Opinion | We expected the war on terror to unite us. What went wrong?
9/11 made Americans put their differences aside. Obviously, it didn’t last. ✔ By Charles Lane Charles Lane Editorial writer and columnist specializing in economic and fiscal policy Email Bio Follow Opinion writer September 10 at 6:44 PM Seventeen years ago, Osama bin Laden’s terrorist minions, using hijacked passenger planes as weapons, killed 2,977 people in a single awful raid on the United States ✔ The war that began on 9/11 and continues today, in various forms, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen even parts of Africa was and is a protracted, shadowy conflict against irregular forces
How a city of conflict became a tech hotspot
Four years ago, Kiev was known more for bloodshed and protest than start-ups. But that’s changing – the city has a booming tech sector where IT workers earn 10 times the average wage. ✔ The struggle resulted in bloodshed, and had far reaching, unexpected repercussions ✔ According to DOU, an information site for the IT industry, 80% of Ukrainian tech workers speak English at an intermediate level or higher ✔ So, relax and enjoy because, as a business traveller, there is little to fear in Kiev… apart from the traffic
Russia launches 'record' war games
Some 300,000 personnel are to join a giant exercise also involving Chinese troops. ✔ Xinjiang has seen intermittent violence - followed by crackdowns - for years ✔ Russian diplomats were expelled from Nato countries after the poisoning of Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, with a nerve agent in southern England in March ✔ The UK blamed Russian military intelligence - the GRU - for the attack; Moscow denied involvement
Seventeen years after 9/11, al-Qaeda stronger in Syria and elsewhere
Far from vanquishing the extremist group and its associated "franchises", critics say, US policies in the Middle East appear to have encouraged its spread. ✔ But even as the US has continued to carry out air strikes and raids against AQAP, the group has positioned itself as a virtual ally, battling the Houthis alongside tribal fighters supported by Saudi Arabia ✔ Our new podcast series from the team behind Phoebe's Fall View episodes
Mass rally wraps up North Korea's 70th anniversary events
PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) — Tens of thousands of North Korean students rallied in Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung Square in the final major event of the country's 70th anniversary, an e ✔ PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) Tens of thousands of North Korean students rallied in Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung Square in the final major event of the country's 70th anniversary, an elaborate celebration that has showcased the nation's aspirations for economic growth and Korean unity ✔ Chinese President Xi Jinping, who sent the ruling Communist Party's third-highest official to attend as his special envoy, issued a statement saying he is willing to work with Kim to develop healthy relations and promote regional peace and stability
U.S. will soon identify first two U.S. troops from North Korean...
The U.S. military is close to identifying the first two American troops from the 55 boxes of human remains from the 1950-53 Korean War handed over by North Korea in July, U.S. officials leading the forensic analysis said on Monday. ✔ HONOLULU (Reuters) - The U.S. military is close to identifying the first two American troops from the 55 boxes of human remains from the 1950-53 Korean War handed over by North Korea in July, U.S. officials leading the forensic analysis said on Monday ✔ The IDs will be made officially in the next couple of days, said John Byrd, the director of scientific analysis at the U.S. Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
UN warns of 'worst' crisis this century as thousands flee Syria's Idlib
Violence in northwest Syria has displaced more than 30,000 people this month alone, the United Nations said Monday, warning that a looming assault could create the century's "worst humanitarian catastrophe". ✔ Russia is due to brief the United Nations Security Council later Tuesday about the results of the Tehran summit it held with Iran and Turkey on the fate of Syria's Idlib province ✔ Meanwhile Turkey, which already hosts three million Syrian refugees, is keen to prevent an assault that would see hundreds of thousands more mass along its border
North Korea's Kim asks Trump for another meeting in 'very warm' letter
U.S. President Donald Trump received a "very warm, very positive" letter from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un asking for a second meeting and the White House is looking at scheduling one, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said on Monday. ✔ South Korea’s President Moon is expected to present some proposal to Kim suggesting phased steps toward denuclearization and U.S. security guarantees including an official end to the Korean War ✔ REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
September 11, a date not forgotten
Seventeen years ago today, the United States was subjected to the most devastating attack on its civilian population since the war of 1812. ✔ In the 1990s, the United States rescued Muslims who were being attacked in Bosnia ✔ One assumes that the same mentality that, ignoring all of history, blames the West for the extremist’s hatred, felt the portrayal was too jingoistic ✔ Vernuccio Jr., former district administrator of the Manhattan Workers’ Compensation Board, is editor in chief of the New York Analysis of Policy & Government
UN rights chief Bachelet takes on China, other powers in first speech
Asia-focused English-language publication that brings you insights about business, finance, economic and political news, comments and analysis for Asia, by Asia on asia.nikkei.com ✔ I have been a political detainee and the daughter of political detainees ✔ Bachelet voiced concern that 500 migrant children in the United States taken away from their parents have not yet been returned by authorities ✔ Get unique insights on Asia, the most dynamic market in the world ✔ Try 3 months for $9 Offer ends September 30th
'Dead to us': Trump will ban, arrest International Criminal Court judges
