The Midwest economy is about to get pummeled again
Manufacturing jobs growth has already stalled, and the trade war will make it worse. ✔ The Rust Belt is full of households and communities who ignored decades-old trends ✔ The main players, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, spoke easily about the evils of trade, wholly misrepresenting facts ✔ And, in an underappreciated farewell speech, President Obama made it quite plain ✔ We Want to Hear from You Join the conversation Comment
Apple Suppliers ‘Cautious’ About Orders For iPhone XR, Flagship Models
Apple’s Taiwan-based suppliers remain cautious about orders for the new iPhones because of the ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China. ✔ Industry sources disclosed to Digitimes Tuesday that Apple’s iPhone suppliers in Taiwan have opted to remain cautious about unit orders from the Cupertino giant even though the iPhone XR is scheduled to launch in the second half of this month ✔ According to industry sources, the suppliers of Apple’s new iPhones are expected to post weak sales for the fourth quarter ✔ Suppliers are careful about additional orders for the new iPhones
China Managing Slowdown Amid US Tariffs, Has Room To Do More
Analysts spoke to International Business Times on how China’s policymakers have responded to Trump’s tariffs, and which countries will likely gain from the trade war. ✔ The ship Hammersmith Bridge (foreground) which has just arrived from Shanghai in China, unloads Chinese shipping containers at the Port of Long Beach, in Los Angeles County, on September 29, 2018 ✔ Measures such as reduction of corporate taxes, increase in export rebate taxes, and reduced operating costs, are some measures implemented or in the pipeline to help the economy alleviate some pain
President Trump moves to pull U.S. out of 144-year-old postal treaty, citing hit to U.S. firms
President Trump on Wednesday threatened to pull the United States out of a 144-year-old postal treaty it says disadvantages U.S. shippers. ✔ The Universal Postal Union, created in 1874, sets shipping rates for 192 member countries ✔ Senior officials said the State Department would formally begin the process of withdrawing from the treaty Wednesday, but noted that process can take a year to finish
US v CHINA: American navy docks in Taiwan sparking major concerns in Beijing
MILITARY tensions between America and China have escalated further after a US Navy ship docked in Taiwan. ✔ Tensions between China's Xi Jinping and Donald Trump could rise over the US Navy move (Image: GETTY) The Pentagon announced in September that a deal had been struck with the Taiwanese administration who agreed to buy $330million (£229million) worth of spare parts for F-16, C-130 and F-5 aircraft
China's hidden $6 trillion debt pile is an 'iceberg' posing a 'titanic risk'
China may be sitting on a hidden debt pile of as much as 40 trillion yuan ($6 trillion), concealed off-balance-sheet by the country's local governments, according to research from S&P Global Ratings. ✔ This bankruptcy risk has not gone unnoticed, with S&P cutting its credit ratings on seven LGFVs about a month ago ✔ Although CNY depreciation can partially offset trade war impact, a large depreciation will likely hurt domestic confidence, trigger panic outflows and risk financial stability, UBS said
U.S. regains its spot as ‘most competitive’ economy in the world
Once he’s done calling out the AP as “fake news” and slamming Democrats about immigration laws, Donald Trump just might tweet out this story. And he’d have good reason to. ✔ Specifically, a trade war between the U.S. and China the U.S. has levied $250 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods, drawing retaliation could put a lid on growth ✔ Shawn Langlois Shawn Langlois is an editor and writer for MarketWatch in Los Angeles ✔ We Want to Hear from You Join the conversation Comment
The stock market's all-time highs are behind it, Invesco warns
Invesco's Kristina Hooper has a warning for investors: Don't get too complacent. ✔ More 'turbulence' is coming to stocks, Invesco warns 18 Hours Ago | 02:13 Stocks may be coming off their best day in almost seven months, but Invesco has a warning for investors: Don't get too complacent ✔ The U.S. has now cleared the deck and can focus more entirely on China
Fund Managers Increasingly Wary on Global Growth
Over a third of fund managers expect global growth to decelerate in the next year—the most pessimistic outlook since November 2008, according to a monthly survey by Bank of America Merrill Lynch. ✔ A record 85% of investors believe that growth world-wide is in the late stages of an economic cycle, although it is unclear how long the stages might last ✔ The monthly survey polls investors who collectively manage $646 billion in assets ✔ Still, fund managers don’t see a continuing selloff in U.S. stocks just yet ✔ To receive our Markets newsletter every morning in your inbox, click here
