Central Texas’s torrent of floods overwhelms water-treatment systems
Contamination prompts a state-mandated order to boil drinking water, changing daily life. ✔ By Eva Ruth Moravec and Eva Ruth Moravec Bio Follow Frances Stead Sellers Frances Stead Sellers Senior writer covering national politics Email Bio Follow October 24 at 8:13 PM AUSTIN The rains started innocently enough a refreshing break from a summer-long drought that had parched the landscape and sent residents of this water-loving city for relief, swimming and boating in its spectacular man-made lakes ✔ Help in addressing Austin’s water crisis has come from various places
Putin Russia will target nations hosting US nuclear weapons
'European countries... must understand that they are putting their own territory at risk of a possible counterstrike,' says Russian president ✔ Rise for Climate protests took places across the world to demand action Leo Sabangan/350.org (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) 48/50 7 September 2018 Displaced Syrians take part in a protest against the regime and its ally Russia at a camp for displaced people in Kafr Lusin near the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey in Syria's northern Idlib province AFP/Getty 49/50 6 September 2018 An aerial view of houses damaged by a landslide in Atsuma town, Hokkaido prefecture, after an earthquake hit the northern Japanese island
Remnants of Hurricane Willa to help fuel powerful East Coast nor’easter
Hurricane Willa may be gone, but some of its remnant energy and moisture will help fuel the first nor'easter of the season for the East Coast this weekend. ✔ Reporters line up behind the barricades near where a bridge over the Llano River collapsed from floodwaters in Kingsland, Texas, on Oct. 17, 2018.(Photo: LARRY W ✔ In the heart of the winter, they can become notorious powerhouse snowstorms, sometimes delivering a crippling blow to the big East Coast cities
Super Typhoon Yutu slams Northern Mariana Islands with 180 mph winds
Images of devastation were revealed early Thursday, after Saipan and Tinian in the Northern Mariana Islands were slammed by Super Typhoon Yutu. ✔ By then, the storm had maximum sustained winds of 180 mph ✔ At its peak, it felt like many trains running constant, Glen Hunter wrote in a Facebook message to The Associated Press ✔ You may also want to view these photo galleries: Replay Last SlideNext Slide
How the Migrant Caravan Became a Trump Election Strategy
Activists in Honduras hoped the caravan would damage a president they opposed and help migrants. Instead it precipitated a crisis that hurt them and played into President Trump’s hands. ✔ SAN PEDRO SULA, Honduras The flier began circulating on social media in Honduras this month, showing a lone migrant sketched against a bright red backdrop ✔ The migrants, who have been surviving on handouts from strangers, said they were not paid to join the caravan
31 Rise And Grind Tweets That’ll Inspire You To “Get This Bread”
Rise and grind hustlers. ✔ The use of grain has been a staple in the hip-hop community to describe money for quite sometime now, so let's get this bread, isn't exactly a new phrase, but Twitter has recently taken a liking to it and the results have been hilarious ✔ Not money but my carb intake is just unreal 02:13 AM - 22 Oct 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite 16
US midterms: The governor races you need to watch
On November 6, voters in 39 states and territories will decide their governors. ✔ All US governors serve four-year terms, except those in the states of Vermont and New Hampshire, where the terms span two years ✔ On Tuesday, Sanders joined Garcia for a rally in Arizona ✔ But in local media reports Republicans expressed confidence that the South Dakota's track record of Republican voting - 61 percent to Trump in 2016 - would lead Noem to victory
Japan, China seek warmer ties against backdrop of U.S. trade friction
Japan's prime minister travels to Beijing on Thursday for his first formal ... ✔ ‘STRATEGIC TARGETS’ The Belt and Road project has come under fire for saddling poor nations with debt through big projects that are not economically viable ✔ Japanese participation could help the initiative’s image and allay fears of debtor nations, officials say ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
The fatal hike that became a Nazi propaganda coup | Kate Connolly
The Long Read: In 1936, a school group from south London went on a hike in the Black Forest. Despite the heroic rescue attempts of German villagers, five boys died. Eighty years on, locals are still asking how it happened ✔ He interviewed the rescuers, and spoke to other witnesses who told him they had repeatedly warned the party to turn back ✔ Additional research by Richard Nelsson Main Image: Stadtarchiv Freiburg Follow the Long Read on Twitter at @gdnlongread, or sign up to the long read weekly email here
Ugly stand-off between Italy and the EU proves why we voted to leave!
ALEX BRUMMER: The EU has chosen this moment to declare war on Italy’s democratically elected government, led by Giuseppe Conte, by refusing to sign off on the country’s budget. ✔ You’d think the EU had enough on its plate trying to thrash out a Brexit deal with Britain ✔ Yet in the past, Italy has found it relatively easy to run big budget deficits and a large national debt because of the willingness of citizens and the country’s economic institutions to hold large amounts of government debt
Opinion | Trump’s Ignoring Our Real ‘National Emergies’
Instead of migrants fleeing Central America, maybe the real “National Emergy,” to use the president’s spelling, is drugs, homelessness, gun deaths and lack of health insurance. ✔ Politically, this was quite effective, and Republicans won sweeping gains across the country and seized control of the Senate ✔ Oct. 23, 2018 You can sign up for Nicholas Kristof’s free, twice-weekly email newsletter , and also join him on Facebook and follow him on Twitter (@NickKristof) and Instagram
Smartphones emerge as bright spot for Indian manufacturing
Smartphone-maker Lava is a small player in India's booming mobile communica... ✔ India has more than a billion wireless subscribers, and about 380 million of them do not yet have a smartphone ✔ The manufacturing plan includes import duties not only on phones, but also on accessories such as phone chargers, batteries and headphones, as well as components including pre-assembled printed circuit boards ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
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