The US Military Is Now Recruiting Soldiers To Fight In A War That Started Before They Were Born
“Most Americans are only vaguely aware that we’re still fighting overseas, and the reason for that is that they don’t have any skin in the game.” ✔ More than 70% of young Americans between 17 and 24 the Army’s prime recruiting demographic are ineligible to serve due to not meeting fitness standards; having medical, mental health, or substance abuse issues, substance abuse, or a criminal history
Trump Has Done More to Take On and Take Down the American Empire Than Any Other President
More than any other presidency in modern history, Donald Trump’s has been a veritable sociopolitical wrecking ball, deliberately stoking conflict by playing to xenophobic and racist currents in American society and debasing its political discourse. That fact has been widely discussed. But Trump’s attacks on the system of the global U.S. military presence and commitments have gotten far less notice. ✔ Trump’s willingness to practice personal diplomacy with Kim and to envision the end or serious attenuation of the US troop deployment in South Korea was undoubtedly driven in part by his ego, but it could not have happened without his rejection of the ideology of national security that had dominated Washington elites for generations
World War 3: Russia accused of 'SABOTAGE' after explosion rips through Ukraine arms depot
RUSSIAN special agents could have been behind a series of explosions that tore through an ammunition depot in Ukraine in the early hours of this morning, according to security sources in Kiev. ✔ Ukraine has in the past pointed the finger at Moscow following similar incidents ✔ Authorities closed airspace in a 20 mile radius and suspended all road and rail transport in the wake of the explosions ✔ Fighting between Ukrainian troops and Moscow-backed separatist rebels has killed more than 10,000 people since 2014
Comrade Corbyn is an enemy of the British state, says STEPHEN POLLARD
SPIES are not exactly renowned for speaking their mind. They are by nature cautious in their judgments and discreet about sharing those judgments. Sir Richard Dearlove, the head of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) for five years until 2004, may now be a former spy but is no less cautious for that. ✔ I write that fully aware that during the Cold War there were moments when nuclear war seemed possible ✔ He reveres North Korea and has pointed out that his basic position of solidarity with People['s] Korea [is] clear ✔ Security clearance or not, if Labour wins power these people will be in charge of national security
Syrian president grants general amnesty to army deserters
BEIRUT (AP) — Syrian President Bashar Assad granted general amnesty on Tuesday to army deserters both within Syria and outside the country, a move that could boost the return of r ✔ On Monday, Turkey's official news agency reported that Syrian rebels finished withdrawing all their heavy weapons from the front lines in implementation of the deal reached last month that's expected to demilitarize a stretch of 15-20 kilometers (9-12 miles) along the front lines by Oct. 15
Terror laws need revision to bring foreign fighters to justice, says Security Minister
The UK's terror laws need to be revised so Isil terrorists can be brought to justice in Britain, the security minister has said. ✔ The UK's terror laws need to be revised so Isil terrorists can be brought to justice in Britain, the security minister has said ✔ The majority of those who have come back did so in the earlier stages of the conflict, and a significant proportion are assessed as no longer being of national security concern
Bangladesh’s slide towards authoritarianism is accelerating
With elections looming, the government finds new ways to quell critics ✔ All of the victims, according to the government, died while resisting arrest or when caught in crossfire ✔ The bloodshed has since abated, but the extremist tendency that inspired it has not, according to a former member of the intelligence services: If anything, it is growing
Syria's Assad offers amnesty to military defectors and dodgers to encourage refugee returns
President Bashar al-Assad has issued an unprecedented amnesty for military defectors and draft dodgers in the hope of encouraging Syrians to return home. ✔ President Bashar al-Assad has issued an unprecedented amnesty for military defectors and draft dodgers in the hope of encouraging Syrians to return home ✔ Many people who went to the government for reconciliation then died inside prison ✔ Steps should be taken toward a broader amnesty if Assad aims to incentivise return, said Jesse Marks, a Middle East analyst
Espionage scandals show Russian army's growing clout
Russia's military spies are being mocked abroad as bunglers but the army�... ✔ If anyone had doubts that our employees work everywhere they shouldn’t have any now, Konstantin Zatulin, a lawmaker, told state TV, while declining to confirm the allegations ✔ A FEW EMBARRASSING NEWS CYCLES The attacks on the Organisation for the Protection of Chemical Weapons in the Netherlands and on Skripal, in which the former spy and his daughter were poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok but survived, are not the only signs the West sees of the GRU’s increased activity ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
Israel Trains to Counter the S-300 as Russia Expands Towards Lebanon
The Israeli Air Force is conducting intensive manoeuvres with its F-35 Adirs along with F-16s over Lebanese airspace to counter the threat posed by the three battalion sets of S-300PM missiles systems delivered by Moscow to Damascus so that Tel Aviv can resume its bombing of targets in Syria. Despite the lack of available data on S-300 efficiency, the presence of these missiles represents a danger to the Israeli Air Force and its violation of Lebanese and Syrian airspace. ✔ But that is not the only Russian activity in the Levant: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov has invited many Lebanese officials and political party leaders to Moscow ✔ Also, Turkish forces are still in Idlib and the danger from Jihadists is not yet over, said the source
Boxed off: If Saudi dictatorship murdered & dismembered critic in Turkey, how would Erdogan respond?
