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Disasters - SERIES 399 {28 articles}

Revitalizing a flood plain? In Fairfax County, blighted parcel sparks sharp debate

10/30/2018, 8:17:05 PM
Proposed town houses near Mount Vernon could trigger other improvements — or set a precedent for environmental debacle. ✔ Mostly, opponents are concerned about the legal precedent that would be set if the county agrees to allow residential development in one of its floodplains ✔ It could bring in a nicer caliber of people to the neighborhood ✔ I definitely don’t need the situation to be disturbed any more than it is

Freak deadly weather system drowning Venice heading for BRITAIN next

10/30/2018, 10:53:02 PM
A FREAK weather system that has drowned Venice and left 10 people dead is heading for Brits next, according to BBC weather experts. ✔ Winds of up to 110 mph were reported, and two tornadoes ripped through the centre of the coastal town of Terracina, killing one person and leaving 10 others injured ✔ Strong winds coupling with some pretty heavy snowfall as well ✔ It also moving up towards the UK and it will bring a pretty bleak day across the east on Tuesday

The UCL researchers who 'lied' about 15-year-old girl's transplant disaster

10/30/2018, 10:12:21 PM
When 15-year-old Shauna Davison was operated on in 2012, researchers from University College London seemed to think that her transplant could pave to way to a medical breakthrough. ✔ When 15-year-old Shauna Davison was operated on in 2012, researchers from University College London seemed to think that her transplant could pave to way to a medical breakthrough ✔ Trachea transplant Prof Murray believes that compassionate use guidelines are open to exploitation by professors who want to further their own research

Rahul wins Bake Off despite DOUBLE disaster with icing explosion and bust bowl

10/30/2018, 9:17:06 PM
RESEARCH scientist Rahul Mandal overcame two disasters to be crowned the unlikely Great British Bake Off winner. Rahul, 30, was distraught when his icing bag exploded during the first doughnut chal… ✔ RESEARCH scientist Rahul Mandal overcame two disasters to be crowned the unlikely Great British Bake Off winner ✔ Fortunately I was able to prove that I could finish it ✔ Sandi kissed me on the forehead and that helped calm me down ✔ RING The Sun on 0207 782 4104 or WHATSAPP on 07423720250 or EMAIL

Mexican town hit by quake welcomes migrants, quietly defying Trump

10/30/2018, 10:47:29 PM
An impoverished Mexican town nearly flattened by a 2017 earthquake welcomed thou... ✔ But a willingness to help the needy comes as almost second-nature to residents of the hardscrabble town in Oaxaca, one of Mexico’s poorest states, Cruz said ✔ Near the church, three local families gathered at lunchtime in the shared backyard of rebuilt homes to cook an offering of chicken soup for the migrants, many of whom have said they are fleeing violence and grinding poverty in their homeland ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Robert Mueller asks FBI to investigate 'women offered money to make false sexual harassment claims against him'

10/30/2018, 9:09:57 PM
Supporters of Donald Trump have long sought to discredit Russia investigation ✔ She also dug a cave under her home AFP/Getty 50/50 11 September 2018 People waving pro-independence Catalan flags 'Esteladas' while holding letters reading independence during a pro-independence demonstration in Barcelona to mark the National Day of Catalonia, the Diada

Trump makes controversial visit to Pittsburgh as city starts to bury its dead from synagogue massacre

10/30/2018, 9:10:00 PM
Top officials — including the governor of Pennsylvania and mayor of Pittsburgh — have refused to meet with the president during his visit ✔ The flight was en route to Pangkal Pinang, and reportedly had 189 people onboard EPA 3/50 28 October 2018 A supporter of Workers' Party presidential candidate Fernando Haddad embraces a fellow weeping supporter, after learning that rival Jair Bolsonaro was declared the winner in the Brazil presidential runoff election

Grenfell survivors receive nothing in budget despite plea for up to £60 million

10/30/2018, 9:06:43 PM
There was no new money in Monday’s budget to help with the aftermath of the 2017 disaster, which left 71 dead, hundreds homeless and many more requiring support for trauma ✔ So far, the Government has spent an estimated £46 million to support survivors and the surrounding community affected by the Grenfell Fire and has committed a further £34 million ✔ Read More Top UK politics stories Budget 2018 - all you need to know No Deal Brexit to force cruel new Budget Calls for benefit blunder compensation 5 ways you've been getting Brexit wrong

Italy weather: Venice UNDERWATER as Rome battered by 100kmh winds - 11 dead

10/30/2018, 11:26:10 PM
AT LEAST 11 people have been killed after violent storms pounded Italy for a third day, leaving the majority of Venice under water - here is what you need to know. ✔ Winds of up to 90mph and heavy rains have lashed areas across Italy, damaging historical landmarks and causing widespread destruction across the country ✔ He said: It is becoming ever more difficult for us and indeed could become impossible for us to repair the damage, especially in an age of climate change

