Trump administration is right about North Korea
undefined ✔ But there is also no reason to ease the dictator's worries either, unless he is willing to make a meaningful (and verifiable) concession to lessen the chances of conflict (nuclear or otherwise) between North Korea and any other country in the world ✔ The above editorial appeared in the Dallas Morning News
Ebola fight has new science but faces old hurdles in restive Congo
When Esperance Nzavaki heard she was cured of Ebola after three weeks of cutting-edge care at a medical center in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, she raised her arms to the sky with joy and praised the Lord. ✔ Two South African peacekeepers there were wounded in a rebel ambush last week ✔ And last week, authorities confirmed the first death from Ebola in the major trading hub of Butembo, a city of almost a million near the border with Uganda, dampening hopes that the virus was being brought under control ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
‘ICC is dead to us’: US to use ‘any means’ to shield citizens & allies from war crime probes
The US will fight back using all means necessary if the International Criminal Court ever dares to probe an American or Israeli, and will punish those who cooperates with a war crime investigation, John Bolton is set to announce. ✔ The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court, Donald Trump’s national security adviser, John Bolton, is expected to say, according to a draft speech seen by Reuters ✔ The United States will always stand with our friend and ally, Israel, says Bolton's draft text
MPs demand inquiry into consequences of UK's inaction in Syria
Foreign affairs committee report comes as Russia readies assault on rebel-held Idlib ✔ It is the committee’s view that this failure derives principally not from the actions taken by the international community but inaction ✔ The absence of humanitarian intervention as a final recourse could result in the paralysis of the international system and a failure to act, resulting in grave consequences for civilian populations
Bob Woodward: Nixed Trump Tweet 'Scared The Daylights' Out Of The Pentagon
A proposed tweet would've been seen by North Korea as a sign that "an attack is imminent." ✔ He drafts a tweet saying ‘We are going to pull out dependents from South Korea .. ✔ Trump derided Kim as Little Rocket Man and bragged about having a much bigger & more powerful nuclear button ✔ However, a summit between the two in Singapore earlier this year eased tensions, and over the weekend Trump even thanked the North Korean dictator for not showing off nuclear missiles during a military parade in Pyongyang
Trump administration threatens sanctions against International Criminal Court
The United States on Monday will adopt an aggressive posture against the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, threatening sanctions against its judges if they proceed with an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by Americans in Afghanistan. ✔ The draft speech says the Trump administration will fight back if the International Criminal Court formally proceeds with opening an investigation into alleged war crimes committed by US service members and intelligence professionals during the war in Afghanistan
Is a Major Attack on Syria Feasible? Or Are Russia's Area Denial Forces Just Too Strong?
With the United States, Britain and France all reportedly making preparations to launch a major offensive against Syria, and threatening use of force on a scale far larger than that of the attack carried out in April 2018, Russia has notably responded by moving naval assets to the Mediterranean and deploying its warships in defensive positions to deter a potential second Western attack. ✔ A single S-400 battalion is capable of engaging up to 80 targets simultaneously with up to 160 missiles, and with these missiles travelling at hypersonic speeds and striking with high degrees of precision the weapons system can effectively eliminate any known formation of attacking combat jets in little over a minute even at extreme ranges
Trump Now Threatens to Attack Syria Even If No Chemical Weapons Used
President Trump issued a statement recently warning that he is “going to get very, very angry” if the upcoming Syrian offensive against al-Qaeda in Idlib Province ends up “slaughters civilians.” He threatened to respond “swiftly and appropriately.” ✔ President Trump issued a statement recently warning that he is going to get very, very angry if the upcoming Syrian offensive against al-Qaeda in Idlib Province ends up slaughters civilians ✔ Previously, US officials had threatened to attack if chemical weapons were used
Ex-US Intelligence Officers Warn Trump Over Syria Attack: 'Don't Be Surprised When the Russians Start Firing Their Missiles'
MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity SUBJECT: Moscow Has Upped the Ante in Syria Mr. President: ✔ By that we mean a public commitment by the Presidents of the U.S. and Russia to strengthen procedures to preclude an open clash between U.S. and Russian armed forces ✔ We believe that, in present circumstances, this kind of extraordinary step is now required to head off wider war ✔ An archive of VIPS memoranda is available at
Abe aims for constitution change in bid for extended term
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, eyeing an historic extended term, reaffirmed on Monday his resolve to revise the nation's post-war, pacifist constitution and said he hoped his party could submit a proposal to parliament later this year. Abe, who returned to office in December 2012 pledging to bolster defenses and… ✔ An attempt to revise the constitution would be politically risky ✔ He said he has learned a lesson from the impact of the 2014 sales tax hike, which dealt a blow to private consumption, citing the need to stimulate consumption of durable goods such as cars and housing
Analysis | Obama adviser running for Congress claims he also worked for Bush
Andy Kim's campaign ad says he worked for Democratic and Republican administrations. But he worked only five months in an entry-level job under President Bush. ✔ Kim’s résumé, which his campaign provided upon request, provides more details ✔ Two Pinocchios (About our rating scale) Send us facts to check by filling out this form Sign up for The Fact Checker weekly newsletter The Fact Checker is a verified signatory to the International Fact-Checking Network code of principles
VOX POPULI: Try to hear that low singing voice behind the roar of jackboots
There are tunes that appease people’s feelings when they sing them to themselves in times of hardshi ✔ One of her few fun moments was when she met up with trustworthy friends at home in private and sang Japanese songs, which were so dear to her ✔ Someone even danced with a tray put on the head in the shape of a hat ✔ I prick up my imaginary ears softly, giving thought to the feelings of ordinary citizens over there
43 suspects in deadly Philippine bombings face criminal charges
MANILA--Criminal complaints have been filed against 43 Muslim militants from two armed groups linked ✔ However, it cited a greatly inflated military death toll ✔ Small but violent, the two groups oppose a Muslim autonomy deal Duterte signed with the largest Muslim rebel group in the country, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which has dropped secessionism for broader autonomy for minority Muslims in the south
Afghan translators risked their lives to help US military, now we're denying them visas
The special immigration visa program for wartime interpreters is far less risky than the work they did to help US forces. Keep our promises, let them in. ✔ In the absence of data, anecdotal experience suggests that most are prospering and contributing to the economy of their new country ✔ Gil Barndollar is director of Middle East Studies at the Center for the National Interest ✔ He served as a Marine infantry officer from 2009 to 2016, deploying to Afghanistan twice
Bodyguard spoilers: who's behind the conspiracy?
Warning: ✔ Warning: contains spoilers So they actually did it ✔ Moreover, it’s been spelled out that her successor as Home Secretary, former Counter Terrorism Minister of State Mike Travis (Vincent Franklin), is in cahoots with Montague’s flunky-ish special advisor Rob MacDonald (Paul Ready)
Why Slovakia worries about the Night Wolves
The corner of a foreign field becomes decidedly Russian ✔ The Economist explainsWhy Slovakia worries about the Night Wolves The corner of a foreign field becomes decidedly Russian DOLNA KRUPA seems an unlikely place for a controversy about Russian influence in Europe ✔ Some liken the Night Wolves’ presence to the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia (of which Slovakia was once part) 50 years ago
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