As Riyadh is accused of allegedly murdering their critic Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey, the key question is how President Erdogan would respond if suspicions are confirmed. My money is on him responding with blood and iron. ✔ The very newspapers which downplayed the crime today were only yesterday accepting lavish advertising of the rock-star prince during his recent visit to London, including the liberal ‘Guardian’ ✔ The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT
Barack Obama gave a 22-year-old college graduate a job reference, for state senator
Will Haskell’s campaign manager is his college roommate and many of his volunteers are still in high school ✔ Catalonia's national day, the 'Diada' commemorates the fall of Barcelona in the War of the Spanish Succession in 1714 and the region's subsequent loss of institutions and freedoms AFP/Getty 29/50 10 September 2018 An Indian man makes his way through floodwaters from the overflowing Panchanai River in Siliguri
Possibility of terrorist attack involving chemical weapons 'is getting closer'
Britain's security minister Ben Wallace today warned that weapons used on the battlefield could be adapted for domestic attacks ✔ These things have been used on the battlefield and what's used on the battlefield will eventually be adapted to be used on domestic soil, Neil Basu, the UK police lead for counter-terrorism, said when asked about Wallace's comments on chemical and biological weapons
How Hitler's favourite commando helped shape modern day Special Forces
Otto Skorzeny was known as the "Most Dangerous Man in Europe" but was he simply an opportunist, PR triumph and a fraud? ✔ The man who tumbled out of the first, crash-landed, German glider and immediately assumed command of the situation looked every inch the expedition’s leader ✔ What a poster boy he proved to be, in the expert hands of Goebbels ✔ Even in democracies, creating a favourable climate of public opinion is now regarded as an integral part of the planning process
UK TERROR ALERT: Security chiefs warn of growing threat of chemical weapons attack
BRITAIN faces the growing threat of a terror attack involving chemical or biological weapons in the near future, security officials have warned. ✔ So I think the minister is as concerned as I am that these are the kind of threats we've got to take very seriously and we have got to make sure we have the right preparations to counter that threat ✔ Russia stands accused of running a global hacking campaign targeting institutions from sports anti-doping bodies to a nuclear power company and the chemical weapons watchdog
Trump hasn't improved on Nafta – but at least he hasn't blown up trade | Jeffrey Frankel
All the deal really needed was a new name – and USMCA literally puts ‘America First’ ✔ Of course, this is Trump’s modus operandi: threaten to do something catastrophic, so people are relieved when things get only a little bit worse ✔ Trump cannot truthfully claim a victory relative to the status quo he inherited – even to his mercantilist supporters ✔ But it is better than blowing up trade in North America
AP Analysis: Missing writer shows Saudi Arabia's dark side
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — As with every country across the Mideast, it's hard to escape posters and laudatory fawning over Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman across t ✔ DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) As with every country across the Mideast, it's hard to escape posters and laudatory fawning over Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman across the kingdom ✔ He hosted a major business summit at Riyadh's Ritz Carlton, complete with a humanoid robot named Sophia getting Saudi citizenship
Suicide bomber kills eight at Afghan election rally, including...
