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War Countries - SERIES 319 {33 articles}

Revealed: Canadian companies arming Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen

10/23/2018, 7:27:45 PM
Since 2015, Canadian companies have provided $2.4 billion in combat vehicles, weapons, surveillance technology, pilot training relied on by the oil-rich Saudis ✔ Each time she learns Saudi bombs are falling on Yemen, Shireen Al-Adeimi rushes to her cell-phone ✔ In November 2017, the company unveiled a new surveillance aircraft called the Force Multiplier at the Dubai Air Show ✔ Which is why western governments have preferred the brand of stability the Saudi regime provides – and why they’ve been happy to have their weapons bought by the Saudi’s oil wealth

What was the Arab Spring? Timeline from Egypt to Tunisia and Yemen and Syria

10/23/2018, 6:16:31 PM
IN late 2010 a sequence of events began in the Arab world which saw autocratic and corrupt regimes overthrown. The uprisings became known as the Arab Spring and saw a frustrated generation vent the… ✔ Here’s what you need to know about the events that still shape our world ✔ In March 2011, the UN Security Council authorised all necessary measures to protect civilians ✔ Protests in Morocco prompted the King to quickly offer comprehensive constitutional reform and relinquish many of his powers

'Highly likely' Japanese journalist has been released from captivity in Syria

10/23/2018, 4:58:47 PM
Jumpei Yasuda, a Japanese journalist who was captured by militants in Syria three years ago, is believed to have been released, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary told reporters on Tuesday. ✔ In May 2016, a photo also emerged of what appeared to be Yasuda on social media, holding up a sign that read, Please help me, and This is the last chance ✔ Goto, a fellow member of Japan's small community of freelance war reporters, was a friend of Yasuda's

Japanese journalist held captive for three years believed to have been released in Syria 

10/23/2018, 5:53:18 PM
A Japanese journalist kidnapped in Syria more than three years ago is believed to have been released, the government said Tuesday. ✔ The videos did not identify which group was holding the men or include specific demands ✔ The Japanese government was criticised for what detractors saw as its flat-footed response to the crisis at the time, including apparently missed opportunities to free both men

Bolton warns Russia against interference in midterms on Moscow visit

10/23/2018, 6:44:11 PM
US National Security Advisor John Bolton said Tuesday that President Donald Trump wished to meet Russia's Vladimir Putin when the two men are in Paris for World War I commemorations in November and warned against interfering in the US midterms. ✔ Bolton described it as a Cold-War bilateral treaty in a multipolar world that did not cover the activities of countries such as China or North Korea ✔ Moscow rejects the claims and says Washington has broken the agreement ✔ During the press conference he said arrangements were being made for that meeting

Japanese journalist Jumpei Yasuda captured in Syria 'freed'

10/23/2018, 5:06:23 PM
Citing Qatari officials, Japan says a man believed to be Jumpei Yasuda has been freed after three years of captivity. ✔ {articleGUID} He was taken hostage in Iraq in 2004 with three other Japanese nationals, but was freed after Islamic scholars negotiated his release ✔ In one of them released in July, the man said he was in a harsh environment and needed to be rescued immediately

8.4 million Yemenis depend on emergency food aid, says UN report

10/23/2018, 5:07:20 PM
"Severe acute malnutrition among children has increased by a staggering 150 per cent," says an OCHA report ✔ A Yemeni man carries his child who is suffering from malnutrition into a treatment centre at a hospital in the capital Sanaa on October 6, 2018 ✔ Yemen is currently facing the world's worst hunger crisis, with almost 18 million people throughout the country not knowing where their next meal is coming from, while over 8 million of them (are) considered to be on the brink of famine, said Herve Verhoosel, a senior spokesperson for the U.N.'s World Food Programme

With fewer refugees coming, resettlement agencies may be forced to close - Los Angeles Times

10/23/2018, 4:16:45 PM
San Diego County resettled 264 refugees in fiscal 2018, an 82% drop from the 1,503 who came in fiscal 2017, and a 91% drop from the 3,075 who came in fiscal 2016. ✔ The process, based on an agreement the U.S. made with Australia before Trump took office, has been slow, Duvin said, but she was happy that some were making it through ✔ In addition to working a job at a factory assembling car parts and going to school for software engineering, Ilaka is interning with the International Rescue Committee's youth program to mentor high school boys ✔ He hopes to inspire them to go after their dreams early in life