2,000 tourists evacuated after tornado hits Menorca and tears down pylons

10/30/2018, 11:33:35 PM
NEARLY 2,000 tourists are being relocated on Menorca after their hotels were left without electricity or water as a result of a freak tornado. Three quarters of the island has been left without pow… ✔ A week-long spell of rain, snow and unseasonably low temperatures has been blamed on the arrival of a mass of polar air lingering over the Iberian Peninsula ✔ Though it won't make landfall, Oscar's effects are set to be felt across the UK towards the end of this week

So near yet so far for Japan and India - Opinion

10/30/2018, 11:36:40 PM
undefined ✔ Editor's note: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi concluded his two-day visit to Japan on Monday after enjoying the hospitality of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ✔ Like always, economic cooperation was a key part of Modi's visit to Japan ✔ For instance, it is difficult for Japanese investors to make huge investments in India as the latter is still struggling with tedious decision-making processes and restrictive policies

Southern California Edison says its equipment helped spark massive Thomas fire that killed 2 - Los Angeles Times

10/30/2018, 11:35:42 PM
Southern California Edison says its equipment was involved in one of two ignition points for the massive Thomas fire that burned in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties in 2017. ✔ SCE has not determined whether the Anlauf Canyon area ignition involved SCE equipment ✔ It killed two people and destroyed 1,063 structures ✔ In addition to investigations under way by fire authorities, the utility said it is conducting its own inquiry into the cause of the fire

Italy storms kill 11 and floods inundate St Mark’s Basilica, Venice

10/30/2018, 8:46:01 PM
Third day of storms bring widespread damage to towns as lagoon city baptistery is submerged by 90cm of water ✔ Violent storms battered Italy for a third consecutive day on Tuesday, killing at least 11 people, and flooding much of Venice ✔ Many of the 11 deaths were caused by falling trees as winds as strong as 90mph whipped the country ✔ The weather was expected to improve late on Tuesday and on Wednesday giving the country a truce, an official from the civil protection agency told Reuters

Harry and Meghan given 'cloaks of protection' for new baby on final day in NZ

10/30/2018, 11:33:39 PM
PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle were given a ‘cloak of protection’ on their final day on tour in New Zealand. The royals were gifted the garment, known as a Korowai, by Maori warriors in… ✔ 4 4 4 Later they will visit a Kiwi breeding programme and name two tiny chicks ✔ Then they will enjoy a walkabout in Rotorua, have a tree walk and finally go mountain biking ✔ Earlier in the week they came face-to-face with an orc from Lord of the Rings

WATCH: Dog Separated from Owner During Hurricane Michael Gets the Reunion He's Been Waiting For

10/30/2018, 8:35:09 PM
Quinn the dog was found by a family who was searching Panama City, Florida, for their own missing canine ✔ In hopes of reuniting the family, the dog-loving do-gooder took Quinn to the Humane Society of Bay County, where the ASPCA and the Florida State Animal Response Coalition were leading emergency sheltering operations for animals displaced by the hurricane

Shock, horror, treat: Halloween kids R OK

10/30/2018, 10:12:10 PM
It’s a ghoulish and gormless stretch to suggest that children getting a few lollies at Halloween is a problem. One evening does not a diet make. ✔ Those who support multiculturalism, one of Australia’s greatest strengths, but culturally decry Halloween would appear to be more than a little hypocritical ✔ A note from the editor – Subscribers can get Age editor Alex Lavelle's exclusive weekly newsletter delivered to their inbox by signing up here:

Blue Wave Or Not, The Nation's Most Progressive Governor Is In Trouble

10/30/2018, 9:12:19 PM
Oregon's Kate Brown has been one of Trump's strongest opponents. The GOP is spending big to unseat her. ✔ Kate Brown meets with supporters getting out the vote ✔ Oregonians will vote in November on a ballot measure that would amend the state’s constitution to eliminate elective abortions for anyone on Medicaid or state-funded insurance, including public employees ✔ These troops that give their lives for us during wildfire season, hurricanes and in battle should not be used as political pawns to make up for his inability to build a wall

The Great British Bake Off final reviewed by Jim Shelley

10/30/2018, 9:33:55 PM
The Great British Bake Off final was a mess frankly but got there in the end – not only by ending up with the right result but getting to the end at all. Just. ✔ Rahul compounded this doughnut faux pas, betraying his lack of doughnut experience, by explaining he was going to cover his ring doughnuts in butter-cream ✔ His ‘pond’ of lemon curd resembled ‘sludge’, remarked Hollywood, and Rahul’s ‘edible rock garden’ generally ‘a bit rough and ready’, although he did admit it looked ‘very natural.’ ‘It does,’ sniffed Leith elegantly ✔ After the magical series and the traumatic final he’d had, he deserved it

Great British Bake Off's horrifying glass explosion sends final into chaos

10/30/2018, 9:21:42 PM
Bake Off 2018 finalist Rahul was stunned as shards of glass were sent flying across the tent ✔ The 30-year-old feared he would never finish the challenge as the production team frantically hurried to clear the glass ✔ Read More Showbiz and TV editor's picks Princess beams as mum stays in rehab Jess hits out over wedding slurs Lauren G, is that you

