Which Apple iPhone Should You Buy? | Digital Trends
There are three main iPhone models available, and prices vary significantly, so if you're considering buying one, it's important to make the right decision. We've used them all, and break down what makes each one great, and which model will be best for you depending on your requirements. ✔ Julian Chokkattu/Digital Trends You’re on the edge of becoming an iPhone owner, except the choice of phones is causing a dilemma ✔ Then there’s the amount of storage space, and the color to consider ✔ The iPhone XR has the least impressive screen, but it’s also much cheaper than the other two
iOS Distribution: 50 Percent of Apple Devices Are Running iOS 12 | Digital Trends
iOS 12 is only a little over one month old, and it's already been pushed out to 50 percent of all active iOS devices, according to Apple's latest announcement. The number of devices running iOS 11 dropped to 39 percent, while earlier versions of iOS amount for 11 percent of the market. ✔ With iOS 12, users see incremental changes ranging from Siri suggestions and new Animojis, to ARKit 2.0 and grouped notifications ✔ Google’s Android version updates, on the other hand, have to be released by a myriad of manufacturers and then by carriers if the device is locked ✔ Updated on October 24, 2018: We’ve updated this article with the latest iOS distribution numbers
Mac Mini 2018: What a New Mac Mini Could Look Like
Rumors and reports suggest that Apple could launch a new Mac Mini 2018 during its October event. Here's what we suspect a new Mac Mini could look like, and why Apple may be updating this portable computer. ✔ It’s official: Apple’s second fall 2018 event has been confirmed for October 30 in Brooklyn, New York ✔ If you’re a little surprised at that, there’s good reason ✔ SSD hard drive This one is practically a shoe-in ✔ If this is the case, then Apple definitely needs to upgrade video support to 4K as well
Apple, Samsung fined for updates causing 'malfunctions' in old phones
Italian antitrust officials say the iPhone 6 and Galaxy Note 4 were made slower after new phones were introduced, encouraging users to upgrade. ✔ The company said the power management may go unnoticed but in some cases users may experience longer launch times for apps and other reductions in performance ✔ Washington Post Phones Apple Samsung Most Viewed in Technology Loading Please explain Our weekly podcast giving you insight into the stories that drive the nation
Apple’s iOS 12 can reportedly defeat passcode-hacking GrayKey box
Keeping the snoops out of your iPhone ✔ Instead, it’s able to get only a partial extraction ✔ Speaking at the 40th International Conference of Data Protection & Privacy Commissioners, he said that our own information is being weaponized against us with military efficiency, affecting not just the individual, but entire societies as well
Apple and Samsung fined MILLIONS for slowing down smartphones as they age
APPLE and Samsung have been fined £8.9m and £4.4m respectively through an Italian court ruling for slowing down their smartphones as they age. Believed to be the first against manufacturers, the ru… ✔ Operating system updates caused serious malfunctions and significantly reduced their performance, in this way speeding up their replacement with more recent products ✔ Apple is also accused of prompting iPhone 6 owners to install an OS designed for the iPhone 7 without warning consumers that its installation could reduce the speed of execution and functionality of devices ✔ There was no immediate reaction to the Italian decision from Apple or Samsung
Italy fines Apple and Samsung for pressuring customers to buy new phones through software updates
Italian antitrust officials allege that Apple and Samsung pressured customers to download software updates that led to device malfunctions, which ultimately pushed customers to buy newer products. ✔ Lithium-ion batteries become less effective over time and are less capable of holding a charge, which can lead to a device abruptly shutting down ✔ Apple said it had changed its software last year for models of the iPhone 6 to improve power management during peak workloads to avoid unexpected shutdowns ✔ Apple didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment
Apple's rumored TV service: Everything we know (a little) and everything we don't (lots!)