A suicide bomber killed eight people in Afghanistan's southern province of ... ✔ At least 13 people were killed and more than 30 injured in a suicide attack at an election rally in the eastern province of Nangarhar this month ✔ In addition, one seat is reserved for the Sikh community, which was targeted by a suicide bombing in July ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
Poland should quit U.N. migration pact, minister says
Poland's interior minister is recommending Warsaw quits a U.N. migration pa... ✔ I will recommend to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki to opt out from the Global Compact (GCM) deal, which is due to be signed in December in Marrakech, Joachim Brudzinski was quoted by the Interior Ministry Twitter feed as saying ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
The Times is worried my satirical videos are infecting the youth of Britain …IT’S A JOKE!
Nothing quite prepares you for the morning you wake up and find out journalists at a national newspaper have watched the clearly satirical videos you make for the internet, and decided they’re front page news. ✔ I could also make the point that we’re given complete freedom to cover what we want, how we want, but I’m bored of saying it, so I won’t bother ✔ Share it with a friend! The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT
Turkey to search Saudi Consulate for missing journalist - Los Angeles Times
Turkey said Tuesday it will search the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul as part of an investigation into the disappearance of a missing Saudi contributor to the Washington Post, a week after he vanished during a visit there. ✔ If the story the Saudis are telling, that he just walked out .. ✔ A Sunni power, Saudi Arabia is also annoyed by Ankara's rapprochement with the kingdom's Shiite archrival, Iran ✔ Even President Trump, who took his first overseas trip as U.S. president to the kingdom and whose son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has close ties to Prince Mohammed, said he had concerns
Australia collapse leaves Pakistan in control of first Test
Pakistani debutant Bilal Asif starred as the tourists lost 10 wickets for just 60 runs after opening stand of 142 ✔ But really it was the same issue with Australian sides who can’t find a way to hold it together when things get tough ✔ For two days, Pakistan’s batsmen were singing Radiohead lyrics: no alarms and no surprises ✔ Equally familiar was the bewilderment about why this keeps happening, and what can be done
Turkey to search Saudi consulate for missing journalist as CCTV footage emerges
The announcement came as a surveillance image surfaced of Jamal Khashoggi walking into the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, just before he disappeared ✔ If the story that was told about the murder is true, the Turks must have information and videotape and other documents to back it up, Fred Hiatt, the Post's editorial page editor, told AP ✔ AP Politics Turkey Saudi Arabia Most Viewed in World Loading Please explain Our weekly podcast giving you insight into the stories that drive the nation
Analysis | The Daily 202: Kanye West coming to White House, after Trump disses Taylor Swift, underscores celebrification of politics
The Clintons, the Bushes and Hope Hicks show how politicians are becoming more like entertainers. ✔ You need to prove it.’ … Erdogan’s comments were his most direct suggestion yet of potential Saudi culpability in Khashoggi’s disappearance ✔ Parsons said four contributions were returned[.] VIDEOS OF THE DAY: Late-night hosts reacted to Kavanaugh’s confirmation: Jimmy Kimmel compared Melania Trump’s public appearances in the United States to her Africa trip: The first lady expressed dismay over the focus on her wardrobe after she was criticized for wearing a colonial-era pith helmet in Kenya: An anti-Ted Cruz group is running an ad with an actor mocking the Republican senator's slogan, Tough as Texas: And The Post asked children to explain tariffs using Halloween candy:
Lonely Planet picks the world's most amazing train rides
These trains take passengers past mountain peaks, scenic countryside and dramatic coastlines. ✔ The Myanmar’s colonial-era railways may be creaking under the weight of time, but that’s rather the appeal ✔ Often eclipsed by Switzerland’s more famous rail rides, this two-hour trundle from Locarno on the palm-rimmed shores of Lake Maggiore to Domodossola over the Italian border in Piedmont is something of an unsung beauty ✔ Luxurious and legendary, it’s Australia’s elegant riposte to the Orient Express
Analysis | The Cybersecurity 202: Google faces calls for privacy legislation, FTC probe after exposing user data
Its secrecy could get them in the most trouble. ✔ That’s why next Tuesday, we’re launching Power Up by Jacqueline Alemany ✔ Employees at federal agencies can begin adding two-factor authentication to their accounts, according to the General Services Administration ✔ Alaska's brown bears search for food as winter nears:
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