowances)
Is it possible to tell the difference between a cheap and pricey wine?
MailOnline Travel conducted a Cheap vs Expensive blind taste test at Vagabond wines in Battersea, London, using white, red and rose wines. The results are intriguing. ✔ The chance to try tasty local wines is one of the highlights of travelling to a thoroughbred wine-making country ✔ Glass No1 was from a 2015 £22.95 Tinta Tinto Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile and glass No2 from a 2017 Quincho Cabernet Sauvignon from Chile costing £8.95
Bed bugs can be picked up on public transport, according to an expert
IF the thought of bed bugs makes you shiver, you might want to rethink your travel plans. It turns out that beds aren’t the only place the horrible mites hang out – and it’s possible to pick up an … ✔ The larger the source population is, the more likely would be the transfer ✔ I have walked through a heavily infested apartment and found a few bed bugs on my shoes ✔ Worried about what to put in the kids' lunchboxes this term ✔ Click here to find the leaner lunchbox swaps for the new school year
Flying abroad on these days of the year can save you HUNDREDS of pounds
FLIGHTS can be made infinitely cheaper if you fly on certain days of the year. New research has revealed which are the best dates to jet off abroad for those looking to save hundreds of pounds on their next trip. ✔ For instance, tourists wanting to head to the island of Mallorca, Spain, will have to fork out £307 to fly on 26 May ✔ For example, on 9 May, the average flight to Sydney cost just £435 ✔ The best flight comparison sites have recently been revealed, with coming in first place
Bus travellers reveal the most annoying things fellow passengers do
Bus passengers took to US-based online forum Reddit to talk about which 'unspoken codes of bus conduct' are the most sacred. ✔ But behave in the wrong way while on board and you'll draw the wrath of your fellow passengers - as one internet thread has hinted ✔ We are all trying to get where we need to be, don't be a selfish d***.' For 'thurn_und_taxis' people not taking open seats was his biggest bug bear
Eddie Redmayne and Jude Law surprise Harry Potter fans at Kings Cross
The Fantastic Beast stars stunned fans when they made a surprise appearance at Kings Cross station for the annual Back to Hogwarts day on Saturday morning. ✔ They are playing the leading roles in Harry Potter franchise Fantastic Beasts ✔ Jude and Eddie have recently been on a promotional tour for the sequel to Fantastic Beasts, ahead of The Crimes of Grindelwald November release date ✔ 'So, everything is at stake really, I don't know, I'd say it's possibly..
Instagram stars flaunt MEGA cleavage in upside down bikini trend
VALENTINA Fradegrada set a trend after wearing an upside down bikini earlier this year. It didn't take long for other Instagram stars to follow suit. ✔ Her followers were big fans of the frilly garment, with many complimenting the bombshell on her beauty ✔ This isn’t the only racy swimwear style to sweep Britain recently ✔ And previously, we revealed that celebrities have been loving extreme cut-out bikinis
Google Maps Street View: Incredible sighting of man undergoing life-changing moment
GOOGLE Maps Street View photographs various elements of daily life as it maps the street of the world, but sometimes it captures a truly extraordinary moment. One man has found an intimate and life-changing moment in his life caught on camera. ✔ A couple in Nashville, US were snapped by Google in the middle of a highly passionate clinch ✔ They followed the camera down the road, still waving and happy to be seen ✔ The images were captured four years ago in 2014, so it isn’t clear if the couple are still together
This woman has made over £40,000 dating strangers... and her boyfriend doesn't mind
GETTING paid to go on lavish dates doesn’t sound bad. But 29-year-old Sheen Hunter has earned over £40,000 just by going on innocent dinner dates with people she’s met online. Charging … ✔ GETTING paid to go on lavish dates doesn't sound bad ✔ I don’t tend to spend more than two hours with each man or woman and will charge up to $300 (£230) per date ✔ I’m alright with it as it’s basically just a job and way to make new friends ✔ Since then she's been to Mexico, Costa Rica and all over the US on dates, and has also received around £20,000 in gifts
On safari in Eswatini: a celebration of wildlife – and a nation's pride