Corruption in Ukrainian armed forces harming nation’s security

10/23/2018, 6:26:08 PM
Just a few days ago, on October 16, at about 17:00, a Russian made flanker jet Su-27 operated by the Ukrainian Air Force crashed approximately 185 miles southwest of Kyiv. Both American and Ukraine pilots died in the incident. ✔ My interest in these subjects led me to Mykola Malomuzh, a retired Ukrainian Army General, who served as the Chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine from April 2005 to June 2010 ✔ As a former USAF pilot myself, it is personal, and it is obvious the American military needs to be involved

SAS hero honoured by Prince Harry and Meghan was 'the original Rambo'

10/23/2018, 4:36:42 PM
SAS Sergeant Talaiasi Labalaba is to be honoured when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle unveil a statue commemorating his sacrifice in single-handedly holding off 250 attackers from taking British base ✔ Others, like the covert action in Oman, are never spoken of ✔ I looked at him and he looked back at me, as if he knew something was going to happen ✔ Blokes who served in Northern Ireland or the Falklands got medals for nothing compared to what my lot went through

Jamal Khashoggi: Why was Jamal Khashoggi murdered? Is the Saudi Crown Prince linked?

10/23/2018, 7:02:25 PM
THE murder of Saudian Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi has made headlines around the world - but why was he murdered and is Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman linked to the bizarre case? ✔ Jamal Khashoggi, a vocal critic of the Saudia Arabian government, disappeared on October 2 after entering the country’s consulate in Istanbul to obtain papers for his upcoming marriage ✔ Crown Prince Mohammed, 33, has largely painted himself as a reformer since he took over the throne in 2015 but he been criticised for Saudi Arabia's three-year bombing campaign in Yemen

Galloway: First cut won't be the deepest - deeper wounds are yet to come in the killing of Khashoggi

10/23/2018, 4:03:10 PM
As Khashoggi's “disfigured face and body parts” are reportedly found in the garden of the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, the party is over for the Western collaborators with Arabian tyranny. ✔ HomeOp-ed Galloway: First cut won't be the deepest - deeper wounds are yet to come in the killing of Khashoggi George Galloway was a member of the British Parliament for nearly 30 years ✔ Think-Tanks, Institutes of all kinds even Britain's natural history museum have been revealed to be on the take from the House of Saud

Shakhtar Donetsk vs Manchester City, Champions League: live score and latest updates

10/23/2018, 6:36:34 PM
There are a couple of bits of reading I'd like to point in your direction before this match begins. ✔ You have to be pushed, not just by the manager, by everyone surrounding Manchester City that we have to win it - and still we don't have the feeling that the fans are pushing that we have to win the Champions League ✔ It doesn't kick off until 10pm local time so it's going to be a late, chilly one for everyone in Kharkiv

U.S. Treasury sanctions target Taliban, Iranian backers

10/23/2018, 6:33:04 PM
The United States targeted Afghanistan's Taliban insurgency on Tuesday with... ✔ Saudi Arabia and Bahrain on Tuesday added Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and Qassem Soleimani, commander of the guard’s Quds Force, to their lists of people and organizations suspected of funding terrorism, the Saudi state news agency SPA said ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

South-East Asian countries are backing away from the death penalty

10/23/2018, 4:01:45 PM
But not from extra-judicial killings ✔ In Indonesia a new law under discussion in parliament would introduce a ten-year probation period before an execution occurs ✔ Mr Duterte has himself boasted on occasion about participating in such killings in his previous job as mayor of the city of Davao; at other times he has disavowed any role

US national security advisor John Bolton tells Vladimir Putin US will leave nuclear treaty

10/23/2018, 7:46:05 PM
US national security advisor John Bolton has said after meeting Vladimir Putin that the United States cannot prevent Russia from violating a key nuclear arms control treaty and will withdraw from it. ✔ The problem is there are Russian INF-violating missiles in Europe now, Mr Bolton said ✔ Washington imposed sanctions in August following the poisoning of Sergei Skripal with a nerve agent deployed by two Russian military intelligence agents ✔ The United States wants to avoid a humanitarian disaster in the last Syrian rebel stronghold of Idlib, the American envoy said

