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War Countries - SERIES 99 {30 articles}

Starvation: a weapon of war that could kill 590,000 children by the end of 2018

9/10/2018, 1:23:02 PM
Save the Children says two thirds of infants in conflict zones are not being treated for life-threatening hunger ✔ It estimated 1.9 million infants in the DRC would suffer severe acute malnutrition (SAM) – the most dangerous form of under-nutrition – by the end of 2018 ✔ Children with it also have substantially reduced immune systems, and are prone to contract and die of diseases like pneumonia, cholera and malaria

Véronique de Viguerie wins Visa d'Or photojournalism prize for Yemen work

9/10/2018, 2:33:44 PM
French war photographer Véronique de Viguerie on Saturday became the first woman in 20 years to win the Visa d’Or, the top prize at the prestigious Visa Pour l’Image International Festival of Photojournalism held annually in Perpignan, France. ✔ She lived in Afghanistan for three years between 2004 and 2006 and later returned in 2008 for Paris Match, spurring controversy with her photo-reportage on a Taliban commando published just two weeks after it had killed 10 French soldiers ✔ Analysts say that failure may well lead to an escalation of the conflict in the country

Merkel reportedly weighing German involvement in Syria, coalition partner says ‘Nein’

9/10/2018, 2:55:38 PM
Amid reports that the German Defense Ministry is considering getting involved in the Syrian conflict, SPD leader Andrea Nahles, a coalition partner of Angela Merkel, has completely ruled out supporting any such intervention. ✔ The SPD leader said that her party supports Foreign Minister Heiko Maas’ ongoing efforts to resolve the conflict through peaceful means, including talks with Turkey and Russia ✔ Moscow and Damascus dispute the Western narrative, and claim that the attack was staged by jihadist rebels ✔ In addition, B1-B supersonic bombers have been relocated to the US airbase in Qatar

Trump’s great victory on North Korea was on full display at its big military parade

9/10/2018, 3:04:53 PM
So even though Trump has failed to even loosen a screw on a single North Korean nuclear weapon, he's demonstrably sidelined the nuclear issue and presided over an unprecedented pause in missile testing. ✔ President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem ✔ Much of Trump's foreign policy holds the general public as the target audience, rather than arms control experts ✔ Trump didn't make North Korea's nuclear weapons go away, but he made the immediate danger they pose to the US take a hike for now

Analysis | North Korea is trying to play off Beijing and Washington — and come out the winner

9/10/2018, 12:35:02 PM
Praising China while keeping nukes away from his big parade, Kim Jong Un is proving to be a deft diplomat. ✔ Kim Jong Un managed to put on a great show, and make progress on two of his most important foreign policy goals at the same time, said Zhao Tong, a fellow at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy in Beijing ✔ Kim, having achieved a credible nuclear program, is now moving on to the second track in the two-track strategy he laid out in 2013: economic development ✔ China is not turning on the economic taps, Cathcart said

Trump attack on ICC is the unacceptable face of US exceptionalism

9/10/2018, 3:30:14 PM
Under the guise of a battle for sovereignty, America aims to end international justice ✔ And there is a strong possibility they will succeed ✔ Photograph: REX/Shutterstock/Rex Features Was this helpful ✔ Non-member countries will be encouraged to limit or refuse cooperation ✔ But to the rest of the world, it looks like the unacceptable face of American exceptionalism

Ex-US Intel Officers Warn Trump Over Syria Attack: 'Don't Be Surprised When the Russians Start Firing Their Missiles'

9/10/2018, 1:53:26 PM
MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria Mr. President: ✔ By that we mean a public commitment by the Presidents of the U.S. and Russia to strengthen procedures to preclude an open clash between U.S. and Russian armed forces ✔ We believe that, in present circumstances, this kind of extraordinary step is now required to head off wider war ✔ An archive of VIPS memoranda is available at

Taliban attack Afghan security forces in north, killing 52

9/10/2018, 1:48:13 PM
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Taliban insurgents launched separate attacks on Afghan security forces in the country's north, killing at least 52, provincial officials said Monday. ✔ Abdul Qayum Baqizai, the provincial police chief, said at least two security forces were killed in the battles ✔ Map locates Kunduz and Samangan provinces in Afghanistan, where Taliban attacks killed at least 35 people; 1c x 2 1/2 inches; 46.5 mm x 63 mm;

