Tearful California wildfire survivor heartbroken after losing friend
WARNING DISTRESSING FOOTAGE: The man tearfully recounts how he narrowly avoided death as flames from the wildfire engulfed his home in Paradise ✔ Power lines rest on other cars that were burned by the Camp Fire (Image: Getty Images) In Paradise, which had about 26,000 residents, the fire destroyed most homes and half the businesses, the town's mayor Jody Jones said on CNN, describing a long period of recovery ahead
Death toll rises to 23 in California wildfire after 14 bodies found
The charred remains of fourteen more victims have been found in and around a Nor... ✔ The bodies of two people were discovered in Malibu but it was too early to determine if they died from fire or another cause, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department officials said ✔ A destroyed home is seen as the Woolsey Fire continues to burn in Malibu, California, U.S. November 10, 2018 ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
Southern California fire burns mobile homes, Malibu mansions
A wildfire burned through scores of homes in Southern California. The fire scorched more than 70,000 acres. Jamie Yuccas reports.
California is on fire. It won't be the last time. Let's get ready - Los Angeles Times
California has always burned, but the state has to adapt to bigger, more destructive wildfires. ✔ Much of California’s landscape is prone to burning, an ecological reality that doesn’t make the flames rolling through beloved communities any easier to accept ✔ At the same time, we have to adapt to the reality we’re already seeing and make the state more resilient for the wildfires coming next
Tearful California wildfires survivor finds charred bodies in cars after narrowly escaping as death tolls hits 11
A TEARFUL survivor of the devastating California wildfires filmed the moment he discovered charred bodies in cars as the death tolls reached 11. The harrowing footage shows the man returning to the… ✔ A TEARFUL survivor of the devastating California wildfires filmed the moment he discovered charred bodies in cars as the death tolls reached 11 ✔ About 250,000 homes are under evacuation orders across the region ✔ The area burning in Southern California is in severe drought, US government analysts said
Caitlyn Jenner and Lady Gaga's Malibu pads unscathed from wildfires
Lady Gaga and Caitlyn Jenner could breathe a sign of relief as it was revealed their multi-million dollar Malibu mansions escaped unscathed from the wildfire. ✔ Lady Gaga and Caitlyn Jenner could breathe a sign of relief as it was revealed their multi-million dollar Malibu mansions escaped unscathed from the wildfire ✔ 'I can’t imagine having to leave my horses behind..I feel so helpless right now,' Hadid went on in her post
California fires: What we know about the blazes that killed at least 23 and how to help
Massive out-of-control wildfires are ripping through California, causing insurmountable destruction and the evacuation of thousands in coastal cities. ✔ A third fire, the Hill Fire , is burning at about 4,000 acres nearby the Woolsey Fire but and continues to grow ✔ CCF Wildfire Relief Fund: The organization helps provide intermediate and long-term recovery efforts for major California wildfires and has local initiatives to help out those affected by the blaze
Mandy Moore hosts the GarnierxUNICEF holiday event in Los Angeles
Moore helped promote Garnier's new Whole Blends Holiday Kit that benefits UNICEF. For every kit purchased, Garnier will donate $1 to support UNICEF's relief efforts. ✔ 'Your purchase can help children in need who have been affected conflict and natural disaster,' Moore wrote on Instagram ✔ And I love that I’m able to use my voice in a way that allows me to help raise awareness to issues that are important to me.' Celeb status: Moore became the new face of Garnier back in September 2017
In Malibou Lake, one woman's simple answer for why she didn't evacuate: 'My house. It's all I got.'