Dollar gains for a second day as markets eye Fed minutes
The dollar edged higher on Wednesday as a rally on Wall Street boosted risk appe... ✔ Cross-currency basis swaps in euros, yen and sterling, money market gauges of offshore dollar liquidity, have widened in recent weeks ✔ That suggest the U.S. Federal Reserve’s rate hikes have cut into the availability of overseas dollars ✔ Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles
The S&P 500 is headed higher, but a trade deal won’t save Chinese stocks
Algorithmic trading caused last week’s stock-market drop, writes Ivan Martchev. ✔ The mother of all dead-cat bounces is over I have previously referred to the rally in the Shanghai Composite off the climactic low in January of 2016 as the mother of all dead-cat bounces, or MOADCB ✔ We Want to Hear from You Join the conversation Comment
U.S. government bond yields edge higher ahead of Fed minutes
U.S. government bond yields rose in early Wednesday trading ahead of the Federal Reserve’s minutes from the September meeting as traders look for further clues on when the central bank intends to stop raising rates ✔ European Council President Donald Tusk said the EU should make preparations for no deal ✔ Nonetheless, some investors are sanguine on a last-minute breakthrough ✔ Subscribe to MarketWatch's free Need to Know newsletter ✔ We Want to Hear from You Join the conversation Comment
China Sept new loans rebound on policy easing, more steps seen
Asia-focused English-language publication that brings you insights about business, finance, economic and political news, comments and analysis for Asia, by Asia on ✔ But the increased lending barely compensates for shrinking shadow loans, one of the major targets of regulators as they seek to curb systemic financial risks ✔ Central bank governor Yi Gang said on Sunday he still sees plenty of room for adjustment in interest rates and the reserve requirement ratio (RRR), as downside risks from trade tensions with the United States remain significant
What will the U.S. be left with when this bull market goes to slaughter?
Trendlines turn. Bubbles burst. Here we are with a booming economy — and what will we have to show for it when the inevitable happens? Not much. ✔ If something cannot go on forever, the economist Herbert Stein famously wrote, it will stop ✔ The Grim Reaper is all warmed up in the bullpen, waiting for the opening riff from Welcome to the Jungle ✔ Yet some enthusiasts claim the sky is perfectly clear of storm clouds ✔ Recessions dampen tax receipts while spiking demand for state services
5 reasons real interest rates are still so low
How can real interest rates be so low when the economy is growing so well? Caroline Baum examines five theories. ✔ So the zero-real-rate train may be getting ready to leave the station ✔ Trade-war tariffs will eventually raise consumer prices ✔ Rather than charging out of the gate, the real-estate sector was the slowest to recover, despite extremely low rates ✔ We Want to Hear from You Join the conversation Comment
China is still the wildcard in the stock market's wild ride — here's why
The U.S. stock market has regained some of the ground it lost last week, but it's still gyrating. Analysts fear China's slowing debt-ridden economy could send global markets on another wild ride. The spillover effect could be severe. ✔ VCG | Visual China Group | Getty Images An investor watches the electronic board at a stock exchange hall on October 11, 2018 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province of China ✔ Emerging markets have declined as a whole, with the iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index falling by 14.6 percent this year
Analysis | The Finance 202: The GOP's paradox: The economy is popular, but Trump is not
The trend lines don't match. ✔ The move was widely expected Trump has been discussing trade with E.U., British and Japanese leaders for months ✔ But giving notice to Congress signals an intent to make wide-ranging free-trade agreements with those countries and a commitment to keep pursuing deals around the globe even as Trump escalates his fight with China ✔ Meet the Hirshhorn's newest staffer, Pepper the robot: Parking in the lap of luxury:
Analysis | The Daily 202: How Scott Walker is trying to withstand a ‘blue wave’ in Wisconsin
The Republican and Democratic candidates for governor both say they want the race to be about local issues, not Donald Trump. ✔ From Damian Paletta: McConnell, in a Bloomberg News interview, also said there was little chance Republicans would be able to cut government spending next year if they retained control of Congress because any changes would need leadership from Democrats
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