White House official: we'll quit arms control treaty in due course

10/23/2018, 6:33:51 PM
Washington is pressing ahead with its plan to quit a nuclear arms control pact, ... ✔ My question is whether your eagle has gobbled up all the olives leaving only the arrows ✔ Bolton, who told Putin he hoped to be able to address some of Putin’s concerns about the troubled state of U.S.-Russia relations, quipped that he had not brought any olives ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Justin Trudeau says he is unlikely to cancel Saudi armored vehicles sale

10/23/2018, 5:28:34 PM
Prime minister said the 2014 agreement had been written in such a way that taxpayers would have to pay a large amount to end it ✔ The New Democrats, who will be competing for the same voters as Trudeau in 2019 elections, last week called the Khashoggi matter the latest addition in a series of horrible acts by Saudi Arabia ✔ In August, Saudi Arabia froze ties with Ottawa after Canada urged the release of jailed civil rights activists in the kingdom

Bolton meets Putin in shadow of arms treaty withdrawal

10/23/2018, 5:41:14 PM
undefined ✔ Signed in 1987, the INF treaty banned land-based conventional and nuclear missiles with a range between 500km and 5,500km, essentially protecting European capitals from Soviet attack ✔ In remarks broadcast by television cameras before the meeting continued in private, neither men mentioned the INF treaty

Saudi, Bahrain add Iran's Revolutionary Guards to terrorism lists

10/23/2018, 5:02:47 PM
Saudi Arabia said on Tuesday that it and Bahrain had added Iran's Revolutio... ✔ The Taliban-related sanctions were also imposed by the seven members of the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center (TFTC), a U.S.-Gulf initiative to stem finance to militant groups ✔ The center was established in May 2017 during U.S. President Donald Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

ISIS plotters snared in Spain amid terror attack fears in tourist hotspots

10/23/2018, 4:03:03 PM
A PAIR of suspected ISIS terrorists have been arrested today by Spanish cops amid fears over deadly attacks on beach resorts packed with British holidaymakers. Two Syrians, aged 55 and 58, were det… ✔ 5 Footage released by Spanish police shows the Syrian man being arrested in the flat 5 More masked officers arrive at the property following the terror swoop EPA 5 Spanish cops keep watch outside the residence of a terror suspect who was arrested in Alaquas, Valencia EPA 5 A masked officer stands outside a property in Alicante where another suspect was detained The group’s administrators were direct members of ISIS and gave instructions to others in the messaging app while also supplying them with the cult’s twisted propaganda

Anthony Scaramucci's latest job? Interpretive dance, apparently

10/23/2018, 7:31:48 PM
'This is interpretive dance, also known as 'Mooch moves,' the ex-White House communications director says ✔ Rescuers scrabbled through mud for survivors after the powerful earthquake sent hillsides crashing down onto homes, killing at least nine people and leaving dozens of people missing AFP/Getty 49/50 5 September 2018 US Capitol Police arrest a protestor as Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifies during the second day of his US Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing to be an Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court

Trump revives harsh anti-immigration rhetoric ahead of midterm elections - but it could badly backfire

10/23/2018, 6:25:37 PM
'This will be the election of the caravan, Kavanaugh, tax cuts, law and order and common sense' ✔ Continuous rainfall has caused flooding and landslides in parts of Siliguri and surrounding areas, affecting road travel and daily life AFP/Getty 45/50 9 September 2018 Participants wave flowers as they march past a balcony from where North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un was watching, during a mass rally on Kim Il Sung square in Pyongyang

At least 20 injured as malfunctioning escalator on Rome subway speeds up

10/23/2018, 7:31:49 PM
undefined ✔ Rescuers scrabbled through mud for survivors after the powerful earthquake sent hillsides crashing down onto homes, killing at least nine people and leaving dozens of people missing AFP/Getty 49/50 5 September 2018 US Capitol Police arrest a protestor as Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifies during the second day of his US Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing to be an Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court

Trump's claims of 'voter fraud' are to deny upcoming Democrats win, Krugman warns