The US may also punish countries that co-operate with the court, which was established in 2002 to prosecute genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. ✔ World North America Donald Trump 'Dead to us': Trump will ban, arrest International Criminal Court judges By Matthew Knott11 September 2018 10:09am Normal text sizeLarger text sizeVery large text size New York: Donald Trump's top national security adviser has launched a bellicose attack on the International Criminal Court, describing it as fundamentally illegitimate and outright dangerous in a speech that has alarmed human rights groups ✔ The Obama administration softened its stance on the court but the US is still not a member
Donald Trump prepares for second summit with Kim Jong Un
undefined ✔ Thank you To Chairman Kim, he tweeted after the 70th anniversary parade ✔ We will both prove everyone wrong! There is nothing like good dialogue from two people that like each other! Much better than before I took office ✔ They are the ones that have to take the steps to denuclearise
Turkey warns attack on Syria's Idlib would cause humanitarian disaster
A Syrian government offensive in the country's northern region of Idlib would cause humanitarian and security risks for Turkey, Europe and beyond, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday in an article in the Wall Street Journal. ✔ FILE PHOTO: Turkey's Chief of the General Staff Hulusi Akar is seen during the EFES-2018 Military Exercise near the Aegean port city of Izmir, Turkey May 10, 2018 ✔ REUTERS/Osman Orsal/File Photo Erdogan had also called for a truce, but Putin said this would be pointless as it would not involve the Islamist militant groups that Russia deems terrorists, and Rouhani said Syria must regain control over all its territory ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
In first major address, John Bolton attacks old foe
The national security adviser issued a warning to the International Criminal Court, which he has opposed for decades ✔ There is no evidence that the PLO office in Washington contributed to diplomacy, he told reporters ✔ How that plays out in future decisions, I'd rather not forecast, but I think it is something that goes directly to democratic theory of who governs ✔ And the Trump administration view is that Americans govern Americans
Vietnam shines despite Southeast Asia's struggles with trade and emerging market pressures
Vietnam's geographical proximity to China and its historically strong political and economic links with Beijing are paying dividends. ✔ Getty Images Motorists pass the Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam ✔ The threat of an escalating global trade conflict is weighing on prospects for export-dependent economies like Singapore and Malaysia, while Indonesia and the Philippines face challenges funding their high levels of external debt as their currencies come under pressure from a rising U.S. dollar ✔ FDI inflows in particular have been very strong and have been providing good balance of payment support for Vietnam
Abe: Talks with Putin moving towards treaty; JSDF chief to visit
VLADIVOSTOK--Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday that talks with Russian President Vladimir Put ✔ Russia and Japan have not signed a peace treaty since World War II because of a dispute about Pacific islands known in Russia as the Kuriles and in Japan as the Northern Territories ✔ He added that it was necessary to resolve the problem of abductions of Japanese citizens by North Korea and that he had received Putin's support on this
Trump, claiming progress, is planning a second summit with North Korean leader
Preparations are underway for a second meeting between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, the White House said Monday, despite the lack of any clear movement toward denuclearization. ✔ A day after Trump met with Kim in Singapore on June 12, he declared that North Korea was no longer a nuclear threat even though the two leaders produced only a brief joint statement, with no timetable or specifics, about denuclearization ✔ Kim Jong Un of North Korea proclaims ‘unwavering faith in President Trump,’ Trump tweeted Thursday
Putting a squeeze on the Palestinians to make peace
One of the few secrets that people in the Trump administration haven’t yet leaked is what will comprise its new proposal to settle the constant war between the Palestinians and Israel. ✔ He said, Since 1948 it is we who demanded the return of the refugees while it is we who made them leave we have rendered them dispossessed The Palestinians’ claimed right of return is based on the language of Resolution 184, but the claim is not made in behalf of those who left Israel who are by now very aged or deceased but for their descendants as well
United States issues fresh warning to airlines about using Iranian...
The United States has issued a fresh warning to airlines to exercise caution when operating in Iran's airspace, citing concerns over military activity including an unnamed U.S. civil operator being intercepted by fighter jets in December 2017. ✔ Although the reopening of Iraqi airspace in November last year has provided additional routing options .. ✔ there is no perfect route in the region, and operators must consider their preference for Iraq vs Iran, the U.S. based group said in an email to clients on Monday ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
Trump administration orders closure of PLO office in Washington
The order comes as the Trump administration ramps up pressure on the Palestinian Authority. ✔ The announcement is likely to be widely welcomed by the Israeli government, which was on holiday Monday to mark Rosh Hashanah ✔ The administration first called for closing the office in November, after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas called on the International Criminal Court to investigate and prosecute Israel for alleged war crimes ✔ Missy Ryan, Anne Gearan and Julie Tate in Washington contributed to this report
Kim Jong-un suggests 2nd summit in letter to Trump: White House
undefined ✔ And as noted by Trump, last weekend's military parade in Pyongyang did not showcase intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the U.S. We consider that a sign of good faith, Sanders said ✔ They're the ones that have to take the steps to denuclearize and that's what we're waiting for
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