Opinion | The United States has leverage to end the Yemeni civil war. Use it.
The conflict has resulted in the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. ✔ By Jeanne Shaheen and Todd Young September 11 at 10:47 AM Jeanne Shaheen, a Democrat, represents New Hampshire in the U.S. Senate ✔ Defense Secretary Jim Mattis recently warned that U.S. support for the coalition is not unconditional ✔ These certifications must be submitted to Congress no later than Wednesday
‘Deep state has full control’: Crosstalk discusses the US strategy in Syria
Given President Trump’s policy reversal on Syria, the US looks set to remain mired in the 7-year conflict indefinitely. With Syria in rubble, and with the risk of clashes with Russia, our panelists ask, what’s the US strategy? ✔ There’s definitely something to this, economics professor Glenn Diesen agreed ✔ However, Diesen argued that Syria’s location, in between America’s ally, Israel, and its enemy, Iran, makes involvement inevitable ✔ Subscribe to RT newsletter to get stories the mainstream media won’t tell you
Xi, Putin meet as Russia kicks off biggest ever war games
Leaders pledge closer ties as Russia kicks off largest military drills with 300,000 troops, including Chinese soldiers. ✔ Xi Jinping, left, met Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok [Mikhail Metzel/via Reuters] Russia's President Vladimir Putin met his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok on Tuesday ✔ Now, the Chinese commitment isn't huge – about 3,200 troops and 30 aircraft, but it does perhaps show them they can work together and at some point integrate weapons systems and command structures
Afghanistan suicide attack causes dozens of casualties as violence...
A suicide bomber in Afghanistan killed at least 25 people at a gathering on Tuesday on the highway between the eastern city of Jalalabad and the main border crossing into neighboring Pakistan, officials said. ✔ REUTERS/Stringer Nangarhar, one of the main strongholds of Islamic State militant fighters since early 2015, has been one of the most volatile regions this year, with a string of suicide bombings and attacks on its capital, Jalalabad ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
Afghan official: Suicide bomber kills 32 in Nangarhar
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — A suicide bomber detonated his explosives-filled vest among a group of people protesting a local police commander in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday, kill ✔ That blast was later followed by two others in Behsud district, also near two schools ✔ (AP Photo/Mohammad Anwar Danishyar) Map locates Nangarhar in Afghanistan, where a suicide bomber detonated a vest full of explosives among a group of protesters; 1c x 2 1/2 inches; 46.5 mm x 63 mm;
On anniversary of Sept. 11 attacks, terrorists readying to attack again: 9/11 commissioners
To stop the next Sept 11. attack, the USA needs new strategy to mitigate the conditions that enable terrorist groups to take root, spread and thrive. ✔ 6, 2018.(Photo: Wakil Koshar/AFP/Getty Images) It might be tempting to think we have turned the tide on terrorism ✔ Our military has been effective, but we cannot curb extremism through force alone ✔ They now serve as the chairs of the congressionally mandated Task Force on Extremism in Fragile States, hosted by the United States Institute of Peace
Congo opposition figure Bemba warns of 'chaos' if vote fraud
BRUSSELS (AP) — A top Congo opposition figure who is barred from December's presidential election is warning that "chaos" will follow if the vote is not transparent and fair. ✔ BRUSSELS (AP) A top Congo opposition figure who is barred from December's presidential election is warning that chaos will follow if the vote is not transparent and fair ✔ Felix Tshisekedi, the candidate for the largest opposition party, remains eligible
War games and business deals: Russia, China send a signal to Washington
Both under U.S. pressure, Beijing and Moscow are signaling they’re ready to get closer ✔ Such cooperation was especially important in the current international environment, they said, hinting at Trump’s protectionism ✔ Throughout history, great powers have allied with one another against common threats out of necessity, not necessarily because they share values or ultimate aims, Kofman said
Xi-Putin summit in Vladivostok highlights common front against US
China plays prominent role in both Eastern Economic Forum and Russian war games ✔ While the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump plans to maintain sanctions on North Korea until it gives up its nuclear weapons, China and Russia are softening their stance and indicating a willingness to loosen the reins ✔ Try 3 months for $9 Offer ends September 30th
Analysis | Privatizing the U.S. effort in Afghanistan seemed a bad idea. Now it’s even worse.
Here's why the oversight of armed contingency contractors seems uncertain. ✔ Many PMSCs were simply inept including, at times, the Afghan Public Protection Force (APPF), a fee-for-service force run by the Afghan government ✔ Deborah Avant, Sié Chéou-Kang Chair for International Security and Diplomacy, Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, is the author of The Market for Force: the Consequences of Privatizing Security and, most recently, The New Power Politics: Networks and Transnational Security Governance
International Criminal Court ‘undeterred’ by Donald Trump, John Bolton threats
The International Criminal Court on Tuesday pushed back against a withering attack from Washington to prosecute and sanction its judges and officials if Americans are charged with war crimes allegedly committed during the war in Afghanistan. ✔ He added that Washington was prepared to slap financial sanctions and criminal charges on officials of the court if they proceed against any Americans ✔ However, it does not have the capacity to arrest suspects and depends on member states for their cooperation
Ron Paul: 'Why Are We Siding With al-Qaeda in Syria?'