NASA's Kepler mission has come to an end

10/30/2018, 11:05:36 PM
NASA's Kepler Space Telescope has run out of fuel, and its mission has come to an end 94 million miles from Earth, the agency announced Tuesday. The deep space mission's end is not unexpected, as low fuel levels had been noted in July. ✔ Photos: Weird and wonderful planets beyond our solar system An artist's concept image of the surface of the exoplanet TRAPPIST-1f ✔ I'm excited about the diverse discoveries that are yet to come from our data and how future missions will build upon Kepler's results

‘Stop starving people as instrument of war.' One Republican’s blunt message to Saudis — and Trump

10/30/2018, 11:29:27 PM
Sen. Todd Young is an ex-Marine and staunch conservative not known for bucking President Donald Trump or the GOP party line. Except Yemen’s civil war. ✔ Yemeni people attend the funeral of victims of a Saudi-led airstrike, in Saada, Yemen, in August ✔ And starving people – denying them basic humanitarian assistance – leads to radicalization ✔ Five months later, amid growing international outrage, the Saudis relented and agreed to let the cranes through

Agriculture Minister orders urgent overhaul of own department's handling of live export trade

10/30/2018, 10:18:30 PM
Adamning report of the department's handling of the live export industry found the bureaucracy was unwilling to use its powers to protect animals. ✔ Mr Moss' review quoted departmental staff and alleged that reports of mass deaths at sea were revised or redrafted to dilute or expunge findings in case they negatively reflected on the lax regulations ✔ But the Department of Agriculture did not tell the the marine safety authority

‘Japanese Spider-Man’ weaves web of smiles, laughter

10/30/2018, 10:38:22 PM
A veritable Spider-Man is leaping into the hearts of Tokyoites, with his penchant for performing as ✔ Images of the well-toned performer have gone viral on social networking sites, with users urging people from areas near Tokyo to visit the bustling district ✔ The Japanese Spiderman Instagram account now has more than 15,000 followers ✔ I want to continue the activity as long as I can in terms of health, so that I will become a superhero anyone can meet

Kylie and Keira lead the fashion pack Harper's Bazaar Women of the Year awards

10/30/2018, 10:20:14 PM
A-LIST celebrities turned out in force on the red carpet for Harper’s Bazaar’s annual award show. The Women of the Year Awards 2018, held at Claridge’s Hotel, saw famous faces from popstars t… ✔ PA 10 Laura wore a very conservative dress Another celeb who also went for trusty black was actress Laura Carmichael ✔ Her knee-length frock was the most conservative out of the LBD’s, featuring a high neckline and long sleeves ✔ And here’s the most awfully memorable Oscar gowns of all time, from Demi Moore’s DIY disaster to Cameron Diaz’s floral fail

Gov. Jerry Brown calls repeal of gas tax increase 'dangerous' in new ad

10/30/2018, 10:38:23 PM
Gov. Jerry Brown calls Proposition 6 “dangerous” in a new video ad that warns the initiative that would repeal an increase in the gas tax jeopardizes $5 billion annually in road repair and transportation projects. A week before the statewide election, the “No on 6” campaign put the ad up on socia... ✔ Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) October 28, 2018 Oct. 27, 2018, 2:04 p.m. By Maya Sweedler Oct 27, 2018 | 2:04 PM Early voting has started ✔ The action marks the latest development in the saga between Lopez and Dababneh, who resigned in December, one week after Lopez publicly accused him of forcing her into a bathroom in a Las Vegas hotel suite and masturbating in front of her

Whipped cream and nipple tweaking, Louis Theroux's adventure in sex party land

10/30/2018, 9:51:30 PM
WHEN Louis Theroux found out he’d be attending a “blindfolded sensual dinner” for his latest documentary, he thought he’d better warn his wife things could get a little saucy. It was only when he f… ✔ Louis quickly saw the benefits too: Look at all the issues which are built into monogamy ✔ Marriage was an institution from a time when we didn’t really live that long ✔ RING The Sun on 0207 782 4104 or WHATSAPP on 07423720250 or EMAIL

Opinion | A Progressive Foreign Policy Should Revolve Around Climate Change

10/30/2018, 11:04:41 PM
It's an opportunity to tell a story of how the world works. ✔ Bloomberg via Getty ImagesA bulldozer loads coal onto a train in Chandwa, Jharkhand, India, on Thursday, May 17, 2018 ✔ A strong domestic program to curb emissions and rein in the political power of our own oligarchs is a necessary first step ✔ Matthew Miles Goodrich is a writer and organizer in Brooklyn, New York

Merkel’s political exit is a kind of vindication for Trump

10/30/2018, 11:07:29 PM
The “president of Europe” and the U.S. president have tangled over trade, defense and Russia, but the long-serving German leader rarely takes on Trump directly. ✔ By Anne Gearan and Anne Gearan White House reporter Email Bio Follow Griff Witte Griff Witte Europe-focused correspondent with extensive experience in the Middle East and South Asia Email Bio Follow October 30 at 6:27 PM When German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived at the White House in April, President Trump was eager to sell her on a long-shot idea: She should push aside the European Union so the two could strike a trade deal of their own ✔ Basically she walks in and he says, ‘your planes don’t fly, your ships don’t sail, your submarines don’t submerge, an outside adviser to the White House knowledgeable about the Oval Office in April meeting said

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