Tysseling threw her journals and the prison wardrobe used in the movie “Shawshank Redemption.” She owned the prison outfits worn by Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman. ✔ She was among those who stayed behind and could not leave after trees and power lines blocked roads ✔ It gives me peace of mind knowing I’m in control and can at least try to save my home ✔ Karpus’ logic for staying was simple: Obviously all big fires start with a small [one], he said
The two bodies found in Malibu Friday were severely burned, officials say
The two bodies found in Malibu Friday night were severely burned, officials said Saturday evening. The Los Angeles County coroner’s office received reports Friday night of two bodies found on Mulholland Highway, but officials said at the time that they could not yet determine whether the deaths... ✔ Read More Nov. 10, 2018, 4:17 p.m. Woolsey fire By Laura Newberry Nov 10, 2018 | 4:17 PM 'There’s no word in the English dictionary to describe the fear we’ve felt' Ashleigh Williams talks to her mom, Jillian, who’s sitting inside the Hummer at Zuma Beach
Death toll from Camp fire in Paradise jumps to 23; many still missing
Death toll from Paradise fire jumps to 23; many still missing ✔ Because of the Woolsey fire, the areas with the worst air quality Saturday were west San Fernando Valley and northwest coastal Los Angeles County ✔ The only thing left standing is a brick wall facing the street, black sconces attached on either side of a missing bay window that frames disaster
After fire sweeps through, life returns to a strange normal in one Westlake Village neighborhood
After fire sweeps through, life returns to a strange normal in one Westlake Village neighborhood ✔ Standing next to his white truck in the church parking lot, Markham Odell recalled escaping from his property along the Feather River Canyon in Paradise Thursday morning ✔ Neighbors walked by, offering words of condolences to Spence and holding handkerchiefs to their mouths to guard against the smoky air
Dramatic images show California covered in smog from massive fires
Dramatic images show California covered in smog from massive fires. ✔ The owners of Malibu Wines, which suffered damage from the Woolsey fire, say the giraffe is OK ✔ Neighbors walked by, offering words of condolences to Spence and holding handkerchiefs to their mouths to guard against the smoky air ✔ Around noon at the Zuma Beach parking lot, John Ridgway poured water into a collapsible bowl for his Australian shepherd, Rosalynn
Alessandra Ambrosio showcases long lean legs in a 1960s photoshoot
Alessandra Ambrosio put her best model foot forward when she stepped out for a 1960s themed photoshoot on Friday. ✔ Pretty in pink: Alessandra Ambrosio took to her official Instagram page, letting her 9.6 million followers know that she's still busy as ever While seemingly walking through a corridor, the brunette dons several facial expressions while pointing the camera in numerous ways to flaunt her sensational outfit
'Like the gates of hell opened up': Thousands fled Paradise ahead of Camp Fire
Authorities say at least five people died in their vehicles, and another three were found outside. ✔ Residents of Paradise, California, are talking about narrow escapes from their burning homes as a wildfire rapidly approached ✔ His wife and her car were in Chico when the fire broke out, and his partner grabbed his son from school, which then burned down
Argentine recession seen bottoming out in first quarter: IMF
Argentina's shrinking economy will bottom out in the first three months of ... ✔ REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci The fund last month upped the size of its standby financing deal with Argentina to $56.3 billion after negotiating tougher fiscal measures that have already dented the popularity of President Mauricio Macri ahead of his 2019 re-election bid ✔ Average growth for the year will be negative, particularly because the end of this year will be negative ✔ There will be a ‘carry over’ effect, Cardarelli said ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
Katy Perry, John Legend and more celebs condemn Trump's response to California's wildfires - Los Angeles Times
Celebrities and firefighter organizations condemned President Trump for his erroneous Twitter statements about the Camp and Woolsey fires. ✔ As first responders battled raging fires and 250,000 Southern Californians fled for safety many watching their homes go up in flames overnight celebrities and firefighter organizations condemned President Trump for his erroneous and heartless Twitter statements about the Camp and Woolsey fires that have devastated countless lives across the state ✔ As of late Friday night the fire had destroyed scores of homes and displaced hundreds of thousands of residents
Families Search for Missing Loved Ones Amid California Fire Chaos
People posted on social media asking for information about missing friends and relatives, an effort that was helped by the actor James Woods. ✔ Scott McLean, the deputy chief of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, said on Friday that it was phenomenal how fast the fire spread, and that he expected the death toll to rise ✔ I just simply want to help people, and this seems to be working
Robbie Williams' gig he missed X Factor for is CANCELLED after 'terrible weather' hits Buenos Aires
ROBBIE Williams has been forced to cancel his gig in Buenos Aires because of “terrible weather”. The X Factor judge skipped out on tonight’s show for the performance in South Amer… ✔ Rex Features 4 Robbie was forced to miss this week's X Factor for the now cancelled gig Rex Features 4 Nile Rodgers was a hit with X Factor viewers Tonight, X Factor fans heaped praise on Nile Rodgers for keeping Robbie's seat warm as a judge
Raging Californian fires kill 25
The death toll increases after 14 more bodies are discovered in the destroyed town of Paradise. ✔ And soon, going from ruin to ruin, there will be the sound of those with the hardest job of all, checking to see if anyone was left behind ✔ You can also contact us in the following ways: WhatsApp: +44 7555 173285 Tweet: @BBC_HaveYourSay Send pictures/video to yourpics@bbc.co.uk Upload your pictures / video here Text an SMS or MMS to 61124 or +44 7624 800 100 Please read our and
California massacre sparks gun debate — again — with a community torn over the path forward
In a state that already has strict gun laws, some believe in more gun control, others want to arm the public. Some are resigned to the status quo in an age of gun violence. ✔ By and large, this is a fairly conservative area with a high rate of homeownership and high incomes, said Herb Gooch, a political science professor at California Lutheran University ✔ Joel Achenbach and Katie Mettler in Thousand Oaks, Calif., contributed to this report
Thousands lost homes in California's Camp Fire. Where will they go once shelters close?