Just where is Apple putting that $1 billion investment in TV programming? ✔ James Martin/CNET Apple's had a spotty track record with TV ✔ Other speculation includes the idea Apple may create one bundle to rule them all ✔ Every Apple original series announced: Apple's deep bench of original programming is all dressed up with nowhere to go
10 Best Cheap Laptop Deals for October 2018 | Digital Trends
Whether you've started a new school year, are shopping for a special student, or you graduated a while ago and just need a new computer, we've got you covered: These are the 10 best laptop deals going right now, from discounted MacBooks to on-the-go gaming PCs. ✔ It’s also on sale right now: A $124 savings brings it down to $555 from B&H for a limited time ✔ Apple touches like a 256GB SSD, a super-crisp 2,560 x 1,600 resolution Retina display, and a backlit keyboard complete the package ✔ Digital Trends may earn commission on products purchased through our links, which supports the work we do for our readers
Apple CEO Tim Cook supports stricter data privacy laws, warns of 'data industrial complex'
Saying our data is being "weaponized" against us, Apple's CEO said he supported the European Union's data privacy law and that the U.S. should follow suit. ✔ That’s rattled the big tech companies, which are pushing for a federal law that would treat them more leniently ✔ Every day, we work to infuse the devices we make with the humanity that makes us ✔ As I’ve said before, 'Technology is capable of doing great things
Trump continues to take calls from his iPhone even after American spy agencies have determined that China and Russia are listening
Despite being warned that his cell phone calls are not secure, President Trump refuses to stop making calls from his iPhone according to a New York Times report. The report claims that American spy agencies have said that China and Russia are indeed listening in on the president's cell phone calls ✔ Some say they are only left to hope he doesn't discuss matters of national security while on one of his three iPhones, according to the report ✔ The president is supposed to trade in his two official phones every 30 days for security purposes, though White House officials told The Times he rarely does so because of the inconvenience
What Is Stock Android, and Other Questions You Were Afraid to Ask | Digital Trends
If you're not using an iPhone as your daily driver, chances are you're using an Android phone. But despite being on more than 2 billion phones from Samsung, LG, and others, it's still possible to be unsure about parts of Android. What is stock Android? What's Pie? Here are the answers. ✔ It’s hard to imagine a world without Android ✔ But despite its overwhelming presence, what is Android ✔ Far from being as straightforward as Apple’s range of iPhones, where an iPhone is an iPhone, Android seems to exist as a veritable galaxy, with smartphones from all over the world and from many different manufacturers all powered by the same operating system ✔ Since Android releases proceed alphabetically, and the last release was Pie, Android 10.0 looks set to be something beginning with Q
Tim Cook wants a federal privacy law — but so do Facebook and Google
Regulation is coming whether tech companies like it or not ✔ Tim Cook is done with being polite about ad-tracking ✔ If Cook’s speech this morning was more full-throated than what you’d hear from Mark Zuckerberg or Sundar Pichai, it’s because Apple isn’t in the targeted advertising business (or at least not mostly)
Trump has two ‘secure’ iPhones, but the Chinese are still listening
President Trump has three iPhones — two of them are “secure” and his third is a regular personal device. But whenever the commander-in-chief takes a call, his adversaries are said to be listening. That’s according to a new report by The New York Times, which put a spotlight on the… ✔ Trump’s reliance on three iPhones may seem cumbersome, but it’s a step up from what his predecessor got ✔ But that policy isn’t enforced as closely as it should be, the report says, because of the inconvenience of having to manually port over the old data to the new phone without accidentally transferring any lingering malware if any ✔ And this is someone we trust with the nuclear codes ✔ Trump’s new cyber strategy eases rules on use of government cyberweapons
When Trump phones friends, the Chinese listen and learn
Trump's aides have warned him that his mobile phone calls are not secure and have told him that Russian spies routinely eavesdrop on the calls as well. ✔ In what amounts to a marriage of lobbying and espionage, the Chinese have pieced together a list of the people with whom Trump regularly speaks in the hopes of using them to influence the President, the officials said ✔ The New York Times Security Donald Trump USA Most Viewed in World Loading Please explain Our weekly podcast giving you insight into the stories that drive the nation
How to invest a billion dollars
Some advice for the Mega Millions lottery winner (and anyone with a few bucks to spare). ✔ Some lucky person in South Carolina is today dealing with one of the most agreeable puzzlers known to the human race ✔ Unlike competing asset classes, from property to private equity to venture capital, they’re liquid, transparent, and they don’t cost you much in management fees
When Trump Phones Friends, the Chinese Listen and Learn
President Trump has been repeatedly told by aides that his cellphone calls are not secure from foreign spies. But he has refused to heed the warnings to stop talking. ✔ As a presidential candidate, he regularly attacked his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, during the 2016 campaign for her use of an unsecured email server while she was secretary state, and he basked in chants of lock her up at his rallies ✔ New phone or old, though, the Chinese and the Russians are listening, and learning
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