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Trade War - SERIES 225 {28 articles}

Truth also first casualty in trade war - Opinion

10/9/2018, 11:58:26 PM
undefined ✔ [Photo/IC] Recently, US academic Yasheng Huang posed the question in The Wall Street Journal: Jack Ma is retiring ✔ On the supply side, the economy continues to move away from industry and toward services ✔ Meanwhile, domestic innovation hubs are expanding from Shenzhen to Shanghai and Beijing

Trade war will hit China harder than US, IMF says

10/9/2018, 9:03:11 PM
Chinese economy faces 1.6% haircut next year, while American losses expected at 0.9% ✔ Imported food from the U.S. is seen at a Shanghai supermarket ✔ Under President Donald Trump, the U.S. has levied tariffs on $250 billion worth of goods against China this year and has threatened an additional 25% tariff on $267 billion worth of Chinese goods

Defense of supply chains must begin in Bali

10/9/2018, 10:15:11 PM
World finance chiefs should protect commercial links strained by Trump's trade war ✔ It could also prevent emerging and low-income countries from reaching their full potential ✔ This is not to argue that supply chains are magic cures for development ✔ James Crabtree is an associate professor in practice at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore

Wall Street edges lower on global worries despite falling yields

10/9/2018, 8:50:39 PM
The Dow and S&P 500 ended slightly lower on Tuesday as investors, worried about ... ✔ It’s almost as if the 10-year looked in the mirror and scared itself ✔ It’s come down, so stocks have been given something of a breather, said Kristina Hooper, chief global market strategist at Invesco in New York ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

8@eight: ASX set for flat open after lukewarm night on Wall Street

10/9/2018, 9:12:26 PM
What happened overnight and what's ahead for the ASX. ✔ Though the truth in the ASX’s fortunes will often lie within activity in any one of these three sectors, the lion’s share of market action was generated by the heavy 4.11 per cent loss of the health care sector, catalysed by a 4.5 per cent and 5.2 per cent dumping of market darlings CSL and Cochlear, respectively

China's Golden Week spending slows despite growth in tourism

10/9/2018, 8:13:51 PM
Shopping rises in single digits, while box office revenue plunges ✔ Unlike Chinese New Year, when locals visit their parents' homes, the National Day holiday commemorating the country's founding is a time for vacationing with family, and spending on such activities is growing annually ✔ E-commerce is increasingly driving consumption even during vacations, as more people purchase souvenirs online before going home

One Day After Catastrophic UN Climate Report, Trump Expected to Order EPA to Lift Ethanol Gasoline Restrictions

10/9/2018, 10:41:34 PM
Ethanol gasoline blends can damage auto parts and lead to higher levels of smog. ✔ While ethanol bends can make for cleaner emissions from cars, research has shown that those benefits are more than offset by the emissions caused in producing ethanol ✔ U.S. farmers of corn and soybeans have been worried about the impact that Trump’s trade war with China could have on the prices of their goods

Dollar weakens as bond yields retreat after rapid rise

10/9/2018, 9:05:37 PM
A gauge of global equity markets edged lower on Tuesday, with a decline in mater... ✔ The Nasdaq Composite rose 2.07 points, or 0.03 percent, to 7,738.02 ✔ MSCI’s index of stock performance in 47 countries fell 0.13 percent, while the pan-European FTSEurofirst 300 index of leading regional shares rose 0.31 percent ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Trump raises ethanol use in gasoline, appeases farmers ahead of...

10/9/2018, 8:50:38 PM
U.S. President Donald Trump launched an effort on Tuesday to increase ethanol us... ✔ We are happy, but we know there’s still a long road ahead, Geoff Cooper, head of the Renewable Fuels Association, said ✔ Since ethanol is cheaper than gasoline, the administration hopes to lower pump prices, which currently average $2.91 a gallon, more than 40 cents higher than this time a year ago, according to the American Automobile Association ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Here’s why traders think the Chinese yuan could reach a record low against the dollar

10/9/2018, 10:12:07 PM
Will the U.S. declare China a currency manipulator? ✔ The Treasury Department is expected to release its semiannual currency report later this month and, should it wish, could designate China a currency manipulator in that report ✔ Aaron Hankin Aaron Hankin is a MarketWatch reporter in New York who covers cryptocurrency and financial markets ✔ We Want to Hear from You Join the conversation Comment