Syrian forces pound rebel-held areas in country's northwest

9/10/2018, 12:42:09 PM
BEIRUT (AP) — A war monitor and rescue workers are reporting government bombardment of rebel-held areas in Syria's northwest. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory fo ✔ BEIRUT (AP) A war monitor and rescue workers are reporting government bombardment of rebel-held areas in Syria's northwest ✔ has warned that a battle over Idlib and Hama will spark a humanitarian catastrophe ✔ More than 3 million people live in the territory, nearly half of them already displaced from fighting elsewhere in Syria

UN human rights chief sends team to Italy after ‘alarming’ anti-migrant violence

9/10/2018, 1:42:17 PM
Michelle Bachelet says the country’s decision to refuse entry to NGO rescue ships had ‘serious consequences’ ✔ Salvini was placed under investigation by Italian prosecutors from Agrigento, Sicily, for kidnapping, relating to his refusal to allow 177 migrants on board the coastguard ship, Ubaldo Diciotti, to disembark ✔ She urged the Saudi-led military coalition in Yemen to show greater transparency in its rules of engagement and hold to account perpetrators of air strikes on civilians, and voiced alarm at anti-migrant violence in Germany, raising concerns of recent unrest in Chemnitz, where 2,500 people have marched in a far-right demonstration after a German man died following a fight with two Afghans

Nicaragua's Ortega ready to meet Trump despite U.S. threat

9/10/2018, 12:20:50 PM
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said on Monday he is open to meeting U.S. leader Donald Trump at the United Nations later this month despite expressing concerns that the United States could launch a military intervention on his country. ✔ Accusing the U.S. of training armed groups to stoke trouble in his country, Ortega reiterated that early elections would be detrimental to Nicaragua ✔ The annual gathering of world leaders starts on Sept ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Monday Morning Briefing

9/10/2018, 12:20:48 PM
Monday Morning Briefing ✔ Sweden faced weeks of uncertainty after its mainstream center-left and center-right blocs emerged in a dead heat from an election on Sunday, while the far-right - which neither wants to deal with - made gains on a hardline anti-immigrant platform ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Palestinians say Trump seeks to 'punish Palestinian people' with closure of Washington office

9/10/2018, 2:27:17 PM
Palestinians condemn Trump administration plans to shutter the Palestine Liberation Organization’s office in Washington, D.C., saying it's punishment. ✔ The ICC has long been controversial, with critics like Bolton suggesting it's a threat to American sovereignty ✔ This dangerous escalation shows that the US is willing to disband the international system in order to protect Israeli crimes and attacks against the land and people of Palestine as well as against peace and security in the rest of our region, Erekat said Monday

US policy drives Russia, China together ahead of summit

9/10/2018, 12:19:35 PM
MOSCOW (AP) — When Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet this week, they will have plenty to talk about thanks to U.S. President Donald Trump. ✔ MOSCOW (AP) When Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet this week, they will have plenty to talk about thanks to U.S. President Donald Trump ✔ 12, 2018, for an economic conference where he’s expected to meet with Putin, while China joins vast Russian war games for the first time

I can relate to David Budd's trauma in Bodyguard - I saw my men die too

9/10/2018, 1:10:36 PM
I was playing a game of cricket on a ground in Kent when my past caught up with me. ✔ PTS is much more complex than just jumping at loud noises, and the BBC producers seemed to understand this ✔ At the sound of the first gunshot, every one dived straight to the floor ✔ Richard Streatfield is the author of  Honourable Warriors: Fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan

Best Served Cold: Judo Master Putin Sticks It to Isolated, Bumbling Erdogan on Idlib

9/10/2018, 12:33:16 PM
The trilateral summit in Tehran between the presidents of Turkey, Iran and Russia was one of the most unusual parades of international diplomacy yet. ✔ The trilateral summit in Tehran between the presidents of Turkey, Iran and Russia was one of the most unusual parades of international diplomacy yet ✔ Some of the wording used as a sweetener for Erdogan continued in Article 5: Reaffirmed their conviction that there could be no military solution to the Syrian conflict and that it could only end through a negotiated political process