10/23/2018, 6:25:29 PM
If the Democrats win the majority in the House of Representatives, Mr Trump may just claim that they did not deserve it. ✔ Rescuers scrabbled through mud for survivors after the powerful earthquake sent hillsides crashing down onto homes, killing at least nine people and leaving dozens of people missing AFP/Getty 49/50 5 September 2018 US Capitol Police arrest a protestor as Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifies during the second day of his US Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing to be an Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court

Saudi rulers face loss of faith at home over Khashoggi

10/23/2018, 7:30:32 PM
undefined ✔ But the question for some Saudis is whether the prince’s iron grip is too high a cost to pay ✔ The Khashoggi case follows impulsive regional moves by Prince Mohammed, such as his launch of an embargo against Qatar and involvement in a bloody war in Yemen

Yale Law school graffitied with Christine Blasey Ford's testimony

10/23/2018, 7:31:53 PM
'I think a lot of female students feel very fundamentally betrayed' ✔ President Donald Trump's newest Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is expected to face punishing questioning from Democrats this week over his endorsement of presidential immunity and his opposition to abortion AFP/Getty 50/50 4 September 2018 Damaged traffic boards and telecommunication relay poles after they were brought down by strong winds caused by typhoon Jebi in Osaka

Opinion: We need to radically change the way we talk to kids about drugs

10/23/2018, 6:25:27 PM
There is often no mention of prescription medication. Nor does the guidance offered remind us that the drinks cabinet is the source of one of the most dangerous drugs on the planet ✔ Scopolamine Scopolamine is a derivative from the nightshade plant found in the Northern Indian region of South America (Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela) ✔ Lucy Nichol is the author A Series of Unfortunate Stereotypes, a book about mental health and stigma The Independent has launched its #FinalSay campaign to demand that voters are given a voice on the final Brexit deal

'Why is WWE supporting Saudi Arabia after the murder of Khashoggi?'

10/23/2018, 6:25:34 PM
Fans like me are calling on the organisation to pull out of Riyadh – but despite seeming embarrassed about their choice, WWE appears to still be going ahead with a very controversial show ✔ Wrestling is unlike any brand of entertainment on the planet ✔ This was none more evident on Monday night when Roman Reigns, one of WWE’s top stars, told fans he is battling leukaemia, forcing him to relinquish his Universal Championship title ✔ Damage prevention and embarrassment appear to have set in

German halt to Saudi arms sales could put squeeze on Eurofighter

10/23/2018, 7:58:16 PM
Germany's hardline halt to arms sales to Saudi Arabia over the killing of S... ✔ Germany has taken a far tougher approach on arms sales to Riyadh following Khashoggi’s killing inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, which has stirred international outrage, than major allies such as the United States, France and Britain ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

5,000 people, two tonnes of blood: artwork shines light on refugee crisis

10/23/2018, 4:25:47 PM
Marc Quinn hopes world’s ‘first migrating artwork’ will raise $30m for charities ✔ For Aghiad Malik, a refugee from Syria, blood had only ever symbolised one thing: death ✔ I wanted to put famous people alongside some of the least valued people in the world, and put them on equal platforms and give them equal voice ✔ I shouldn’t be afraid of seeing blood or giving blood.’ If we are black, white, any colour ..

Online voting’s real in the mid-term elections

10/23/2018, 7:54:15 PM
The state is the first in the country to offer voting by smartphone app. Experts say there are plenty of reasons to go slow. ✔ If you're on the side of a hill in Afghanistan or you're in a submarine under the polar ice cap -- or anywhere in between -- you might not have a fax, you might not have a scanner, you might not have a printer ✔ NASA turns 60: The space agency has taken humanity farther than anyone else, and it has plans to go further

Online voting gets real, in West Virginia

10/23/2018, 4:58:52 PM
The state is the first in the country to offer voting by smartphone app. Experts say there are plenty of reasons to go slow. ✔ If you're on the side of a hill in Afghanistan or you're in a submarine under the polar ice cap -- or anywhere in between -- you might not have a fax, you might not have a scanner, you might not have a printer ✔ NASA turns 60: The space agency has taken humanity farther than anyone else, and it has plans to go further

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