'Trumponomics' has taken a heavy toll on the world

10/9/2018, 9:12:23 PM
Donald Trump's shadow looms large over the world economy. ✔ The fund estimates that US output could end up a full percentage point lower than where it would have been with no new tariffs ✔ Bloomberg World markets Donald Trump Most Viewed in Business Loading Please explain Our weekly podcast giving you insight into the stories that drive the nation

US stock indexes mixed as interest rates take a pause

10/9/2018, 8:54:14 PM
NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. stock indexes ended Tuesday nearly where they began, as interest rates let off the accelerator following their sharp rise last week. But the modest moves for ✔ We like energy right now, and we think prices aren't likely to come down anytime soon, said Barry James, president and portfolio manager of James Advantage Funds ✔ FILE- This Dec. 21, 2016, file photo shows the New York Stock Exchange ✔ The U.S. stock market opens at 9:30 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2018

Need a Handbag or a Tie to Land Your First Job? Borrow One With a Library Card

10/9/2018, 9:59:29 PM
A new program at the New York Public Library lets job-seekers — particularly teenagers and young adults — check out accessories to wear to interviews. ✔ I thought this was a good opportunity, because maybe I did something wrong, she said ✔ On Trial Next: A Police ‘Code of Silence’ Trending Nikki Haley to Resign as Trump’s Ambassador to the U.N ✔ Tracking the Storm’s Path The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

The yin-yang of 10-year Treasury yields and tech shares

10/9/2018, 9:01:05 PM
undefined ✔ FT subscribers can click here to receive Market Forces every day by email ✔ Tech has dominated the current US bull market as overall economic growth was modest until tax reform arrived with a bang at the start of this year ✔ Here’s a look at Italian bonds stress via FT markets

Opinion | ‘A Deafening, Piercing Smoke Alarm’

10/9/2018, 11:56:25 PM
The U.N.’s climate panel tells world leaders the time for dithering on climate change is over. ✔ The alternative is catastrophe mass die-offs of coral reefs, widespread drought, famine and wildfires, and potentially conflict over land, food and fresh water ✔ We have to take a firm grip on the emissions curve and wrench it downward ✔ Jay Inslee is asking voters to approve a carbon tax ✔ The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

Voter Registrations Spike as Deadlines Loom. Taylor Swift Had Something to Do With It.

10/9/2018, 8:20:54 PM
Registrations on typically increase in October, the month before Election Day, but “this is leaps and bounds beyond what we typically see,” a spokeswoman said. ✔ It’s skewed to such an extreme that it’s a pattern worth identifying and calling out, he said ✔ For years, Ms. Swift has kept a carefully managed profile and stayed far away from the hot-button topic of politics ✔ I like Taylor’s music about 25 percent less now, O.K. ✔ Politics The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

Opinion | Nikki Haley Will Be Missed

10/9/2018, 11:56:21 PM
The U.N. ambassador has managed to represent President Trump and the United States. ✔ Once his rise seemed certain, she helped make it so by enthusiastically defending him ✔ With no background in foreign affairs a deficit for a presidential candidate she accepted the United Nations appointment and became one of only a half-dozen women in a cabinet-level job ✔ The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

Opinion | Will Europe’s Boot Point East or West?

10/9/2018, 11:56:18 PM
Italy stands where the spheres of influence of Moscow and Brussels meet. Which will its governing euro-skeptics favor? ✔ Contacts between Lega and United Russia, Mr. Putin’s party, are intense and continuous: conferences, congresses, meetings ✔ Great Again Celia Jacobs The Editorial Board Coal Is Killing the Planet ✔ Trending Nikki Haley to Resign as Trump’s Ambassador to the U.N ✔ The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

Opinion | What the Primaries Say About the Future of Democrats

10/9/2018, 11:56:23 PM
The progressive movement is energized, but there is not much evidence that it is taking over the party. ✔ Both defeated white men in majority-minority districts ✔ Lewis Bennett video Lewis Bennett Holding On to the Farm Nury Hernandez/New York Post Archives, via Getty Images Jeff Pearlman When Trump Made the U.S.F.L ✔ Great Again Trending Nikki Haley to Resign as Trump’s Ambassador to the U.N ✔ The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

‘As I Waited at the Corner for the Light to Change, I Stepped Into the Sliver of Shade’