Japan's Abe says talks with Putin moving towards peace treaty

9/10/2018, 1:07:02 PM
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Monday that talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin were moving towards a peace treaty. ✔ Mikhail Metzel/TASS Host Photo Agency/Pool via REUTERS Russia and Japan have not signed a peace treaty since World War II because of a dispute about Pacific islands known in Russia as the Kuriles and in Japan as the Northern Territories ✔ He added that it was necessary to resolve the problem of kidnapping of Japanese citizens by North Korea and that he had received Putin’s support on this ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

Gunmen Storm Libya’s State Oil Company as Supply Risks Grow

9/10/2018, 2:15:43 PM
Gunmen stormed the headquarters of Libya’s National Oil Co. in an attack that killed two people, the state-run company said, the latest sign of turmoil in the large oil-producing country at a time when global crude markets are looking for alternatives to Iranian oil. ✔ The Trump administration has imposed fresh sanctions on Iranian crude, which take effect in November, and have already scared buyers away, bottling up exports ✔ On the New York Mercantile Exchange, West Texas Intermediate futures were trading up 0.87% at $68.35 a barrel ✔ If problems with Iran escalate, we are off to the races and prices could add $10 a barrel, she said

YouTube shuts down pro-Syrian government channels

9/10/2018, 1:02:34 PM
Video streaming giant appeared to suspend the accounts of SANA, the Ministry of Defence, and the Syrian Presidency. ✔ The video streaming giant appeared to suspend the accounts of Syria's public international news organisation, SANA, the Ministry of Defence and the Syrian Presidency ✔ The Damascus-based Sana TV's channel also appeared to be taken down, with a message reading: This page isn't available ✔ Syria is in the midst of bloody civil war, which has raged since 2011 and claimed more than 500,000 lives

‘Snow Dragon’: China launches first domestically built Arctic icebreaker

9/10/2018, 12:08:35 PM
Beijing is launching its first domestically built icebreaking research ship MV ‘Xue Long 2’ (‘Snow Dragon’) on Monday. China hopes the new vessel will give it an edge in competition with other superpowers in the Arctic. ✔ The vessel was built by Shanghai-based Jiangnan Shipyard Group, making it the first ship of its kind to be built by a Chinese company ✔ During its missions, ‘Xue Long 2’ will conduct complex surveys and monitoring, ranging from atmospheric research to seabed studies

Syrian dictator Assad orders gas attack in rebel stronghold Idlib after US accused of dropping deadly phosphorus bombs

9/10/2018, 3:24:07 PM
SYRIAN dictator Bashar al-Assad has approved a gas attack in the country’s last rebel stronghold, according to reports. Claims that Assad has given an official approval come a week after President … ✔ It resulted in fires, but there was no information about casualties, the military of Russia said ✔ Previously, the US, UK and France have launched more than 100 missiles against Syrian chemical weapons facilities in response to a chemical weapons attack in a Damascus suburb back in April

UN: Syria's Idlib could face worst catastrophe this century

9/10/2018, 3:40:27 PM
"There needs to be ways of dealing with this problem that don't turn the next few months in Idlib into... the biggest loss of life of the 21st century," official says ✔ Our top line message is there needs to be ways of dealing with this problem that don't turn the next few months in Idlib into the worst humanitarian catastrophe, with the biggest loss of life of the 21st century, Lowcock told reporters in Geneva ✔ The opposition's Civil Defense, also known as the White Helmets, said 11 people were wounded in an attack on the village of Heesh

Black Earth Rising location: Where is the BBC series filmed? Where is it set?