Officials say Butte County simply doesn’t have the capacity to absorb the amount of people displaced by the fire. ✔ Vu/Special to the Record Searchlight)(Photo: Hung T ✔ – For the second time in four years, Vicki Marquardt doesn’t have a house ✔ Vu/Special to the Record Searchlight) (Photo: Hung T ✔ You accumulated all this stuff in your home over so many years and its gone, Macias said ✔ Vu/Special to the Record Searchlight) (Photo: Hung T
Trump blames fires, erroneously, on California forest management. Firefighters call it a 'shameful attack' - Los Angeles Times
Once again, Trump makes erroneous claims about cause of California's destructive fires. ✔ Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests ✔ The Tubbs fire burned grassy oak woodlands, not timber land ✔ As with many things involving Trump, his attacks on California fire management sparked an intense Twitter debate Saturday
DAN HODGES: Only Mrs May's heard us - 'Get on with it and get us out'
This Remembrance Sunday Theresa May is staring down into her own political Valley of Death, with red lines coming at her from all sides. But she ploughs on and is right not to compromise. ✔ To the extent that her well-documented political isolation now stands as – an albeit unwelcome – testament to her singularity of purpose ✔ ‘Matt’s office in the Department is on the ninth floor.’ The dream of a slimmed-down Civil Service is within the Government’s grasp ✔ ‘That’s reserved for Mr Bercow.’ Women, know your limits
I carried a knife - kids must ditch theirs like I did
WHEN I was young and stupid and very scared of what the world might do to me, I briefly carried a knife. I did not carry a knife because I was a tough kid. I carried a knife because I thought I was… ✔ Alamy 8 Fewer cops on the streets has largely contributed to growing violent crime in the Capital Not every youth who carries a knife is evil but every single one of them is more afraid of other teenagers than they are of the authorities ✔ Ring The Sun on 0207 782 4104 or WHATSAPP on 07423720250 or email exclusive@the-sun.co.uk
Lost in Paradise, dog survived devastating fire. Now people are searching for her owners
✔ They had no fire training, but they were armed with ferocious determination ✔ The Pacific Coast Highway, usually congested with traffic on a Saturday, was nearly desolate ✔ @latimes pic.twitter.com/ld1dfiwJn9 Laura Newberry (@LauraMNewberry) November 10, 2018
"There’s no word in the English dictionary to describe the fear we’ve felt"
Some Malibu residents chose not to evacuate and instead stayed to defend their homes as the Woolsey fire tore through the beachside enclave. ✔ #WoolseyFire @latimes pic.twitter.com/vSM6zoCDqV Laura Newberry (@LauraMNewberry) November 10, 2018 Nov. 10, 2018, 2:32 p.m. Woolsey fire By Jaclyn Cosgrove Nov 10, 2018 | 2:32 PM Bell Canyon residents take measures into their own hands to save their homes A firefighter cleans the windows on a fire truck for visibility in Bell Canyon
LORD DANNATT on how the UK is abandoning the military
LORD DANNATT: As we look back across the century in Remembrance, we should also reflect on the lessons we have learned from the Great War – and the lessons we prefer to ignore. ✔ When the guns fell silent on the Western Front on November 11 1918, there was as much a feeling of relief as there was of celebration that the Allies, now supported by the United States of America, had finally prevailed ✔ The nation had also clung to the belief that the conflict was a ‘war to end all wars’ and continued to do so for years to come
The Southern Poverty Law Center and the delicate task of defining hate in 2018
SPLC has set itself up as the ultimate judge of hate. But is it judging fairly? ✔ … The SPLC and others who asked me not to come here tonight claim to support free and open debate ✔ The total includes more than 1,700 from Vdare.com, an anti-immigration site that promotes white-identity politics ✔ But is there a downside to applying this admittedly blunt, either-or instrument ✔ David Montgomery is a staff writer for the magazine
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