10/9/2018, 9:59:31 PM
Trying to dodge the sun on the way to the Kings Highway subway station, a Zumba class in Queens and more reader tales from this week’s Metropolitan Diary. ✔ He was a prospective juror who, for some reason, had come to court with a guitar ✔ O’Rourke Major Climate Report Describes a Strong Risk of Crisis as Early as 2040 Voter Registrations Spike as Deadlines Loom ✔ Tracking the Storm’s Path The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

Opinion | When Trump Made the U.S.F.L. Great Again

10/9/2018, 8:00:31 PM
Donald Trump’s chaotic foray into pro football was a precursor to many of his actions today, Jeff Pearlman writes. ✔ (For example, the Philadelphia Stars had a high number of former Penn State standouts.) It was fun and flashy, and largely successful ✔ But in February 1985, Mr. Bassett was diagnosed with brain cancer ✔ Politics The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

Limo Owner’s Past: F.B.I. Informant, Recruiter of Terrorists, Fraudster

10/9/2018, 11:56:22 PM
Shahed Hussain, the owner of the firm in the deadly limo crash, once arranged illegal driver’s licenses and posed as a jihadist. ✔ While working in and later owning gas stations, he developed a sideline helping people get driver’s licenses ✔ He worked for a company that provided interpreters for people taking driver’s license tests at the D.M.V ✔ Trending Nikki Haley to Resign as Trump’s Ambassador to the U.N ✔ The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

Nikki Haley, Hurricane Michael, Trade: Your Tuesday Evening Briefing

10/9/2018, 9:59:27 PM
Here’s what you need to know at the end of the day. ✔ Senator Bernie Sanders, who celebrated the pay hike, has asked for clarification ✔ Repeat nominees include Janet Jackson, above; Radiohead; and Rage Against the Machine ✔ Tracking the Storm’s Path The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

Strengthening to Category 3, Hurricane Michael Aims at Florida

10/9/2018, 11:56:16 PM
The storm, expected to make landfall on Wednesday, is poised to be the most powerful hurricane to strike the mainland United States so far this year. ✔ Zihesa Long and Tayrael Perryman were there, happy to find what they had come for three extra-long loaves of Sunbeam bread ✔ So they drove up Highway 231, checking stores until they found it at the Piggly Wiggly ✔ Trending Nikki Haley to Resign as Trump’s Ambassador to the U.N ✔ The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

The Lives of the 20 Victims Who Died in the New York Limo Crash

10/9/2018, 11:56:17 PM
The victims were friends and relatives — including four sisters from one family and newlyweds — who were on their way to celebrate a 30th birthday. ✔ Adam Jackson, 34 He was Ms. Jackson’s husband and a friend of Patrick Cushing, who was the godfather to one of the couple’s two daughters ✔ Trending Nikki Haley to Resign as Trump’s Ambassador to the U.N ✔ The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

Opinion | Donald Trump Versus the Jungle

10/9/2018, 11:56:26 PM
The president’s fantasy is that the U.S. can ignore the global forces of nature. ✔ That’s because for most of history great powers constantly clashed and most people were constantly poor ✔ But for the last 70-plus years we have been living in the greatest prosperity ever known globally and we’ve witnessed the most widespread booming of democracy and the longest period of great-power peace ever known ✔ Friedman Foreign affairs, globalization and technology ✔ The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

West Virginia’s Small-Town Revival

10/9/2018, 9:59:28 PM
Remote as they seem, communities just three hours from Washington, D.C., are more than a jumping-off point for world-class outdoor adventures. ✔ Remote as they appear, Thomas and Davis lie in the middle of one of the most populous parts of the United States a three- to four-hour drive from the Baltimore-Washington, D.C., area, Virginia, Ohio and western Pennsylvania ✔ Tracking the Storm’s Path The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

We Asked Women What the Kavanaugh Vote Means for the Next Generation. 40,000 Responded.

10/9/2018, 9:41:28 PM
Women across the political divide tell us what they hope the next generation will learn from Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s confirmation battle. ✔ After the Senate’s confirmation of Justice Brett M ✔ He seemed to me very much as one who is inclined toward a binge, a binger ✔ Her lesson: I have four sons, and they are all grown ✔ Tracking the Storm’s Path The Unknowable Fallout of China’s Trade War Nuclear Option

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