15 Parisian Sidewalk Cafes That Will Make You Book A Ticket To France ASAP
Très chic! ✔ Et finalement, Café Louise Did you know you can sign up for a BuzzFeed Community account and create your own BuzzFeed posts ✔ Here's a handy guide to help you start posting today! Looking for even more travel in your life ✔ Then you should join our Bring Me Community Facebook group to talk about it to your heart’s content! This post was created by a member of BuzzFeed Community, where anyone can post awesome lists and creations
Paul Weller, review: Career-spanning show from an artist ageing with grace and beauty
Rarely heard tracks from across the Modfather’s career, from ‘The Jam’ to new folk-rock solo album ‘True Meanings’, are performed with an orchestra. By Elisa Bray ✔ This is a crowd of devoted Mod fans, so tonight’s set spans Weller’s career, including rarely heard tracks from The Style Council (Man of Great Promise) and The Jam (Private Hell and Boy About Town) ✔ Tonight shows an artist growing older with grace, and musical beauty
Simon Cowell pampers his beloved dogs by flying them by private jet
SIMON Cowell pampers his beloved dogs by flying them in a private jet. The X Factor mogul is so devoted to his three Yorkshire Terriers that he refuses to put them on a commercial flight. Instead,… ✔ The star travels between his London and Los Angeles homes with the pups, as well as an annual Caribbean jaunt ✔ He wants Squiddly, Diddly and Freddie to enjoy their travel jaunts as much as him and that means only the best ✔ The number of passengers travelling with pets dogs, cats and ferrets has risen by 11.3 per cent in the past year
Pastor Brunson Met With Trump At The White House After Spending Two Years Detained In Turkey
“He is a great Christian who has been through such a tough experience,” Trump tweeted Saturday. ✔ Ahead of Brunson’s arrival, Trump tweeted: It will be wonderful to see and meet him ✔ There was, however, great appreciation on behalf of the United States, which will lead to good, perhaps great, relations between the United States & Turkey! 02:17 PM - 13 Oct 2018 Reply Retweet Favorite News of Brunson’s impending release was first reported Thursday by NBC News, which said a secret deal had been made between the White House and Turkish officials
Boeing 737 flies into brick wall — and just keeps going
An Air India pilot decided the plane was fine and continued for hundreds of miles with debris wrapped around the landing gear and a gash in the fuselage. ✔ Eight years earlier, another Boeing 737 flown by Air India had been returning from Dubai when it crashed in Mangalore, exploded and killed 158 people ✔ Read more: Dozens bleed from ears and noses after flight crew forgets to pressurize plane A plane engine fell apart in midair
12 Shower Mistakes That Affect Your Health
According to statistics, all of us spend about 1.5 years of our lives in the bathroom. And we spend about 6 months taking a shower. There is nothing surprising about this fact because hygiene plays a huge role in our lives. But few people know that there are some things that we do wrong in the shower. ✔ © depositphotos If you have been using a shower head for a long time, you might notice some kind of plaque on it that can be dangerous for your health ✔ Scientists found that there can be bacteria on shower heads that can cause lung diseases ✔ Illustrated by Leisan Gabidullina for BrightSide.me
We pit winter-sun isles of La Palma against Sicily to find the ultimate holiday
WINTER is the perfect time to find a relaxing spot and bathe in the sunshine. But will Spain or Italy win your heart this year? La Palma The fifth largest of the Canary Islands, La Palma is all abo… ✔ Plus, it boasts the longest warm-weather season in the country ✔ This secluded, unspoilt little cove, with its rocky coastline and crystal-clear water, is a snorkeller’s paradise ✔ See today's best travel deals Get email alerts of the best deals straight to your inbox
The Harlem Jazz Club Where the Spirit of Billie Holiday Lives On
Minton’s Playhouse, the birthplace of bebop, still rules over 118th Street. ✔ He draws on older traditions as well as bebop: call and response, gospel, New Orleans, Chicago ✔ Opinion: Democrats Are Blowing It, Again Death at the Crossroads: A Ragged Limo, an Anxious Driver and 17 Friends How Jared Kushner Avoided Paying Taxes Tyndall Air Force Base a ‘Complete Loss’ Amid Questions About Stealth Fighters As Suburban Women Turn to Democrats, Many Suburban Men Stand With Trump
Heart Transplant Recipient Aims To Be The First To Visit All 196 Countries Before He Passes Away