Last week, I urged the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to stop protecting al-Qaeda in Syria by demanding that the Syrian government leave Idlib under al-Qaeda control. While it may seem hard to believe that the US government is helping al-Qaeda in Syria, it’s not as strange as it may seem: our interventionist foreign policy increasingly requires Washington to partner up with “bad guys” in pursuit of its dangerous and aggressive foreign policy goals. ✔ Last week, I urged the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor to stop protecting al-Qaeda in Syria by demanding that the Syrian government leave Idlib under al-Qaeda control ✔ Second, one of the last groups of ISIS fighters in Syria are around the Al-Tanf US military base which has operated illegally in northeastern Syria for the past two years
Russia kicks off largest military exercise involving a staggering 300,000 troops
The Vostok 2018 war game involves more than double the number of regular troops in the entire British armed forces- and China is getting involved too ✔ Putin’s spokesman said last month that maintaining Russia's defence capabilities is justified, needed and has no alternative as rival powers are frequently quite aggressive and unfriendly ✔ MOD figures reveal there are around 147,000 full time personnel across the RAF, Navy and Army,
Iran WARNING: US tells airlines not to fly through airspace as WW3 fears rise
US AIRLINES have been warned against flying over Iran as Tehran embarks on increased military activity in the region amid growing World War 3 tensions. ✔ The Iranian military shows off its missiles during a parade in Tehran (Image: GETTY) The FAA's latest guidance on Iraq, issued in December 2017, prohibits US airlines in most cases from flying at an altitude lower than 26,000 feet due to the potential for fighting
Russia war games MAPPED: Where are Vostok 2018 Russia military drills?
RUSSIA launched its biggest military exercise since the Cold War on Tuesday, with some analysts indicating this could be a dramatic signal to the US. So where are the Vostok-2018 drills? ✔ As the exercises began, Russian President Vladimir Putin met China’s President Xi Jinping in the city of Vladivostok, where he told him we have a trusting relationship in the sphere of politics, security and defence ✔ Russia also staged a major naval exercise in the eastern Mediterranean this month and resumed bombing the Syrian region of Idlib, the last major enclave of rebels fighting its ally President Bashar al-Assad
Filming of staged chemical attack in Syrian Idlib begins - Russian MoD
Footage, meant to serve as proof that the Syrian government has conducted a chemical weapons attack in Idlib, Syria, is to be handed to global news outlets by the end of Tuesday, the Russian military claims. ✔ It added the intelligence came from local residents of Jisr al-Shughur ✔ All the footage of the staged provocation in Jisr al-Shughur is to be delivered to the newsrooms of TV channels, which are to broadcast it after its publication on social media, the statement claimed ✔ It also said that an Islamist group was provided with two canisters of a chlorine-based chemical for the purpose of the operation
Syria’s selfless medics are the forgotten heroes of Idlib | Samer Attar
The casualties are horrific and the dangers immense but these doctors are not deterred, says volunteer doctor Samer Attar ✔ You can spot life attempting to return to normal: cafes and markets and fruit stands ✔ But you still see refugee families struggling in tents amid 38C heat ✔ They will not spare homes, schools, or hospitals to achieve victory ✔ All I can do from here is bear witness and share their voices
Horrors of war made me want to take my own life says ex-soldier - in chilling echo of Bodyguard plot
HAUNTED by memories of fighting and an explosion that almost killed a colleague, Colin McCurdy was tormented by nightmares and flashbacks. The dad-of-four, from Belfast, had always tried so hard to… ✔ However, I took it out on my family - I must have been the hardest person to live with ✔ Service personnel in particular can find it hard to talk about their mental health, as it can be seen as a weakness ✔ Despite the work we do at our treatment centres and through our community teams, we understand how difficult it can be to seek help
New U.N. Chief Critical of U.S., Europe
Michelle Bachelet calls out America's "unconscionable" separations of migrant families and urges Europe to create a dedicated rescue operation for migrants in the Mediterranean. ✔ She encouraged the European Union to ensure access to asylum and rights protections, and faulted the government of member country Italy in particular for political posturing with its policy of denying entry to NGO rescue ships ✔ This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed
Dozens killed and injured in suicide attack at Afghan protest
A suicide bomber in Afghanistan killed at least 32 people and wounded more than 120 others at a demonstration on Tuesday on the highway between the eastern city of Jalalabad and the main border crossing into neighboring Pakistan, officials said. ✔ Afghan men carry an injured man to a hospital after a suicide attack in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan September 11, 2018 ✔ REUTERS/Stringer Another official Sohrab Qaderi, a member of the Nangarhar provincial council, said at least 56 bodies were taken to hospital, with 43 more wounded ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