9/10/2018, 12:24:14 PM
BLACK EARTH RISING will be starting this evening with audiences set to be plunged into a world of political and legal intrigue in Hugo Blick’s new series about the Rwandan genocide. But where is the show filmed and where is it set? ✔ The BBC and Netflix co-production will be hitting screens on BBC Two tonight (Monday, September 10) at 9pm ✔ Some of the action takes place in their homes, seeing the complex relationship between mother Eve and her adopted daughter Kate play out ✔ He added about returning to the UK capital: Maybe 12 months out of the year I’d like to work in London! The talent there is matchless - I don’t want to get myself into trouble for saying that - but everybody is just so willing to pitch in

Rouble weakens beyond 70 per dollar before rate decision this week

9/10/2018, 2:56:21 PM
The Russian rouble weakened beyond 70 versus the dollar for the first time since mid-March 2016 on Monday, remaining under pressure from the possibility of more U.S. sanctions. ✔ Over the weekend, police detained around 1,000 people protesting against planned increases in the pension age, disrupting demonstrations against an unpopular change that has hurt President Vladimir Putin’s approval rating ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

US 'threatens ICC judges with sanctions'

9/10/2018, 12:35:50 PM
John Bolton to say US will take aggressive stance towards ICC if it investigates alleged US abuses in expected speech. ✔ Palestinian officials described the planned mission closure as the latest pressure tactic by a Trump administration that has slashed funding to a UN agency for Palestinian refugees and to hospitals in East Jerusalem ✔ The decision to cut funding comes amid a severe humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, where more than 160 Palestinians protesting for their right to return to the areas from which they were forcibly expelled from in 1948 have been killed by Israeli gunfire since March 30

Oil up as U.S. drilling growth stalls, Iranian sanctions bite

9/10/2018, 3:21:18 PM
Oil prices rose on Monday as growth of U.S. drilling braked and investors anticipated lower supply once new U.S. sanctions against Iran's crude exports kick in from November. ✔ Outside the United States, Iranian crude oil exports are declining ahead of a November deadline for the implementation of new U.S. sanctions ✔ Although many importers of Iranian oil have said they oppose sanctions, few seem prepared to defy Washington ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles

UN to send team to Italy to scrutinise plight of migrants and refugees amid reported rise in racist attacks

9/10/2018, 2:55:01 PM
The UN’s new human rights chief is to send a team to Italy to scrutinise the plight of migrants and refugees, amid a reported increase in racist attacks following the formation of a populist government in June. ✔ They include a lack of bilateral agreements with source countries, making it hard to send some nationalities back home, as well as the time it takes to process migrants’ requests for asylum and the appeals they are entitled to lodge if rejected ✔ The number of migrant and refugee arrivals is down by about 80 per cent compared to last year, with Italy and other EU countries cooperating with the Libyan coast guard to block the boats from crossing the Mediterranean

MH370: What happened to the missing Malaysia Airlines flight?

9/10/2018, 1:38:20 PM
THE MH370 flight mystery has boggled the minds of conspiracy theorists and the general public alike – but what happened to the Malaysia Airlines flight? ✔ It should have reached the capital of China five and a half hours after the plane was last heard from ✔ This includes hijacking scenarios, or theories insinuating the crew’s involvement ✔ Video producer Ian Wilson believes he spotted piece of the MH370 wreckage, which was exclusively revealed by Daily Star Online

Analysis | The Daily 202: N.H. congressional primary tests the prowess of the Democratic establishment as 2020 approaches

9/10/2018, 2:09:15 PM
A female veteran faces an openly gay elected official who has the support of both U.S. senators. ✔ Dan Patrick showed up in Washington on July 25 to deliver an urgent plea to White House officials: Send [Trump] ✔ politics, applauded as the mayor entered with Miranda ✔ Clearly this is not your mother’s Miss America pageant ✔ #MissAmerica2019 Jim DeFede (@DeFede) September 10, 2018

Analysis | The Health 202: GOP argument against 'Medicare for All' doesn't make sense

9/10/2018, 12:02:55 PM
There's no sign that anyone would be kicked off the program. ✔ Collins has yet to voice explicitly where she stands on Kavanaugh despite saying she can't support a nominee who would overturn Roe ,  as the Associated Press’s David Sharp writes ✔ SUGAR RUSH From investigative reporter and news anchor Angela Kennecke:  I'm issuing a personal plea to end the stigma surrounding addiction and a call for action regarding the opioid crisis! Angela Kennecke (@AngelaKennecke) September 5, 2018 Obama's rallying cry for the midterms - and against Trump:

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