My name is Jordan D Marcia. I’m twenty-six years old, and a twenty-two year, post-heart transplant recipient. I was born with a rare congenital heart defect known as transposition of the great arteries, which proposed a tragic end to my life if I wasn’t able to get a new heart. Luckily for me, I received my life-saving organ at the young age of three. The benefit to having an organ transplant at such a young age is that you quickly realize how short life really is, along with how easily it can be taken from you. This all sounds negative, but I promise you it is nothing but positive. Needing a new heart, and realizing my mortality by the age of five – when I was told that heart transplant recipients live on average, ten years post-transplant – uniquely positioned me to be able to live my life with no regrets, a constant appreciation for life, and a new-found wanderlust to see this beautiful world. The downside to having an organ transplant, and in my case, a heart transplant, is a shorter life span. Mine would top out at forty years old, a mere fifteen years from where I’m at now. I always knew that I wanted to travel, and experience everything this world had to offer. While I took multiple road trips with my family across Canada, the United States, and Mexico, I knew there was more, and my condition only fed my insatiable desire to see it all. So, at twenty-two, I packed my bags, said goodbye to my family and friends, and left for my first solo adventure – a journey across Asia. The moment I set foot in Bangkok, I was hooked. On that first trip, I traveled to four countries over four months and loved every minute of the adventure. From descending waterfalls in Vietnam, to hiking along secret beaches in Laos, and getting chased by evil monkeys on Monkey Island off of Koh Tao, Thailand, that first trip gave me a real taste of the world for the first time – close-up, and not on a TV screen. I couldn’t get enough. Soon after I returned home, I started speaking with my doctors about a longer trip and trying to figure out the logistics. Medication, vaccines, my health status; all the fun stuff. After two years, I had finally worked out all the details, and was astonished to find out that my heart, even after twenty years, was incredibly healthy. Although a few of my doctors wanted a reason to say no, my cardiologist shares my idea of life being short, and even shorter for people like me. So, he said yes, and told me to go out and enjoy my life. With all my struggles growing up, from the transplant to beating cancer, I guess he believed I deserved it. Traveling has been huge for me; it’s allowed me to get in touch with myself, feel more confident in my abilities (especially when your scooter’s headlights burn out on the side of a main highway in Laos, and you have to drive three hours back to a hostel, with a map that barely works on a phone that is slowly losing battery!) and even come to terms with my impending doom. There’s just something about standing on the edge of a cliff in Laos, staring up at waterfalls that have been there for centuries before you even knew they existed, and knowing they’ll be there long after you’re gone. Somehow that humbled me, and forced me to appreciate all life, even my life, more than I ever did before. Life really is short. At twenty-five years old, the average man is approximately thirty-three percent done with life, if the average lifespan is seventy-six. I’m a little different in that my lifespan is cut at forty years old – half the life of an average man. At twenty-five, I’m sixty-three percent done with my life. So although we all have a limited time on this earth, mine is even more limited. I’m also a firm believer that tomorrow isn’t promised, retirement isn’t promised, and that anything can happen to you at any moment. I choose to do things that make me happy, that put on a smile on my face and keep my spirits high. While aiming to visit every country in the world, becoming the first heart, and organ recipient to do so, I plan on spreading as much needed awareness for organ donation, transplantation and the need for donors. This is why I travel. This is why I want to see everything this world has to offer, and why I plan to visit all one hundred and ninety-six countries. It’s also why I’m a huge advocate for organ donation. Without it, I wouldn’t be alive. I create videos about my travels, and about organ transplant recipients to help spread awareness, and introduce people to the idea of becoming an organ donor. It truly saves lives. ✔ Sunrise In Myanmar This post was created by a member of BuzzFeed Community, where anyone can post awesome lists and creations ✔ Learn more or post your buzz! The best things at three price points The best things at three price points More BuzzFeed Reviews More BuzzFeed Reviews
Kerry King reveals what the Universe has in store for you this week… according to Tarot
EVERY Sunday, our resident Tarotscope reader Kerry King will be revealing what surprises, challenges and excitement awaits you in the week ahead. Kerry has been practising tarot readings for the la… ✔ So, this loss will actually make way for you to receive some wonderful gift, legacy, promotion, windfall or opportunity which far exceeds the value of your initial loss ✔ You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, at www.kerrykingtarot.etsy.com
Iron Fist has been cancelled by Netflix
Fans expressed their disappointment over the news on Twitter ✔ Netflix 1/25 Bojack Horseman A cartoon about a talking horse, starring the goofy older brother from Arrested Development… on paper little about BoJack Horseman screams must watch ✔ Support free-thinking journalism and subscribe to Independent Minds Fans expressed their disappointment over the cancellation of Iron Fist on Twitter with many agreeing that its second season was a vast improvement on the first
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