Tuesday Morning Briefing
From the latest developments on Hurriance Florance to the sexism storm over the U.S. Open, catch up on the latest headlines. ✔ COMMENTARY U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis had to do some elaborate diplomatic two-steps during their recent swing across the Indian subcontinent, writes David A ✔ Journalist deaths put Afghan media under pressure Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
The other 9/11 tragedy: The day Chile’s democracy died
On the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Dr. Tomasz Pierscionek recalls another tragedy associated with the date. ✔ A report issued in 2006 – Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States – that collated the findings of 16 different intelligence agencies in the US, concluded that the Iraq War led to an increase in global terrorism ✔ After hours of fighting, he choose suicide over surrender ✔ Pinochet was a typical example of a dictator feted by Western powers, one whose atrocities are overlooked once they sacrifice their nation on the altar of free market capitalism
Top court 'undeterred' by US threat
The US says it will impose sanctions if the ICC goes ahead with investigating American soldiers. ✔ Reuters US personnel in Afghanistan could be subjected to ICC investigations Mr Bolton said neither Afghanistan nor any government signatory to the ICC's statute had requested an investigation ✔ More binding, bilateral agreements would be signed to stop countries submitting US citizens to the court's jurisdiction
Ethiopian Airlines is founding new African flag carriers
The continent’s most successful airline wants to expand abroad ✔ But they have little involvement in the day-to-day management of the company, which is left to seasoned experts hired from the private sector ✔ Using Alitalia and Air Berlin’s operations to funnel traffic through its hub in Abu Dhabi hurt Etihad as much as it helped it ✔ But he would be wise to avoid Mr Hogan’s overzealousness when doing so
Analysis | For decades global hunger was on the decline. Now it’s getting worse again — and climate change is to blame
The number of undernourished people is on the rise again. ✔ In this photo taken on Oct. 21, 2015 an animal carcass is seen on the bed of Negro River during a drought in the village of Cacau Pirêra, 22 kilometers from Manaus ✔ The trend is not as strongly pronounced when adjusted for population increase, but figures have risen from 10.6 percent in 2015 to 10.9 percent last year
End of the EU: Europe has NO future - and financial crisis is to blame, warns Greece
THE European Union’s failure to handle the migrant crisis and financial crash will leave Europe with no future, the Greek Prime Minister has warned. ✔ Several European countries including France and Belgium have seen attacks by Islamist militants ✔ European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker will hold the annual State of the Union debate on Wednesday - the debate will be his last before he leaves office next year
Conditions necessary for next financial crisis may emerge by 2020
undefined ✔ As we mark the tenth anniversary of the global financial crisis, there have been plenty of postmortems examining its causes, its consequences and whether the necessary lessons have been learnt ✔ US and global equities are expensive, especially in the US where P/E ratios are 50 per cent above historic averages
Why have rates of the disease soared since September 11?
THEY dedicated hours, days, weeks to shovelling away the tower debris and searching for September 11 survivors. But now thousands of people who rushed to Ground Zero to help have been left diagnose… ✔ THEY dedicated hours, days, weeks to shovelling away the tower debris and searching for September 11 survivors ✔ In a report compiled by the NYPD, it was found that more than 50 per cent of the police officers with a cancer diagnosis served at Ground Zero within 24 hours of the attack, when the toxic debris cloud was the most intense
Analysis | The Daily 202: Playing ‘catch-up,’ progressive groups to spend $10 million on digital ads for state legislative races
A digital strategist shares lessons she learned from Virginia to explain why she’s going positive and hyperlocal. ✔ Cuomo Bridge if they met a late August deadline to open ✔ Wint then killed the victims, prosecutors allege, and made off with the cash, fleeing in the family’s blue Porsche ✔ This guy from the Baltimore Ravens Marching Band playing PERFECT air drums to Rush's Tom Sawyer: pic.twitter.com/uKxtXue0PM Prescott Rossi (@PrescottRossi) September 10, 2018
Analysis | The Finance 202: Trump's top economist claims early victory on tax cuts
Their impact is still unclear. ✔ ‘I guess I have a magic wand, 4.2%, and we will do MUCH better than this! We have just begun.’ Trump appeared to be referencing remarks Obama made about manufacturing employment, not economic growth, during the 2016 town hall ✔ BULL SESSION Jim Carrey: We have to say yes to socialism: Key moments from John Bolton's speech at the Federalist Society: Sarah Huckabee Sanders asks the Justice Department to investigate New York Times op-ed:
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