The country formerly known as Swaziland offers unusual and affordable safaris and will celebrate 50 years of independence next week ✔ Such up-close safari encounters became commonplace during my time in Eswatini(known as Swaziland until April this year) ✔ We drove past thorn bushes and skeletal leadwood trees, silhouetted against a satsuma-hued sky ✔ A hippo’s flaring nostrils, beady eyes and hairy ears bobbed menacingly in a water hole ✔ Browse Guardian Holidays to find a range of fantastic trips
Fire on Greek island ferry extinguished after 3 days
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Authorities in Greece say a fire on a ferry connecting the mainland to the island of Crete has been put out after raging for three days. The fi ✔ Despite heavy smoke, the boat reached the port with none of its 875 passengers or 141 crew members harmed amid the blaze ✔ A coast guard spokesman told The Associated Press that vehicles were being evacuated from the ferry on Saturday and it wasn't known yet how many were damaged
Hotel horror: 95% of hot tubs contain something so DISGUSTING it might put you off forever
HOTEL hot tubs might seem like the pinnacle of luxury, but they’re hiding a horrifying secret. ✔ And if that’s not bad enough, a further 81% contained fungi and 34% had staphylococcus bacteria ✔ A woman recently had to call the police after making a stomach-churning discovery in her hotel bath ✔ In fact, a study conducted by Travelmath found four and five star hotels are actually covered in more bacteria than their three-star counterparts
Britain’s quaintest streets revealed
Forget hygge – Britain doesn’t need any lessons in cosiness, as these images show. They show the quaintest streets in the land, from Scotland to southern England via York and Wales. ✔ It's also home to a delightful harbour with a little row of houses overlooking it © Shutterstock / Helen Hotson Welcome to the most famous street in Norwich - Elm Hill ✔ The poet lived at No4 and worked at No10 © VisitBritain/Andrew Pickett Large flowering baskets make this cute street in Winchester extra bloomin' lovely © Matthew Kalapuch This mews in Edinburgh ticks all the quaint boxes - flowers, shrubs, cobbles, stable doors and an old-fashioned light © Ted Thornhill Kensington in London is full of cute little mews's like this one - and some even have secret paths that feed into them that are difficult to spot from the road
Avengers 4: Return of THIS dead character confirmed? Reshoots adding ‘a LOT more of him’
AVENGERS 4 reshoots are adding much more of one character in particular, according to speculation based on leaked information. ✔ (Image: MARVEL) As for the other fallen heroes, their fates remain unclear ✔ What is more certain is who is joining the fun this time around: Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers is the one with the most hype, with her Captain Marvel expected to pay a key part in the fightback against Thanos ✔ For answers, we still have a long few months to wait
Thomas the Tank Engine undergoes biggest shake-up in 73 years including new song
Thomas the Tank Engine will be travelling to some exciting places around the world with his new friends, and the show will have a more upbeat theme track ✔ Thomas and his friends will be exploring lots of new places Isla is an Australian flying doctor plane Read More Couple mortified after daughter, 3, posts their X-rated love notes through neighbours' letter boxes But one of the biggest changes will be a new energetic theme tune, reflecting the new content, which you can hear by listening to the video at the top of this story
Avengers 4: Is THIS Doctor Strange Infinity War moment key? NOT for the reason you think
MANY Marvel fans have already speculated that Doctor Strange’s visions of the “outcomes” of the battle with Thanos will be integral to Avengers 4 - but does this new theory give the most interesting spin on it yet? ✔ They added: This is contrary to everyone's idea that Stark is key to the single future Strange saw, and rather it's Strange's meddling in the current future that is ultimately what saves the day ✔ Played by Brie Larson, the character will be introduced in her own 1990-set solo vehicle in early 2019, shortly before the release of Avengers 4
Tim Dowling: my wife won’t tell me where we’re going on holiday
She has come to believe that the less I know about our plans beforehand, the better ✔ That way, the middle one says, pointing with his phone ✔ I’ll bet a lot of these people are from cancelled flights ✔ We stand outside the lobby, smoking alongside a man so drunk he has to hold on to a pole to stay upright, while streams of traffic pour across the nearby access road
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